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Proomoting generals

Mon May 13, 2013 10:02 pm

Playing my first campaign. Started easy with 1863 as Union. I just managed to win battles at Vicksburg, Fredricksburg and Wilmington, NC all in the same turn. This in turn led to 5 generals that are eligible for promotion. Can I only promote one per turn without incurring penalties? Won't I lose the ability to promote the other 4 if I don't do it this turn? I thought I had previously found a great sticky on this topic but I can't find it any more.

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Mon May 13, 2013 11:39 pm

You can promote them all in one turn. There is no restriction on that.

Penalties are assessed on having other leaders of the current same rank with higher seniority (passing them over). Take the leader you are thinking about promoting out of the stack if there are other leaders of higher rank and or seniority in their stack and hold the mouse pointer over the promote button. This will give you a tool tip telling you if and what penalty you will incur on promoting that leader over a higher seniority leader. The passed over leader will lose some seniority. So you might want to consider that if the passed over leader is one you want to get promoted.

Also download the Union and Confederate Commanders lists so graciously created by bburns9: Updated Generals Lists 1.15 Legacy Patch. Some leaders attributes worse when promoted to a higher rank. All leaders lose experience when being promoted.

If more than one eligible leader is in the stack, if the top leader is promotable and you hit the promote button, all other promotable leader still in the stack will also be promoted.

If you want to select exactly which leaders of a stack you want to promote you will have to separate them out of the stack or into their own stacks, as the case may be.

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