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Win the contest, and win a free AGEod game!

Fri Mar 02, 2012 9:35 pm

Gentlemen, I have great news! Pocus has asked me to be the hostess of a monthly contest, with a free AGEod game for the winner! :p ompom:

The contest will be a monthly history quiz. I'll post the first one here, within the next few days. It will consist of six challenging questions! The person who correctly answers the most questions will receive a free AGEod game of his choice! :w00t: If more than one person correctly answers all of the questions, then there will be a tie-breaker quiz.

One of the wonderful things about our AGEod community is that there are so many historians among us. The depth and scope of knowledge here is just amazing! With so many history experts among us, it only seems sensible to make the quiz a bit... challenging, shall we say. ;) What that means is that you can forget about such things as multiple choice answers, or questions which can be easily Googled. Even so, the questions won't be impossibly obscure.

So: bone up on your history, dust off your library card, and put your favorite bookstore on your speed dial list! There's a game to be won, if you know your stuff!
Good luck! :)

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Aphrodite Mae[/size][/font]

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AGEod History Quiz for March 2012!

Mon Mar 05, 2012 2:59 pm

Gentlemen of the forums, it gives me great pleasure to present the first monthly history quiz! :)

If there is sufficient participation in the contest, we will have a quiz each month. The winner of each quiz will be awarded a free AGEod game of his choice! :w00t: If you already own all AGEod games, then you may choose to take a raincheck so that you can receive any of the new games that are currently being developed.

Please don't post your responses in this thread. Answer each question to the best of your ability, and email your response to [email=""][/email]. I'll send a response, acknowledging that I've received your entry. The tiebreaker questions will be used to break ties among those contestants who answer all of the six primary questions correctly.

Good luck! :p ompom:


And now, our first question! :)

[SIZE="3"]What are these plans for?[/size]
[indent]Tiebreaker questions:
  • Who designed it?
  • Why was it not built?



When the French Second Empire fell in 1870, Empress Eugenie was forced to flee Paris ahead of the mob. As she was leaving the Louvre Palace, she happened to see a painting which held her transfixed in place until aides were able to move her along.

Our second question:
[SIZE="3"]What is the name of this painting that so captured Eugenie’s attention?[/size]

[indent]Tiebreaker question:
  • Where is the painting today?


Our third question:
[SIZE="3"]What town did this 'angel' save from destruction in 1676?[/size]



Our fourth question:
[SIZE="3"]When did the last American Civil War secessionist town surrender?[/size]

[indent]Tiebreaker questions:
  • What state or territory was it in?
  • Which American President wrote an open letter urging that the secessionist town rejoin the Union?


Our fifth question:
[SIZE="3"]For which nation do these soldiers bear arms?[/size]

[indent]Tiebreaker question:
  • Which American President was in office, when these photographs were made?
Don't jump to conclusions! Look closely! ;) [/indent]



Our sixth and final question! :)
[SIZE="3"]Who was the German 'Lawrence of Arabia'?[/size]

[indent]Tiebreaker question:
  • What was his role in the United States entry into World War I?


Next month's quiz won't be so simple! :mdr:

Please send your responses to [email=""][/email]!
The deadline for your submission is the last day of the month. :)

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Aphrodite Mae[/size][/font]

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:11 pm

The only image that is showing up on my monitor is the first one.

(Good questions, by the way).

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:14 pm

Thanks for letting me know!
I'll check the links! :)

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:13 pm

Everything is right. Feels so right even! :)

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:46 pm

Yes, all pictures look right :coeurs:

Unfortunately the only answers I know are for the first and 4th questions :( :mdr:

(Lucky for me that I already have all Ageod games :thumbsup :)

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 4:52 pm

Franciscus wrote:[...](Lucky for me that I already have all Ageod games :thumbsup :)

My hero! :coeurs:

But don't forget...

Aphrodite Mae wrote:[...]If you already own all AGEod games, then you may choose to take a raincheck so that you can receive any of the new games that are currently being developed. [...]

[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="3"]Aphrodite Mae[/size][/font]

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Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:15 pm

When is the cut-off for sending in e-mails on these contests? It's a monthly contest so I'm assuming that responses after March 2012 won't be accepted. Do attempts at answers have to be in before April Fool's Day?

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Entry Deadline

Mon Mar 05, 2012 5:22 pm

Philippe wrote:When is the cut-off for sending in e-mails on these contests? It's a monthly contest so I'm assuming that responses after March 2012 won't be accepted. Do attempts at answers have to be in before April Fool's Day?

