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Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:43 am

Abilities are special skills (both positive and negative) that leaders and individual military elements may have.

AGEOD games include many special abilities. Many of them are common to games, plus each game has a few unique to that game.

Hovering your mouse over a special ability icon will also display a tooltip with useful information.

Special abilities in Ageod games are divided into 26 categories , depending on the effect
    00: Battle Bonus
    01: Move Bonus
    02: Transport
    03: Training
    04: Area Bound
    05: Charismatic
    06: Patriot
    07: IDFlag
    08: Supply Mod
    09: Siege
    10: Surprise
    11: Retreat
    12: Fog of War Adjust
    13: BorrowUnits
    14: MultiNation
    15: BattleCrossing
    16: Flavor
    17: CohAdjust
    18: Loyalty Adjust
    19: CmdAdjust
    20: HideAndSeek
    21: Collection
    22: CommitUnits
    23: Commander in Chief Modifiers
    24: Attrition Modifiers
    25: DamageDealer
    26: Unit Spawning

Ability Categories

Ability_Reference (Google table with a brief description of the parameters used in abilities)

(Download the same table Ability Parameters Reference Spreadsheet)
Last edited by andrzej on Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:52 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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Re: Abilities

Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:49 am

Last edited by andrzej on Tue Oct 17, 2023 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Abilities

Tue Oct 17, 2023 7:53 am

In this topic I want to collect all the information on abilities and discuss details that are unclear to me.

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Re: Abilities

Tue Oct 17, 2023 8:09 am

General ability
that can be used in all categories:

Appliance - scale of influence of the ability:

    Self - affects only the itself element/leader.

    Leader - this ability will have an effect only if the military leader (with this ability) is the commander of a squad (stack/group/corp/army)

    Unit - affects the connection (unit, division) in which it is located

    Group - affects the entire squad (stack/group) in which the element / leader is located (the leader does not have to be the squad leader)

Family -
- a parameter that determines the possibility of summing the effects of other abilities. If the Family value of abilities of the same category (for example Battle Bonus) is the same, then their effects do not stack.
Family= 0 apparently means that the effects of such abilities are cumulative with all.

- Initial level of ability: some abilities do not start (written in the game files) from level 1, which can increase efficiency.
The value of the level increases the effects from it by several times, that is, if it is indicated that the ability is of the second level, then the effects from it will be 2 times greater

- speed of improvement .
Number of experience level of the unit/leader to get +1 level in this ability, 5% per level above that indicated

- the ability will only work if the part has a given FactionTag (faction tag) or any other tag for the IDFlag abi. That is, the ability will only work for certain nations.

- Limit a model attribute: Enter attribute as *attribute*, then add the same definition to attribute column in models that are to receive the ability.

- Difine a target attribute: Enter attribute as *attribute*, then add the same definition to attribute column in models that are the target.

- dependence of the influence of the ability on the activity/inactivity of the leader.
Works only for land leaders (Army). The abilities of Naval Leader (and land leaders who have the ability to control both the Army and the Navy) are never inactive and therefore their abilities do not depend on activity

- Area limitation. Restricted to this area, can only be used at the leader level. . The ability will only work in the specified area(s) This parameter can only be used for Appliance of Leader scale

- list of terrain types. The ability will only work in the listed terrain types.

- a list of your troop types (from the SubTypes (of units&models).ini file). The effects of the ability will only apply to the listed troop types (for example $Irregular or $Cavalry)

- a list of types of enemy troops against whom this ability will work. Can only be used at the Leader scale, or if a BattleBonus class ability, then at any scale.
Only used specifically for FoWAdjustAbi (Fog of War) class abilities.

- list of subtypes (list in Models Families.ini) of your troops for which this ability will work (for example $famLightInf or $famHvyArty)

- a list of subtypes of enemy troops against which this ability will work.

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Re: Abilities

Tue Oct 17, 2023 5:26 pm

Pocus wrote:.

Bohémond wrote:.

- I ask respected ageod experts to help !

I'm correcting the old Russian translation of the PON game and want to make a detailed pop-up description of the abilities. But I couldn't figure out how some parameters work:
1) If one stack has two abilities of the same category and having the same Family, this means that their effects do not stack, but how exactly does this happen:
- any effects from these two abilities will not stack, but then which of the abilities will have priority and will work ?
- or only identical effects will not be summed up, but then the effect of which of the two abilities will have priority?

2) How exactly does the ProgRate parameter work? The value ProgRate = NULL and ProgRate =0 are the same and mean that the level of this ability cannot be increased? What does ProgRate =1 /2/3/4 mean?

3) What does the Level parameter do? Does Level 2 mean that ALL effects from the ability must be multiplied by two? Can all abilities be higher than the first level?

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Re: Abilities

Wed Oct 18, 2023 1:57 am

I cannot help for the 3 questions regarding family management/level and progRate, it is far beyond my knowledge.

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Re: Abilities

Wed Oct 18, 2023 7:16 am

Bohémond wrote:I cannot help for the 3 questions regarding family management/level and progRate, it is far beyond my knowledge.

There remains hope that Pocus explains. Or I will have to conduct a series of game tests to check how it works.

In any case, I will publish here all the information I have already collected. I think it will be useful for both players and those who make mods for Ageod games.

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