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Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 3:00 pm
by arsan
vonRocko wrote:Ok, I surrender! All I really wanted is a disc. It can be in a box or an envelope. Manual or not. My inability to burn downloaded games, no matter what I try, has led to this.

Its extremely easy to make yourself a backup. Just launch a CD burner program, direct it to the game installation file and click on "Burn"

Don't know what problem you can find on doing this... maybe your CD burner is broken??
In any case, can't you find some friend or relative that help you burn the game on a CD?? or even do it on an Internet coffee Shop??
Even if you need to buy a new CD-Burner, it will probably cost you less than a boxed version of the game delivered to you.
You can even use a memory stick for your backup. Nowadays they are dirty cheap. Or a portable Hard disk (thats what i use for my backups)
But honestly, i think learning how to burn a CD (you will find zillions of guides on google) or finding somebody with a CD-burner and rudimentary knowledge of how to use it should be very easy unless you live on the jungle...

I think you could have learn to burn yourself a backup copy or get somebody to do it for you in half the time and energy you have spent posting about this on different forums... :confused:


Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:02 pm
by Generalisimo
arsan wrote:Its extremely easy to make yourself a backup. Just launch a CD burner program, direct it to the game installation file and click on "Burn"

Don't know what problem you can find on doing this... maybe your CD burner is broken??
In any case, can't you find some friend or relative that help you burn the game on a CD?? or even do it on an Internet coffee Shop??
Even if you need to buy a new CD-Burner, it will probably cost you less than a boxed version of the game delivered to you.
You can even use a memory stick for your backup. Nowadays they are dirty cheap. Or a portable Hard disk (thats what i use for my backups)
But honestly, i think learning how to burn a CD (you will find zillions of guides on google) or finding somebody with a CD-burner and rudimentary knowledge of how to use it should be very easy unless you live on the jungle...

I think you could have learn to burn yourself a backup copy or get somebody to do it for you in half the time and energy you have spent posting about this on different forums... :confused:


@arsan, I think around 4 or 5 people (including myself) already explained the process to do a "backup copy" to VonRocko ... but he keeps saying he wants "a disc on an envelope from AGEOD" :blink: .
Really, I do not think we are heading somewhere with that discussion...

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:04 pm
by Generalisimo
Franciscus wrote:Good enough for me ! :thumbsup: :coeurs: (and probably for more than half of the poll responders ;) )

I told you that around a week ago... :non:
Vicky2 will SURELLY be sold just like HoI3 was, you can bet on that.
For VGN, we will have to wait and see...


Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:06 pm
by Generalisimo
Tory Whig wrote:Well Said! :thumbsup:

Just as an FYI for the DD lovers the poll is now, at this writing, 16 who would purchase the Box edition and only 14 who would buy the DD version. That is 53% of a potential market versus only 46% for the DD.

Tory Whig

I wonder... what would happen if we look at the current numbers of ROP sold *ONLY* on digital downloads?... then we could "theorize" that 30 votes are nothing in comparison... plain nothing. :wacko: :D

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 4:16 pm
by PhilThib
Yup... anyway, there might be some talks underway with Paradox leading to a boxed version of ROP quite soon :cool:

And if the game is good and the market not even worse than today, the same might happen for VGN.... :D

The trend I noticed is usually that publishers for boxes are almost non-existent in our field till a game has proven its value in DD (sales, good reviews) :thumbsup:

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:26 pm
by dooya
Actually a boxed version of RoP by Koch Media is announced at the German version of amazon:


Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:28 pm
by Gray_Lensman

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:29 pm
by dooya
Gray_Lensman wrote:Are you sure they didn't do the "boxing" via a license distribution agreement?

I don't know anything about this offer; I just found it via google.

