What should be our next game subject. Max 5 choices please!

Antiquity Greek (Peloponnesian, Alexander the Great...)
Antiquity Roman (including late Empire and invasions)
Ancient China
Middle/Dark Ages (incl. Byzantium, excl. Crusades)
30 Years War
Feudal Japan
Conquest of Americas/Age of Colonialism
War in Americas II
American Civil War II
Napoleonic era
China (Feudal, Taiping...) (excl Ancient China)
World War I
Pride of Nations II
World War II (Global)
World War II (Europe)
World War II (Pacific)
Sci-fi, Fantasy or post-apoc
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Tue Feb 19, 2013 2:48 pm

Ebbingford wrote:Hundred Years War would be interesting, don't know what would happen for the times when not a lot was going on though.... You could try and manage your population and finances when every one is dying from plague!!!!
The BBC documentary that has just started, well half way through, has whetted my appetite and got me thinking about this.
Any one want to replay the Black Princes's marches through France? You would probably have to have events that incapacitated your army due to drink problems every so often though. :blink:

Yes, the chevauches! Maybe in a game you could have periods of fighting that are represented by fortnightly or monthly turns but when peace treaties are signed then the game might move on quickly say at 3, 5 or even 10 years a turn? The length of these intervals could be randomised a bit and subject to external political events to keep the game fresh (even hypothetical events might be considered). Or maybe the full extent of the war could be best represented by a number of scenarios that concentrated on the main periods of fighting - and victory points could be awarded at each stage and totalled up at the end?

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Tue Feb 19, 2013 4:07 pm

stockwellpete wrote:Yes, the chevauches! Maybe in a game you could have periods of fighting that are represented by fortnightly or monthly turns but when peace treaties are signed then the game might move on quickly say at 3, 5 or even 10 years a turn? The length of these intervals could be randomised a bit and subject to external political events to keep the game fresh (even hypothetical events might be considered). Or maybe the full extent of the war could be best represented by a number of scenarios that concentrated on the main periods of fighting - and victory points could be awarded at each stage and totalled up at the end?

oh yes ! but how many turns ? how many factions ? it will become the monster game of the century (normal for a war of 120 years...)

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Tue Feb 19, 2013 7:04 pm

FENRIS wrote:oh yes ! but how many turns ? how many factions ? it will become the monster game of the century (normal for a war of 120 years...)


How many factions could you think of then? I was envisaging it as a more tightly scripted two-player game where certain phases of the campaign were dealt with in more detail than the others. What I mean is the first scenario might be based around Crecy (1346) and run from around 1340 to 1348 - then there would be a 5 year break approx for the Black Death - then the next phase could be centred on Poitiers (1356) and run to about 1360 (when the Treaty of Bretigny was signed) and so on right up to 1453 . . . I think there would be a lot of scope for more specialised scenarios that could be woven into the main campaign such as "Black Prince chevauchee", "Naval Warfare" (e.g. Sluys 1340), "Siege" (e.g. Caen 1345), the war in Spain, and Glyndwr's revolt in Wales 1400-1415.

Were you thinking of extending the game beyond the basic Anglo-French rivalry to include much wider European aspects? I would be interested to hear your ideas as there are different ways of going at this, I think.

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Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:26 pm

How about the Reconquista? (the one in Spain, not Mexico).

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Tue Feb 19, 2013 11:57 pm

Gen. Monkey-Bear wrote:How about the Reconquista? (the one in Spain, not Mexico).

I suppose the big question with these medieval suggestions is whether they are economically viable for AGEOD to make them. There is no doubt in my mind that the 100YW and the "Reconquista" would make for very interesting games but how many people would buy them. Modern games (1750 onwards) seem to be the most popular, then maybe it is the ancient period that comes next - the medieval and renaissance/early modern periods seem to be much less popular although I am not sure why that is.

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Wed Feb 20, 2013 1:01 am

I still think a 4 player game based in Renaissance Italy would be a great game.

