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Ill Take my Stand- Causes of Southern Secession

Posted: Sat Jul 23, 2016 7:07 pm
by 1stvermont

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2016 10:59 pm
by 1stvermont
tripax wrote:
@1stVermont: I'm not sure what you mean by interacting with me multiple forums (or did you mean threads?). In recent years, my online writing is only here and on wikipedia, and, while I'd love to see you put your energy into writing on wikipedia (and would be happy to help you or anyone here get started there), I'm pretty sure I've never run into you on that site (if I'm wrong, I don't know how you know my username there, but feel free to PM me your username).

Thanks for the kind words and offer to help. I have been encouraged to start a website [with offer to do it for me even] and also to put my stuff on a website. If i were to do that i must first properly edit and reference my material. That would be allot of work at this point in my life. When the kids are out of the house that is something i may get into down the line. But I am just happy know to be digging into the military aspects again, my true love. For example my next interest I have been working on and will post here on the forum if i am allowed. Is that George McClellan was the most underrated general of the war. I know it sounds crazy, just first read it when I post. I would love your analysis when I do.

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2016 1:02 pm
by lodilefty
1stvermont wrote:Thanks for the kind words and offer to help. I have been encouraged to start a website [with offer to do it for me even] and also to put my stuff on a website. If i were to do that i must first properly edit and reference my material. That would be allot of work at this point in my life. When the kids are out of the house that is something i may get into down the line. But I am just happy know to be digging into the military aspects again, my true love. For example my next interest I have been working on and will post here on the forum if i am allowed. Is that George McClellan was the most underrated general of the war. I know it sounds crazy, just first read it when I post. I would love your analysis when I do.

I look forward to a discussion of McClellan's Military capability. Just no politics, OK?