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James D Burns
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Renaming formations

Mon Apr 23, 2007 11:17 pm

I would literally love the ability to rename every kind of formation in the game, from single militia regiments all the way up to Army HQ’s.

I realize it’s probably a big change to ask for, but if there is any possible way of implementing said change it would be a huge improvement in my opinion.

Nothing worse for immersion and game flavor than to have every single division simply be numbered when I would greatly prefer they be named after their current division commanders.

Heck even if the game simply renamed the formations after any assigned commanders automatically rather than using a player input feature, it would be a big improvement. Right now I just feel like my divisions lack that civil war individual personality so many formations had.


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Tue Apr 24, 2007 12:14 am

certainly would be a nice feature....

wouldn't be surprised to see it in a future patch...

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Tue Apr 24, 2007 3:58 am

Indeed. With the possibility of locking the name, so that if you add to the formation, it doesn't get auto-renamed (as seems to happen under certain conditions currently)

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Tue Apr 24, 2007 5:30 am

Quick question. Why is it that when you add a leader to a divisional HQ, it only takes the leader's name in certain circustances? I'd love it if the divisional HQ always took on the name of the leader assigned to it.

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Tue Apr 24, 2007 7:21 am

for the CSA, the name of the commander is added. For the USA, they named their division with a number.

I can tell you how to alter a text file to have the CSA habit for the USA too.

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:11 pm

I would love this feature as well - I would almost go out on a limb and say that it's surprising that this isn't something that was originally included as a feature. With all of the wonderful options we have in organizing our armies, we don't have the ability to give them names. I'm constantly having to fight the game's auto-naming feature to avoid weird names. For example:

I started a new 1862 campaign, and had the Army of Northern Virginia commanded by Johnston. When Lee became free I moved him up there, and swapped them out - but when I did that the army became the Army of the Potomac. I realize the CSA Army of the Potomac DID exist in 1861, but why would it be renamed from the ANV to the AoP in 1862 when Lee takes command? Now I'm essentially stuck with this in my game, which is weird. Now it's the Army of the Potomac vs. the Army of the Potomac in the East.

Things like this also happen when I change corps commanders, but in reverse - I will change commanders, but the corps retains the name of the old commander. This is not as much of a big deal because I can usually work around it by completely splitting up the whole core and reforming it, but still a nuisance.

If we were able to rename our units, we could also use the corps naming system that was used by the Federals (roman numerals) instead of using the commander's name.

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:20 pm

I can tell you how to alter a text file to have the CSA habit for the USA too.

Pocus, please share this information with us if you will. Thanks -- WSH

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Mon Jun 18, 2007 8:26 pm


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Mon Jun 18, 2007 11:11 pm

You can also edit a game file and have the Union divisions take on the name of their divisional commanders just like the CSA does.

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