Each player take a major exterior power (France, Spain, HRE-Austro/Germany) or would play to unite Italy under 1 flag. The winner would make all the Italian States their puppets and control the Papacy. Creating influence, alliance, patronage, and instigating revolution with money, assassinations, threats and invasions to take control of Milan, Naples, Florence, etc --

But who knows - that same kind of setup could also be applied to the 30yrs war area with external nations-players using surrogates and their own forces with a nationalistic under dog all trying to establish the dominate regional power base.

In either event, an overall campaign would be a good selling point with some specific conflicts of limited time and force to appease the historical purist.

When or is there a schedule for releasing any new game information? The New American Civil War is in the works and I thought there might be another venture announced.

More games is a good thing.

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Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:10 pm

Hey guys, finally, the future game of AGEOD is AACW2?

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Wed Feb 20, 2013 8:19 pm

skasev wrote:Hey guys, finally, the future game of AGEOD is AACW2?

Yes. You can take a look at this link. In the first post, it was said by Pocus.

Greetings. :)
[color="Navy"][font="Georgia"]"Mi grandeza no reside en no haber caído nunca, sino en haberme levantado siempre". Napoleón Bonaparte.[/font][/color]

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Wed Feb 20, 2013 11:13 pm

I am dreaming about the game covering XVIII century conflicts shaping modern europe – ith might include napoleon wars at the end.
But great northern war, ottoman empire expansion, wars of Louis XIV and XV, war of the spanish succession. Done on the ROP style map.
The would be great. Just imagine, trying to organize supply for such a maneuver like Marlborough did in 1704, or spanish madnes in 1706, or fighting along the Rhine and Moselle in 1689, or Charles XII sailing around Baltic, trying to stop Russian, or Turks trying to gather supply and people to catch Vienna.
Poltava, Blenheim, Vienna, Ramelies, - so many stories, and relative small map.
And i think that Ageod engine is great for those campaign as it puts enormous stress on supply

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Thu Feb 21, 2013 4:06 pm

stockwellpete wrote:How many factions could you think of then? I was envisaging it as a more tightly scripted two-player game where certain phases of the campaign were dealt with in more detail than the others. What I mean is the first scenario might be based around Crecy (1346) and run from around 1340 to 1348 - then there would be a 5 year break approx for the Black Death - then the next phase could be centred on Poitiers (1356) and run to about 1360 (when the Treaty of Bretigny was signed) and so on right up to 1453 . . . I think there would be a lot of scope for more specialised scenarios that could be woven into the main campaign such as "Black Prince chevauchee", "Naval Warfare" (e.g. Sluys 1340), "Siege" (e.g. Caen 1345), the war in Spain, and Glyndwr's revolt in Wales 1400-1415.

Were you thinking of extending the game beyond the basic Anglo-French rivalry to include much wider European aspects? I would be interested to hear your ideas as there are different ways of going at this, I think.

I was thinking on Bourgogne, Bearn, Hainaut, Flandres for example. the Kings have one strategy and politics and the Dukes and other landlords have another goals. The house of Bourgogne grow to a new faction, and don't forget the princes of the "Holy Roman Empire" who take part on the war (diplomacy between France and England).
What about Scotland ! (Bannockburn 1314 !)

and the civil war between the Armagnacs and Bourguignons ! what an interesting era for diplomacy.

[color="#FF8C00"][/color]Eylau 1807

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 12:13 am

Oh God... All of the options have great potential, but the most interesting one, in my opinion, would be ancient China. Just because of how diferent of a setting it is. The three kingdoms period in particular would be pretty cool, all the backstabbing and massive battles! The amount of diferent units and cool weapons they invented there :w00t: And being able to command famous strategists like Zhuge Liang and such! Maybe each player could control a certain General of the period and have a massive match :)

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:14 pm

Ethan wrote:
skasev wrote:Hey guys, finally, the future game of AGEOD is AACW2?

Yes. You can take a look at this link. In the first post, it was said by Pocus.

