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My rebs are starving with full wagons

Sun May 26, 2013 1:28 am

I thought the wagons take supply hits first before the men starve.

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Sun May 26, 2013 1:51 am

The wagons will give supplies to the nearby forces before men starve. Can you post a picture or something? It will make it easier to understand your question.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Sun May 26, 2013 12:29 pm

If you stack a unit which has no supply with a unit which has supply the game engine will calculate the stack's Carried Supply/Full Supply Amount for the entire stack; thus all units in the stack share their supplies with all other units in the stack and units which themselves are carrying no supplies will not take hits nor lose cohesion for lack of supply. This works with all units of all types.

When stacked with a Supply Unit the game engine will transfer supply from the Supply Unit to the other units in the stack.

A Supply Units can give supplies to units in other stacks in the same region, but it takes longer and I believe depends on movement abilities--ground consistency (mud, dry), MC, cohesion of the units and maybe some other restrictions.

In your case it would not be good to depend on transferring supplies from one stack to another. Besides, I'm pretty sure that you take hits and cohesion loss before supply is transferred.

Rule of thumb--at least for the wealthy Union: keep one Supply Unit per division, or division sized force, in a stack.

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