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About Our Gracious Queen, Aphrodite Mae

Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:11 pm


I have news that is both wondrous, and rather sad. I'll get the sad part out of the way, first.

For the foreseeable future, Our Gracious Queen will be unable to actively participate in our forums. Her participation here will be limited to responding to her private messages, and perhaps posting a responsive comment when people mention her in a post. The reason is simply that she has a new job that demands over 70 hours per week of her time, and often much more.

But that's part of the good news. In early June, she was selected to be the Chairperson of a private philanthropic Foundation that stands to do enormous good. I cannot disclose the name or even the specific nature of her Foundation, but I will say that it involves helping the down-trodden with educational and medical benefits, with a scope that is truly breathtaking. :)

More good news that probably won't surprise you. Her compensation for her position is quite generous, and yet, she is using over 85% of it to help families in need. She is doing so in a direct and immediate way that is completely separate from her Foundation. In the interest of good taste, and out of respect for her wishes, I'll not disclose particular details. Let it suffice to say that she is bringing light where there was darkness, and hope where there was despair.

Why have I written all this? Beyond the consideration of informing the AGEod community of the reasons for her prolonged silence, it is so that you may draw inspiration from "Our Gracious Queen", even in her absence.

I recently overheard a conversation between Havely and her father, that rather sums up her ethos.
He asked her why she was "wasting" so much money.
She responded, "Isn't it obvious? To help others! To do good! ...And to help others to do good!"

To those who would say that this is noble, but naively idealistic, I'll simply say that she's been doing "naively idealistic" things for her entire life... and I cannot deny their impact, pragmatist though I may be. Now that my wife can do "naively idealistic" things on a grand scale, I cannot wait to see what happens. :)

Help others.
Do good.
And help others to do good.

Your wish is my command, oh Gracious Queen. :coeurs:


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Mon Aug 27, 2012 7:58 am

really wonderful news, when men of goodwill are not enough to better the world, time is right to bring women of goodwill :)

(ps I mean no disrespect to ladies, on the contrary!)

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:33 am

Dixicrat wrote:To those who would say that this is noble, but naively idealistic, I'll simply say that she's been doing "naively idealistic" things for her entire life... and I cannot deny their impact, pragmatist though I may be. Now that my wife can do "naively idealistic" things on a grand scale, I cannot wait to see what happens. :)

The sky's the limit :hat:

Good news for everybodies :)

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:35 am


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Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:38 am

One word....Bravo !

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:55 am

What a wonderful news, Bill!

This fact reveals the goodness, humanity and love emanating from Havely. You can be very proud of her, of course. :coeurs:

I wish her ​​good luck in her new "journey".

We'll never forget that she is Our Gracious Queen. :love:

Warm Regards! :wavey:
[color="Navy"][font="Georgia"]"Mi grandeza no reside en no haber caído nunca, sino en haberme levantado siempre". Napoleón Bonaparte.[/font][/color]

[color="Blue"]Same Land. Different Dreams. - Photobook[/color]


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Mon Aug 27, 2012 3:23 pm

oh, how can i poor subject, the queens jester make her smile then...
when reading this, a 1862 image of a southern lady comes to my mind, ...slapping officers...

all my best for her new path
...not paid by AGEOD.
however, prone to throw them into disarray.


‘Everything is very simple in War, but the simplest thing is difficult. These difficulties accumulate and produce a friction which no man can imagine exactly who has not seen War . . . in War, through the influence of an infinity of petty circumstances, which cannot properly be described on paper, things disappoint us, and we fall short of the mark.‘


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Mon Aug 27, 2012 5:20 pm

One of my favorite quotes is from Teddy Roosevelt, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are."

A simple notion, yet a challenge to dedicate one's self to. So many distractions lead us from the path of doing good and shedding light.

From what I know of the two of you, you are both public servants in the truest sense.

Best to you both.
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Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:27 pm

To give away money is an easy matter and in any man's power. But to decide to whom to give it, and how large and when, for what purpose and how, is neither in every man's power nor an easy matter. Hence it is that such excellence is rare, praiseworthy and noble.

So says Aristotle. It may be physically easy, but giving away money is not something most people do often. I force myself occasionally.
My hat is off m'lady :hat: and my knee is bent. Your loyal knights await your return but I'm sure Dixi will keep us informed as to the progress of your great endevours.

Your loyal servant,

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 6:42 pm

Always good to hear of people who do not hide their light under a bowl but put it on the lamp stand for all to see.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 8:02 pm

Ok true noble AphMae, I elect you to be a queen of ours. You deserve the title, but don't forget your family and friends.

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Mon Aug 27, 2012 10:48 pm

Dixi and Aphrodite, I can only wish the best for you both, as individuals and a family, and congratulate our queen for her new job. :coeurs:

But I sincerely hope you can get a few spare free time now and then to come here and even, who knows, to play our beloved Ageod games.

Regards and best wishes

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Tue Aug 28, 2012 1:52 am

That's Awesome! Good Luck! :)

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Thu Aug 30, 2012 3:33 am

I've never put a reply to her or Dixiecrat, but I have noticed how they are very good members of this website. There is nothing more I can say than that she is certainly worthy of title of Queen. Indeed, she is better than many Queens of the world that have come and gone.

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