Greetings. :)

I do not understand the reasons for doing a poll and then ignore the result, that is disappointing :non:

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:13 pm

Reason are mutliple:

* polls only reflect the opinion of the vocal members, not the majority of players unfortunately...they give trends, but only at a given time...same poll posted two or three years later would yield different results
* the great majority of the silent crowd of AGEOD players want AACW2 first
* that was the easiest of the games we could redo without forcing the players to wait foerever...we don't want to restart a 5-years production à la PON
* the game is great already, version 2 will be even better.
* an overwhelming majority of our customers don't care about exotic subjects (proven by our own experience and figures), so when we have only the ability ot make ONE game, we must take the safe bet...

...remember soemthing: we are only 2 guys, we can't produce the same way as a 15+ team (like in Paradox, and even there it takes many months to produce a new game with a seasoned engine...) :blink:

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 7:25 pm

Thanks for the quick reply, I fully understand the reasons why you have selected AACW2. What I still do not understand is why you did a poll.

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 8:13 pm

A lot of the time periods listed on the poll would make for great AGEOD games. However, I think they're taking the right approach with AACW 2, as it is a great period to cover, and the numbers for sales would definitely justify it.

And the devs might not go by what results from the polls, but it's at least nice to see that they respect the opinions of their base... not a lot of devs or publishers even bother taking the 2 cents from the public.

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 10:07 pm

PhilThib wrote:Reason are mutliple:

* polls only reflect the opinion of the vocal members, not the majority of players unfortunately...they give trends, but only at a given time...same poll posted two or three years later would yield different results
* the great majority of the silent crowd of AGEOD players want AACW2 first
* that was the easiest of the games we could redo without forcing the players to wait foerever...we don't want to restart a 5-years production à la PON
* the game is great already, version 2 will be even better.
* an overwhelming majority of our customers don't care about exotic subjects (proven by our own experience and figures), so when we have only the ability ot make ONE game, we must take the safe bet...

...remember soemthing: we are only 2 guys, we can't produce the same way as a 15+ team (like in Paradox, and even there it takes many months to produce a new game with a seasoned engine...) :blink:

So, will the future path of the Ageod warrior be the one of the *monster game* - judging from the huge AACW2 & Europe maps?

Best regards

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Tue Feb 26, 2013 11:28 pm

After AACW2, for sure the next game will use the large Europe map (see relevant forum thread on this map) :cool:

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Wed Feb 27, 2013 9:20 am

A large map of Europe would be great for a Napoleonic game :thumbsup:
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Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:31 pm

This is excatly the reason why this project was started initially: double the number of regions to give better operational management for Napoleonic campaigns....and other wars too :thumbsup:

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Thu Feb 28, 2013 10:08 am

PhilThib wrote:This is excatly the reason why this project was started initially: double the number of regions to give better operational management for Napoleonic campaigns....and other wars too :thumbsup:

Are you thinking more of a period before or after napoleon? Will the resolution of the game be similiar to the ROP one?

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Tue Mar 05, 2013 12:05 am

please make a new engine that at least uses the power of multi-core? Outsource the development to India if you have to.

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Fri Mar 08, 2013 3:09 pm

Would have liked to change my original vote from Crusades to Middle Ages excl Crusades and now Rome is being done change that to Napoleonic..as MoE failed to live upto my expectations.

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Mon Mar 11, 2013 6:43 pm

AACW 2 was the right decision in every way from AGEOD.

Voted Wars in America as Rise of Prussia (Seven Years War in Europe) was not an option.

I would like play the French and Indian War with shorter turns and bigger map. I read Fenimore Coopers books as a boy and hooked since to the period in Americas. :coeurs:

These three titles are all limited in the the scope of the time and area, they also involve countries that have a lot of possible customers..

Good that you will have the new maps for both areas now to build on..
Continue making the battles and logs more of an eye candy with as much info as possible, more diplomacy and events, easiest MP that is possible to do.

Im not convinced 30 Years War or Napoleonic Wars would work as game so well but they are interesting suggestions if they can be done.

One suggestion that i made in the ROP forum, could there be another level of command radius, a corp command radius for independent detachments under the corp, maximun of brigade/division size with a leader?

This wouldnt give MTSG but would give command points and enable abilities of the leader to work. This could be used for exsample as a way to limit raids to leaders that have the right abilities, "deep raider". :confused:

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Wed Mar 13, 2013 5:12 pm

I like the era of the 19th Century. That is why I want a PON2. Also, a new WWI strategy game would be very interested.

