What should be our next game subject. Max 5 choices please!

Antiquity Greek (Peloponnesian, Alexander the Great...)
Antiquity Roman (including late Empire and invasions)
Ancient China
Middle/Dark Ages (incl. Byzantium, excl. Crusades)
30 Years War
Feudal Japan
Conquest of Americas/Age of Colonialism
War in Americas II
American Civil War II
Napoleonic era
China (Feudal, Taiping...) (excl Ancient China)
World War I
Pride of Nations II
World War II (Global)
World War II (Europe)
World War II (Pacific)
Sci-fi, Fantasy or post-apoc
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Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:08 pm

My interest in wargames in general started when I was a kid in the 70s, when I started collecting and painting mostly 25mm metal miniatures. There were two hugely popular periods that we could get figures for here in the UK back then. The first was the Napoleonic era, which is of course still and always very prominent in gaming circles, with titles such as March of the Eagles and Total War Napoleon both being games I have played fairly recently. But, the other big seller in the figures world seems to have almost disappeared now - The English Civil War!

Maybe I've not been looking in the right places (and I've only really caught the PC strategy gaming bug over the last couple of years), but there don't seem to be many games set in the whole pike and musket era. I can understand that maybe the ECW isn't of much interest to most people in a global community, but there has to be a lot of scope for European wars of the era, so my vote would be for a Thirty Years War game (hopefully with ECW scenarios) at some time in the future. It would really lend itself to the style of RoP I think, which I am currently playing.

Editing just to add - I know next to nothing about the Thirty Years War, but it's definitely the same era as the war in England, and would be a great way to learn more :)

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Sat Apr 06, 2013 3:47 pm

The Thirty years war could be with one month each turn around 360 turns the campaign game! :w00t:
Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Die Zieten
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Mon Apr 08, 2013 2:17 pm

I think the War of the Sixth Coalition starting from the armistace has some potential for a game if the events are correct and you could knock out allies out as France.

Someone with more knowledge could tell why Napoleon didnt retreat in time behind Rhine and the Pyrenees to regroup and train new conscripts??

Interior lines, friendly territory to defend and levée en masse, or was the situation really hopeless?

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Thu Apr 25, 2013 1:19 am

Seeing how I am completely addicted to Pride of Nations (PoN), I voted Pon II. Also voted for global WW II, dream game would be a game engine that let you play from 1850 to 1950, especially if the slow PoN turn resolution is addressed by the new ACW II engine.

Also voted for Sci-Fi/post apocalypse, would really, like to see a company somehow figure out how to remake Holistic Design's Emperor of the Fading Suns, which was a really unique game back in 1996, unfortunately plagued by bugs. With the emphasis on space and planetary combat you would have to use a turn based engine, and Ageod seems like the ideal game studio to be up to the task, of course it is another company's intellectual property(IP). Hopefully, with Slitherine getting into 40k, there will be similar opportunities to work with existing IP.


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Thu Apr 25, 2013 11:12 am

Die Zieten wrote:I think the War of the Sixth Coalition starting from the armistace has some potential for a game if the events are correct and you could knock out allies out as France.

Someone with more knowledge could tell why Napoleon didnt retreat in time behind Rhine and the Pyrenees to regroup and train new conscripts??

Interior lines, friendly territory to defend and levée en masse, or was the situation really hopeless?

1. better fight in the land of your enemy than on your homeland.
2. it's was too late in Spain (a mistake since the beginning in 1808)
3. before the defeat of Leipzig, the allies can't move toward France with Napoleon in the back, so Napoleon think it's was better to stay in Germany.

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Wed May 01, 2013 3:31 pm

I'd love to see a 30 Years' War game, especially considering it's never been attempted by a gaming company (as far as I know).

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Thu May 09, 2013 4:49 pm

Hilarion wrote:I'd love to see a 30 Years' War game, especially considering it's never been attempted by a gaming company (as far as I know).

I would also but not if it kills AGEOD.. :confused:

Im not sure what the sales are but the titles have to sell enough to keep these games coming.
I think making new versions and expansions of the old titles is a good and safe way to go forward.

Im not not sure how many war/boardgamers there are in the world but i would call that a core market.
Then people like me who with maturity want more challenge from computer games and are also history buffs.
I think AGEOD could use some more sponsors from those scenes, websites and forums should be lobbied to present these games to people.