Posted: Mon Apr 26, 2010 5:47 pm
by Franciscus
Things are looking even better ! :thumbsup:

@VonRocko: Hang in there, mate; you might still get your CD in the future:
PhilThib wrote:... anyway, there might be some talks underway with Paradox leading to a boxed version of ROP quite soon :cool:

Don't be such a bad looser :non: :rofl:
Just because your Argentinian post service is not up to the task is not reason enough to deprive the rest of the world from good old games on a box. When (if) I get my Collector's VgN I will think of you...for a few seconds, at least :D ;)

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 12:28 am
by Nial
Ok, I don't want to get banned, or read the these are the forum rules riot act. Certainly everyone is entitled to their own opinion. This discussion spans several threads and is getting a bit nasty. But, IF I want a boxed game, that doesn't make me the freaken anti-christ. K Gray.

Personely, I've now tried to download this game 4, yes thats 4 times. And everytime it trips my fraud protection, EVERY time. So some of us have a valid reason for wanting a dang CD. I have yelled at VISA so many times they know me by my first name. Nuff said.


Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:45 am
by Gray_Lensman

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:35 pm
by Generalisimo
Franciscus wrote:@Generalisimo:
Don't be such a bad looser :non: :rofl:
Just because your Argentinian post service is not up to the task is not reason enough to deprive the rest of the world from good old games on a box. When (if) I get my Collector's VgN I will think of you...for a few seconds, at least :D ;)

Really, since I will not buy a boxed version of ROP, I really don't care. :neener:
What I DO care is AGEOD not going out of business because of releasing a bunch of boxed copies that will never be sold. :siffle:
But if Paradox ever thinks about releasing a boxed version, that means that the game is selling good... so, that's better for all of us. ;)

Anyway, I will talk to PhilT, to see if your VGN boxed copy can include a signature of myself... that will be your "Collector's edition" special version, a unique one. :blink: :wacko:
:mdr: :mdr: :mdr:

Ok, ok, probably you will want another thing... :fleb:

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:38 pm
by Generalisimo
Nial wrote:Personely, I've now tried to download this game 4, yes thats 4 times. And everytime it trips my fraud protection, EVERY time. So some of us have a valid reason for wanting a dang CD. I have yelled at VISA so many times they know me by my first name. Nuff said.


Have you tried using PayPal?
Sometimes I do have problems with certain sites, so I use PayPal as a "gateway" for paying... it is completelly secure. ;)
If you have tried it and it didn't worked, then your Visa is the problem. :(

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 3:55 pm
by Franciscus
Generalisimo wrote:(...)
Anyway, I will talk to PhilT, to see if your VGN boxed copy can include a signature of myself... that will be your "Collector's edition" special version, a unique one. :blink: :wacko:

Believe me or not, I would be honored ! :hat:
Jokes and a bit of sparring aside, I am fully aware that Ageod's games qualities owe much to the volunteer work of guys like you ! :coeurs: :thumbsup:

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 6:11 pm
by Adlertag
Generalisimo wrote:Have you tried using PayPal?
Sometimes I do have problems with certain sites, so I use PayPal as a "gateway" for paying... it is completelly secure. ;)
If you have tried it and it didn't worked, then your Visa is the problem. :(

Yes, I use also PayPal and it's definitively a good and secure payment method.

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:26 am
by McDuff
At this time, more than half of the people who have voted want a boxed version.

Seems I am not the only one being allergic to downloading :wacko:

Posted: Thu Apr 29, 2010 5:47 am
by Tory Whig
PhilThib wrote:Yup... anyway, there might be some talks underway with Paradox leading to a boxed version of ROP quite soon :cool:

And if the game is good and the market not even worse than today, the same might happen for VGN.... :D

The trend I noticed is usually that publishers for boxes are almost non-existent in our field till a game has proven its value in DD (sales, good reviews) :thumbsup:

Outstanding! Great news Philippe... I know you will keep us informed :thumbsup:
This just adds to the growing list of why I love your company, customer service, and products. :coeurs:

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:30 am
by Fastsnake
Ok, so if you want a boxed version... You'll have to buy this game twice or thrice in order to boost the results and reassure the Paradox guys! :cool:

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 8:52 pm
by RELee
Hate to come in late to a conversation, but not so much I'll avoid it. :)

I'll certainly be on the lookout for a boxed copy of VGN, not so much because I love boxes, though. I do prefer having CDs or DVDs of games rather than just a digital download. But I'm not allergic to digital downloads either. HOI3 was my latest major game purchase, and I got it from Best Buy, simply by using the internet to keep track of game stores' inventories. I actually beat HOI3 to the floor. I had to send a boy back to the stockroom to find me a copy, since they were still waiting for someone to put them out on the shelf.