You're correct, Philippe: the last day of the month is the last day to submit your response.

I'll edit the contest post to make this clear. :)

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Monatliche Geschichts-Quiz!

Thu Mar 08, 2012 11:36 pm

Sehr geehrte Herren des Forums, mit großer Freude präsentiere ich Euch das erste monatliche Geschichts-Quiz! :)

Bei zahlreicher Teilnahme an diesen Wettbewerb werden wir das Quiz monatlich wiederholen. In jedem Monat erhält der Gewinner des monatlichen Quiz ein AGEod-Spiel seiner Wahl. Besitzt ein Gewinner bereits alle zur Zeit erhältlichen AGEod-Spiele, darf der Gewinner seinen Preis bis zur Veröffentlichung eines der neuen, in der Entwicklung befindendlichen AGEod-Spiele aufheben.

Postet bitte Eure Antworten nicht in diesem Forumsthread! Beantwortet jede Frage so gut Ihr könnt und sendet sie an [email=""][/email]. Ich werde den Empfang Eurer Einsendungen bestätigen. Bei Gleichstand entscheiden die richtigen Antworten auf die Stichfragen über den Gewinner.

Viel Glück! :p ompom:


Und jetzt, die erste Frage! :)

[SIZE="3"]Was für ein Gerät ist dieser Plan?[/size]
  • Wer hat es entworfen?
  • Warum wurde das Gerät nicht gebaut?



Als das zweite französische Kaiserreich im Jahre 1870 zerfiel, war Kaiserin Eugenie gezwungen, vor der Meute aus Paris zu fliehen. Während sie den Louvre Palast verließ, sah sie zufällig ein Gemälde, das sie an Ort und Stelle gebannt hielt, bis ihre Gehilfen sie dazu bringen konnten, weiter zu gehen.

Unsere zweite Frage lautet:
[SIZE="3"]Wie heißt das Gemälde, das Eugenies Aufmerksamkeit so gefangen hielt?[/size]

  • Wo ist das Gemälde heute?


Unsere dritte Frage:
[SIZE="3"]Welchen Ort rettete dieser 'Engel' im Jahre 1676 vor der Zerstörung?



Unsere vierte Frage:
[SIZE="3"]Wann ergab sich die letzte sezessionistische Ortschaft des amerikanischen Bürgerkriegs?[/size]

  • In welchen Staat oder Territorium lag sie?
  • Welcher amerikanische Präsident schrieb einen offener Brief, in dem er die abtrünnige Ortschaft anhielt, sich wieder in die Union einzugliedern?


Unsere fünfte Frage:
[SIZE="3"]Für welche Nation tragen diese Soldaten Waffen?[/size]

  • Welcher amerikanischen Präsident war im Amt, als diese Fotos entstanden?
Keine voreiligen Schlüsse ziehen! Schaut aufmerksam hin! ;) [/indent]



Und nun unsere sechste und letzte Frage! :)
[SIZE="3"]Wer war der deutsche 'Lawrence von Arabien'?[/size]

  • Welche Rolle spielte er beim Eintritt der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika in den ersten Weltkrieg?


Nächsten Monat werden die Fragen nicht so einfach! :mdr:

Sendet Euren Antworten bitte an [email=""][/email]!
Der Frist für Eure Einsendungen ist der letzte Tag des Monats. :)

[SIZE="3"][font="Book Antiqua"]Aphrodite Mae[/font][/size]

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Mon Mar 12, 2012 6:59 am

Many of you have thanked me for presenting this quiz and providing such interesting questions. I appreciate your graciousness, but I've scarcely done anything except format the quiz and host the thread. I did provide one of the questions... but it's the one that everyone who's responded to the quiz has correctly answered, so far! :mdr:

The idea for the contest came from Pocus.

Questions were submitted by Carnium, Hobbes, and Le Ricain.

Translation into German is compliments of Captain Orso; and our German Ambassador Dooya has proofread Captain Orso's text.

Thank you, gentlemen! :)
[SIZE="3"][font="Book Antiqua"]Aphrodite Mae[/font][/size]

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 11:10 am

For reason when Ever I try to get one of the Pictures up it gives be a white empty screen.
I guessing that's not right.

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:32 pm

I get the same thing

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 12:49 pm

Solemnace wrote:For reason when Ever I try to get one of the Pictures up it gives be a white empty screen.
I guessing that's not right.