I dont know what are the limits of the engine but if possible i would make even more commands possible for the actual battles.
If you could make several stacks chained together in order, or even better, units inside a stack given individual orders.

So you could decide in what order they try to engage in battle, you could have first, second and reserve line and a cavalry command etc.
This is someways possible already if you understand the engine but it is not a clear feature.

The events and regional decisions offer great possibilities for future expansion and games and are a good feature.

One that is mainly chrome but many people love, is detail in individual units, uniforms and flags, ROP, NPC, AACW come to mind.*
This takes a lot of time to do, so using modding grognards for this could be best solution, rewarding them with the games etc.

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Tue Jun 18, 2013 3:52 am

The Renaissance and 30 Years War period would be really good, and properly done.

Just the Sixteenth Century alone in Europe - Alot of conflict then of all scales - The Swabian War, The Sack of Rome in 1525, the campaign by Suleiman into Europe. Read Willibald Pirckheimers History on the Swabian War - really interesting campaigns and dynamics among the companies and such. Of course it would not have hte familiar customer base like with Civil War or World War 2, but it could become so, if done right and steeped in all the art and atmosphere of the period. Give it the detail of Albrecht Duerer and the mood of Caravaggio. - leave the New World out of it though- it can be among events, but that has been done in too many games already.

Apart from this, and perhaps something i truly yearn to see and play is a Napoleonic Era game that gives more attention to the 1813-1814 period. I have said it in many forums previous and i will say it again here - Look at "Wargamer Napoleon 1813" make a game like that without the bugs and it will stand in a class on its own.
Fortunately i think the Napoleons Campaigns and Rise of Prussia games engine are already in an excellent position to take on the Napoleonic Era in much more detail.
i hope very much that Napoleons Campaigns 2 is made.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 8:11 am

Next game subject after CW2 has been decided! Muhahaha, so much fun expected from doing it :)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:58 am

I hope it covers the 30 years war, not because that's my choice but because your diehard European fans will finally stop whining about it all the time. :neener:

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 10:11 am

Warhammer 40 000 :)

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 4:03 pm

Can't wait to hear what the new game might be :w00t:

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 6:45 pm

Pocus wrote:Next game subject after CW2 has been decided! Muhahaha, so much fun expected from doing it :)

Fun? What IS Pocus idea of ... *fun*?!
Sounds like a personal pet projekt ...

Could it be some steampunk thing? Something historical?!

Pocus, you gotta USE this royal opportunity to tease us.
More hints please.

Best regards

P.S.: Anyway, best thing is plans at all are made.

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Fri Jun 21, 2013 9:42 pm

Narwhal wrote:Warhammer 40 000 :)

or something to do with burping drawves ... I seem to recall Pocus expressed an interest in that subject at some stage

as to the list, I'd be delighted to see anything pre-WW2, I really can't see the WEGO engine working beyond that, unless the time frames were made very small
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Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:07 am

30 Years War or will it be Napoleons Campaigns 2 that gets completed? 30 Years War will be outstanding and the only game so far as i know to have ever approached this important period

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Fri Jun 28, 2013 8:18 pm

A new Napoleonic game would be my favourite, though I'd love to see more ancient warfare too. And 30 Years War! And WW1! :D

Actually, a WW1 game with an improved Ageod engine could be even better than the Napoleonic Wars.

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Thu Jul 04, 2013 9:59 pm

hello everybody ,just registered and just voted...

I voted for the WW1 and WW2 ,global ,pacific europe , and for vietnam ,I had just 5 choices ...but I would have added PON II and ancient China
Anyway I m open to whatever the Ageod guys will make ,since until now they have done very very great games ,historically accurate and with the right degree of complexity required for good wargames
As I said before I voted for WW1 ,WW2 and vietnam because I think that regarding the Great War a WW1 game could be made in RUS and PON style ,btw we are close to the centenary ,and I msure that this could be taken into account ,and ,regarding the WW2 , I would be very very very curious and surely positively astonished , to see such a game ,covering the second world war ,possibly globally, produced by the Ageod team .
Of course playing an Ageod game on any period in history would be interesting and enjoyable ,and I would add .. very very instructive ,and I m thinking of ancient China ,feudal Japan and thirty years wars as well as the Reinassance.... ;) eh eh the fact is that we have to face embarassing choices,since that from WiA to Alea iacta est Ageod has produced real historic successes
but I stress the question about the possibility ,even not for the very next ganme ,about a WW1 and or WW2 game(s) :thumbsup:

btw I know that the ww1 game that Ageod made is a pc version of the boardgame La Grande Guerre by Phillippe Thibault and Bruno De Scorraille , even if not showing to the player the same complexity ,since the pc works for him ..but I was wondering about a new edition of the pc game ... next time with the hexagones more visible eh eh , and regarding that , the map is a master work ... but you guys can do even better :coeurs:

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Sat Aug 24, 2013 12:21 pm

I like to see a eco-strategic game (PON engine) covering the Spring and Autumn, and Warring States period of China. To cover the timespan would probably need to be reduced to 6 or even 4 turns per year. Alternatively you could cover the middle part of Spring and Autumn and add expansions for the end and the Warring States.

I think this is an area that has little coverage in other games, and the map could be used for later games in the region (though some of the rivers have moved).

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:17 pm

Pocus wrote:Next game subject after CW2 has been decided! Muhahaha, so much fun expected from doing it :)

Pocus, a little hint? xD

For me, in this moment, I would like to see WW1, Wharhammer or maybe China war with Three Kingdoms time. But I am sure to love all other ageod game ^_^.

PS : If a day you do the WW2, 1 scenario with time before war for build army in Solo can be very very good :)

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Sun Aug 25, 2013 8:59 pm

30 years war! I just know it... come on, polls have spoken... let's move on now. I'm already looking at some books on the subject, as I am a 30 years noob. There's some great paperbooks and kindle on Amazon, super cheap. Get your books open, kids. I have a feeling we're going to dive into some Bohemian craziness.

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 6:15 am

forget about TYW.
I'm guessing but i will give you a clue.

Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:35 am

Leibstandarte wrote:forget about TYW.
I'm guessing but i will give you a clue.


Z like in Zombies? Zulu? Zecondo guerra mondial?!

Hell, the Oxford Companion to Military History only has 6 entries for Z.
You mean Zee/Zed in English or ze French/Spanish Z?! I remember the confusion about the J in AJE.

AFIR, Pocus somewhere said the second next Ageod game will be rather a surprise...
You're guessing, based on what? Please share with us.

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:46 am

Based on Pocus words "Muhahaha, so much fun expected from doing it". And in the growing market of the Z effect, specially in the US market.
A game about this could be a good product for Slitherin-Ageod-Matrix. And probably easy to develop (and funny).
Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:55 am

Oh yeah, the *Muhahaha* post.

Well, a direct World War Z thing would be too expensive b/c of copyright.
And: Would a TB operational/strategic Zombie game be a hit?
OTH, imagine all those new leader symbols for the Zombie faction...

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Mon Aug 26, 2013 9:15 am

Just another guess about what Ageod's second next game could be:
(not: what I wish it should be)


like in:
Warhammer 40,000

Apparently this one's gonna be TB.


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Mon Aug 26, 2013 8:38 pm

Zsa Zsa Gabor. Damn, and I thought I was the one who came up with the idea of a Hollywood socialite grand strategy game. :bonk:

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Tue Aug 27, 2013 6:33 am

I simply refuse to think about a zombie strategic game made by Ageod... :blink:

Still hoping for a North África WW2 Campaign game, though... :coeurs:

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Tue Aug 27, 2013 7:38 am

Franciscus wrote:I simply refuse to think about a zombie strategic game made by Ageod... :blink:

Still hoping for a North África WW2 Campaign game, though... :coeurs:

You got my vote on that too. No sci-fi and zombies for me either.
RUS could be easily converted into Operation Barbarossa one day. All we need is a working true flight model.

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Tue Aug 27, 2013 10:19 am

Carnium wrote:You got my vote on that too. No sci-fi and zombies for me either.
RUS could be easily converted into Operation Barbarossa one day. All we need is a working true flight model.

All we need is a lot of work to do programming... :siffle:
Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Tue Sep 17, 2013 11:46 am

Pocus wrote:Next game subject after CW2 has been decided! Muhahaha, so much fun expected from doing it :)

It is Parthan war the new project ?

Into wargamer.fr Philippe Thibaut talk about Vietnam War

I hope is that

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