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Anyone in Eastern US?

Thu Mar 01, 2007 4:54 pm

Anyone on the east coast and/or travel to Gettysburg alot? It's about 3 hours from me and I've been going there 3-4 times a year since i was a kid...well...24 isnt THAT old, but still. If anyone is interested in going at any point, let me know, would be glad to show you around =)

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:27 pm

I used to live near Petersburg, Va. and going up to Gettysburg was my summer vacation every year. I think we went to most of the battlefield sites before sprawl had taken away so much of them (This was back in the late 70s early 80s). Then I went to college in Mississippi, so from there I got to travel to a lot of the western sites, most of which are not nearly so well preserved as the east, which is a shame, the western theater is overlooked by so many people despite the fact that the real work of winning the war was mostly done there. Living in Florida now, I get up to Atlanta now and then and go to the Cyclorama, which is a very impressive piece of art, and well worth visiting.

I've been wanting to take a week and drive up through the Blue Ridge and see some sites, but the way my job is, there's no telling when I can do that. Whenever I can though, we should get a AACW Gettysburg group together and re-enact Pickett's charge. :)

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 5:51 pm

I've never been to Gettysburg but for most of my life I lived a few miles from the Manassas battlefield. I may move back later this year.

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Thu Mar 01, 2007 9:25 pm

I live about 25 minutes down the road in Frederick County, MD. I usually go up there every week or so. I'm also in a good location to see Antietam, Harper's Ferry, and South Mountain. If there is an AACW trip, count me in :gardavou:
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Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:21 am

just went with the wife for the first time this summer.... on our anniversary! what a gal!

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Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:33 am

I am located almost exactly half-way between Washington D.C. and Baltimore, according to the AACW map right about where the Patuxent river crosses the rail-line between the two cities. That puts me about 90 minutes from Gettysburg.

I go to Gettysburg every November for a miniature figures wargame convention, held there in the Eisenhower Center. In fact there are three such major conventions held each year in the Pennsylvania area:

Cold Wars - in Lancaster (usually March - just had it this weekend Fri-Sun)
Historicon - in Lancaster (usually July - this is the largest one in the country with many people and attractions - runs Thu-Sun)
Fall In - Gettysburg (usually November - somewhat smaller but always interesting - runs Fri-Sun)

There are also many other similar conventions in other parts of the country, but those three are the largest and organized by the local chapter of the HMGS (Historical Miniature Gaming Society). You can see a listing of all the upcoming conventions at there website:

I would highly recommend attending one of these conventions if you get the chance, even if you don't care much for miniature figures. For those interested in military related history, art, movies, music and games in general, it verges on Nirvana.

I also belong to a figure wargame group in my local area that gets together every Thursday for battles. Currently, we are doing a 15mm game of the Battle of Chickamauga that has been going on for about five weeks. I have command of a couple divisions in the Union center and right now I'm trying to hold on against a coordinated Confederate push. I am getting my tushy handed to me!!

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Mon Mar 26, 2007 8:13 pm

I been to Gettysburg, it's a few hours away from me, thats a Awesome Place,
I live in Waterford, PA If you look at the local history in the Museum we have here, They claim that a Northern Unit under the command of Brig. General W. Cooper Talley camped right in the Town Of Waterford on April 17th of 1863,

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Mon May 28, 2007 10:08 pm

I live about two hours from G'burg. I usually only go there to pick up reenacting gear. But I've done any reenacting since '04, so it's been a while.
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Staff Ride

Fri Jun 08, 2007 1:37 pm

As an Army Officer posted in the National Capital Region, I have had the the pleasure of participating in "staff rides" for the 1st battle of Manassas and Sharpsburg.

It is done as a "professional development" excersize where each participant researches and then briefs a portion of the battle. I did the engagement on Mathews Hill for the 1st Battle of Manassas and the Cornfield for Sharpsburg.

The US Army Center for Military History publishes Staff Ride guides which are an excellent resource for touring the battlefield.

Living in Northen Virginia provides an excellent opportunity to visit many of the battlefields. I have also attended Fall In at Gettysburg and toured the battlefield.

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