Setting to the vB4 default colors gives same blank screen, so we need MonkeyBoy help here.....
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:04 pm

I checked out a few other threads with a lot of pics such as the last Halloween thread and that has the same problem.
The AARs I've looked at seem OK though.

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 1:05 pm

I think the forum upgrade has messed with the pictures. Our Queen will have to re-add.
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:45 pm

Re-adding is worth a try while I try to figure out what has happened to the attachments/images
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 3:49 pm

:gardavou: I'll give it a try, immediately!

EDIT: I've tried to use the url of the original images in the Beta compilation thread. No success, I'm afraid. I'll try with a different approach.

EDIT: The "different approach" was to try to re-upload the images from my computer. Apparently, new images cannot be uploaded, either.
Here's the error message I get:

[indent] [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2038"][/indent]

As a workaround measure, I propose
  • creating a zip file of the images as a package,
  • uploading them to Imageshack or some similar service, and then
  • providing a link to the package.

It's an awkward, kludgy solution... but I can't think of anything better. Suggestions are welcome! :)

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:35 pm

Why not use Imageshack to re-paste each image, like we do to post bug images ?

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:43 pm

Franciscus wrote:Why not use Imageshack to re-paste each image, like we do to post bug images ?

I considered that, but I seem to recall some prohibition in the forum rules about directly linking to offsite images. Something to do with "bandwidth", IIRC. But if I've misunderstood, then I'll be happy to give it a try! :)

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:50 pm

Aphrodite Mae wrote:I considered that, but I seem to recall some prohibition in the forum rules about directly linking to offsite images. Something to do with "bandwidth", IIRC. But if I've misunderstood, then I'll be happy to give it a try! :)

That's rule #11. I think that Imageshack gives permission to link to images there, afterall that's the purpose of it, no ?
Unless I have misread the rule - and if so, upsss...

Rafiki ?

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 4:53 pm

That rule is meant for websites that aren't set up specifically for sharing images, e.g. games-sites or suchlike. Imageshack's raison-d'être is image-sharing, so it's quite OK to use it :)
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:00 pm

Franciscus wrote:That's rule #11. I think that Imageshack gives permission to link to images there, afterall that's the purpose of it, no ?
Unless I have misread the rule - and if so, upsss...

Rafiki ?

Rafiki wrote:That rule is meant for websites that aren't set up specifically for sharing images, e.g. games-sites or suchlike. Imageshack's raison-d'être is image-sharing, so it's quite OK to use it :)

I misunderstood, believing that the bandwidth constraints were about these forums! Thanks for setting me straight, guys! :)
I'll give it a try! :p ompom:

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:02 pm

Using images hosted elsewhere actually reduces the bandwidth usage of these forums; the reason we avoid it is because it's not A Nice Thing To Do
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Sun Mar 25, 2012 5:54 pm

I've posted images to the new forum without any problems (and not using an outside site). Am I understanding the problem properly?
I'll be back in an hour or so - let me know if you want to know how I posted (mad rush at the moment - pizza burning).


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Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:16 pm

Rafiki wrote:Using images hosted elsewhere actually reduces the bandwidth usage of these forums; the reason we avoid it is because it's not A Nice Thing To Do

Rafiki wrote:That rule is meant for websites that aren't set up specifically for sharing images, e.g. games-sites or suchlike. Imageshack's raison-d'être is image-sharing, so it's quite OK to use it :)

How ironic, that I had it completely backwards! :mdr: Thanks for the tip, Rafiki!

So: I've done the image shack thing and re-added the posts in the English post; it looks OK to me. If everything appears OK to you, I'll do it for the German post, next. :)

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:38 pm

They look OK to me :)

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Sun Mar 25, 2012 6:55 pm

Franciscus wrote:They look OK to me :)

Great! Looks like we're back in business! :p ompom:

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Only two more days!

Fri Mar 30, 2012 4:35 am

If you want to have the chance to win the free AGEod game, you have only two days left to submit your response to this month's quiz! :eek:

Currently, we have less than a dozen responses! This means two things:
  • Your chances of success are statistically greater, if you submit your contest entry for this month's quiz! :p ompom:
  • But it also means that we probably won't have another quiz, if there isn't sufficient participation in this first one. :(

Some of the questions are pretty challenging, I'll admit! But don't let that stop you from giving it a try. After all, you might be surprised by how well you do, in comparison to every one else! ;)
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Sun Apr 01, 2012 5:17 pm

Any Idea when we'll be finding out who won

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