"Did you look on the shelf"

"Yes I did. You show them in stock as of today on your web site, but there's nothing on the shelf. Are they still waiting to be put on the shelf."

"I'll look."

And he came walking out with the copy in his hand and a sheepish grin on his face.

So, I prefer the major releases to be on a CD. I don't mind downloading expansions. Heck, I don't even mind downloading a major release if I have to. I'm not a fanatic about it either way.

I won't go into details about having to describe to the boy just what a Hearts of Iron 3 was. That was a much longer conversation. :neener:

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 8:58 pm
by SAS
For this type of game I will be DD it.

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 10:26 pm
by keith
i just love collecting games, i still have some of the old boardgames war in the east, korean war, war in the pacific etc, and now i collect hps, matrix and ageod. The fact is i just want a physical copy for my collection i dont need a manual or a fancy box, i just want a cd that i can call my own for me, for my collection, i am not a computer person really i only use them for wargaming so when this laptop goes belly up i would have no idea how to save anything on it and tbh i really couldnt give a rats, i dont have the time

it dont make me a bad person i am just to old to be bothered with the details of computers, i leave that to my kids

if hps/matrix can send me a disc then why cant ageod

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2010 4:55 pm
by nats
Comtedemeighan wrote:Digital download is the only way to go. The cost of boxes is just too much for a small company like AGEOD. I can print out the manual myself and burn the game onto a DVD thus saving them money that can be used for making more cool games :)

I disagree completely. I still like to have a disk and a manual. I hate pdfs and I never bother to print them out, and neither can I read them on a computer screen. I like to have a proper manual I can read at my leisure in an armchair. I always purchase a boxed game where one exists as I have just done with the American Civil War game.

I dislike digital downloads and I hate Steam - its immediate yes but its also very lazy and you end with an unsaleable game at the end of it. These days where many many games are coming out bugged to hell for months I prefer to be able to sell games if I get fed up with them or dont like them and I dont agree with this whole 'renting' concept. I have Steam games but I am trying to get away from the whole thing as I have several games I will not play any more and will never be able to sell or exchange for a new one.

I can see why developers like digital download, its very easy and cheap for them. But honestly it puts me off buying the games if they are only digitally distributed. It has to be a seriously great game for me to buy a digital ownly version these days - I will absolutely need to have played a good demo and accessed several good reviews in order for me to consider that these days. So I will never buy a new game on digital format - I will always wait for a few months. Maybe that ensures I dont waste my money, perhaps that is better than buying on the spur of the moment in Game or whatever but either way I still like getting a proper manual.

Some games like Lockon Modern Air Combat 2 have released separate paper manuals to buy - that is a possibility as long as they arent too expensive.

Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 12:19 am
by TheDoctorKing
Some people really want boxes. I don't have any need for them myself since I have a fast internet connection but not everybody is so lucky.

I wonder if there is any way to do "print on demand". I have a friend who is a publishing company all by himself. He goes to libraries and archives and scans very old books that are out of copyright and have never been issued in new editions. He advertises them on his website, Amazon, etc., and when he gets an order, he prints the book, with some nice cover art that he comes up with, on a printer that cost him about 20K$, binds the book, and ships it. Total cost to him: about $2 in materials and a half-hour of time plus the depreciation on his huge printer. He charges $20/30 for his books. He also does old photographs in whatever sort of frame and such you want. It's not the most profitable business in the world but it keeps his mortgage paid. I imagine you could do the same thing with the addition of burning a data CD.

Posted: Sat Apr 30, 2011 8:26 pm
by dooya
Amazon lists PON. The publisher KochMedia usually publishes German DVD versions of Paradox titles.

Posted: Sun May 01, 2011 11:21 am
by Pocus
The Gold master of PON/VGN will contain German, French, English languages.

It is now 100% certain that some countries will get a boxed version of the game. I can't give you details though...