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Wed Mar 13, 2013 6:52 pm

Hey – as far as I understand – the next big thing you guys gonna publish is ACW II – hopefuly with some new title to get new customers.

And then I guess you opened a golden chest with your roman series – so we can expect – HAP – or Hanibal Ante Portas – second punic war, Macedonian wars and so on. And then perhaps WOF – wars of the fall – wars of the late roman empire – great invasion in a new engine.

But what next? Are you planning anything? Are you thinking about creating any games covering XVII , XVIII , XIX century wars. Maybe PON starting in 1660? With this new Europe map and new ACW II North America map it could be interesting.
I am really curios about your plans and I am really curious whether you are making money on those themes. And why not turning to Asia – I am not the great fan of that part of history, but it might be the place where money is.

( I personally still keep my fingers crossed for Great Northern War or wars of Louis XIV )

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Fri Mar 15, 2013 1:05 am


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Tue Mar 19, 2013 9:16 pm

PhilThib wrote:This is excatly the reason why this project was started initially: double the number of regions to give better operational management for Napoleonic campaigns....and other wars too :thumbsup:

this is exciting, but there is already a napoleonic ageod game. the thirty years' war would be a daunting task but given that it is probably the most historically significant war behind the world wars I think it's high time that AGEOD sinks its teeth into the early 17th century. the period lends itself very well to the AGE mechanics--no other engine I've found handles maneuver and siege warfare well enough to accurately simulate the way the war was fought. regardless I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever games end up getting made.

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Wed Mar 20, 2013 8:39 pm

ned_for_sped wrote:this is exciting, but there is already a napoleonic ageod game. the thirty years' war would be a daunting task but given that it is probably the most historically significant war behind the world wars I think it's high time that AGEOD sinks its teeth into the early 17th century. the period lends itself very well to the AGE mechanics--no other engine I've found handles maneuver and siege warfare well enough to accurately simulate the way the war was fought. regardless I'm sure I'll be happy with whatever games end up getting made.

You would need to pick a particular phase in the war and only suitable for a game setting is this.


Now who would want to play Gustavus Adolphus Magnus and ragged bunch of Swedes and Finns running around Central Europe winning battle after battle?

Is it a challenge for the hardcore players and do the more casual players have interest?

The Swedish military superiority over the Holy Roman Empire, considered a near-superpower at the time, was made obvious in battles such as Breitenfeld and Oldendorf. Despite the death of Gustav II Adolf at the otherwise successful battle of Lützen, the Swedish army continued to press forward into catholic territories with amazing success until the peace of Westphalia was signed in 1648. Sweden's rise into a European great power had been confirmed, and the Holy Roman Empire's power begun to decline with their defeat in the Thirty Years' War, mainly due to the Swedish efforts. Of all parties in the conflict, the Swedes were the most successful and claimed responsibility for the loss of more than 100,000 Imperial troops, which was half of the national army.

This would be fun for me and the other Swedes and Finns in these boards but for anyone else? :blink:

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Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:10 pm

How about this for a really mad idea? A Wild West game to fill in all the gaps between "Wars in America 2", the American Civil War, and World War One? I have no idea if it is feasible but what if half a dozen or so scenarios or campaigns were designed around various themes? Themes such as Davy Crockett and the Alamo/Sam Houston versus the Spanish? The Californian Gold Rush? The building of the railways involving competing companies? Some scenarios dealing with the final suppression of the indigenous Americans e.g. General Custer and the Plains Indians (Lakota, Cheyenne etc) or maybe the US army against Geronimo? Something dealing with the Mormons in Utah? A scenario based on the activities of Jesse James and his gang? There are loads more things that could be considered. It would be fantastic for us 50-somethings who were brought up on westerns. I wonder if younger games players would be interested in something like this though?

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Sat Mar 23, 2013 6:41 pm

I think it is good. And maybe Great Northern war can also be in consideration for future game expansion.
Pruth river campaign can be interesting to play for it's importance Peter the Great.

It is one of the open debate topics that treaty signed prematurely as Janissaries suspected to revolt.

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