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Aphrodite Mae
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Want a free AGEod game...?

Tue May 01, 2012 7:41 am

Gentlemen of the forums, your sweet little queen is pleased to announce that it's that time of month again! :w00t:

...No, not that time of month; I mean it's the time of month when we present the AGEod History Quiz! :p ompom:

Wouldn't it be great, to be among the very first men to receive AGEod's exciting new game of Roman civil wars, absolutely free?! Here's your chance! :cool: The winner will receive his choice of any AGEod game, and I'll bet that a bunch of you want ALEA JACTA EST! Or perhaps there's another AGEod game that you've been considering buying. It can be yours, if you win this month's contest! :)

Just as with our last quiz, there are six questions. Each question is worth one point. In the event that the highest scoring contestants are tied, the tie-breaker questions will be used to determine the winner. The tie-breaker questions are only used when two or more of the highest scoring contestants have correctly answered the same number of primary questions.

This month, we've added another way for you to earn points! With this month's quiz, the date that you submit your quiz will affect your points. The earlier that you submit your entry, the more bonus points you'll receive! To be eligible to receive bonus points, you only need to correctly answer one primary question. Your bonus points are easy to calculate: subtract the date that you submit your final entry from the date of the last day of the month, and divide by ten. So, for example, if you submit your final entry on the 11th, you'll receive two full bonus points! On the other hand, he who waits until the final day of the month won't receive any bonus points.

Notice that I wrote "...submit your final entry". That's right: if you change your mind about one of your answers after you've submitted your quiz response, you can simply resubmit your quiz! Your bonus points will be recalculated to reflect the date that your revised entry is received, and your previous entries will be discarded.

Some of the questions might be a bit daunting to some of you, and that's why we've added hints for this month's quiz! If you're utterly perplexed by one of the questions, you may ask for a hint. Each hint that you receive costs a half point.

This adds a bit of strategy to the quiz! ;) Do you ask for a hint to a perplexing question so that you can submit your quiz earlier, and gain more bonus points? Or do you dig in, and trust that you'll find the answer soon enough to gain a tactical victory over those who chose to take a hint?

Whatever strategy you choose, you'll need to submit your response and hint requests to [email=""][/email].

Let's review:
You'll receive a number of points equal to the number of primary questions that you correctly answer. If you answer at least one of the primary questions correctly, you'll receive bonus points based upon the date that your entry is received. Finalists will be those contestants who have answered the most primary questions correctly. Tie-breaker questions will only be used to break ties. You may ask for hints, but each hint costs a half point. You may submit multiple contest entries, but only one will be eligible for the free game, and your bonus points will be calculated from the date of your last entry. Previous entries will be deleted.

Gentlemen, good luck!
The die is cast! To those about to contest, your sweet little queen salutes you! ;)
Aphrodite Mae

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Aphrodite Mae
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May 2012 AGEod History Quiz

Tue May 01, 2012 7:47 am

Without further ado, here's the quiz! :)


Ulysses S Grant was tone deaf. He once said that he only knew two songs. One was ‘Yankee Doodle Dandy’.

Our first question:
[Indent]What was the other song?[/indent]

[INDENT]Sorry, but there are no hints for this question![/INDENT]


Cavalry soldiers of the 19th century sometimes wore the item pictured below.

Our second question:
What are the items in the picture?[/INDENT]

Tiebreaker question:

  • What is their purpose?



Our third question:

[INDENT]Which item of the modern day French Naval uniform is worn in memory of the Battle of Trafalgar?[/INDENT]



Our fourth question:
What is this weapon?[/INDENT]

Tiebreaker question:

  • Which nation invented it?



The couch pictured below is currently at the Stonewall Jackson shrine, in Virginia.

Our fifth question:

[INDENT]Why is it so ugly? :mdr:

It's a valid question! Really! :D [/INDENT]

Tiebreaker question:

  • What is its historic significance?



Our final question! :)

[INDENT]Who became famous for nursing sick and wounded soldiers on the battlefields of the Crimea?[/indent]

Tiebreaker question:

  • What was the nationality of this person?


Please submit your responses to [email=""][/email]! Good luck! :p ompom:
Aphrodite Mae

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Tue May 01, 2012 8:04 am

Thanks to Lodilefty and Le Ricain for question 1 ("Grant's tone deafness"); and special thanks to Le Ricain for questions 3 and 6 ("French Navy" and "Crimean fame").

And of course, extra super-duper special thanks to Pocus, for coming up with the whole idea of the contest in the first place! :)

:w00t: Say! ...I think they all deserve smooches, don't you?!

Well, you're a guy. That's understandable.

But I still think they deserve smooches.
Aphrodite Mae

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Tue May 01, 2012 10:23 pm

It's a bit of a shame that most of your questions have to do with the American Civil War. May I humbly suggest you broaden the scope in the future? There are more AGEOD games than just ACW and the players come from all over the world.

Especially question four seems a bit ludicrous. How is anybody who isn't a die-hard Southerner and civil war fan supposed to answer that one?

Inspite of that criticism, I love the idea and hope you will do more. It sure was fun. Thank you for your work! :)

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Aphrodite Mae
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Wed May 02, 2012 2:01 am

OneArmedMexican wrote:It's a bit of a shame that most of your questions have to do with the American Civil War. May I humbly suggest you broaden the scope in the future? There are more AGEOD games than just ACW and the players come from all over the world.

Especially question four seems a bit ludicrous. How is anybody who isn't a die-hard Southerner and civil war fan supposed to answer that one?

Inspite of that criticism, I love the idea and hope you will do more. It sure was fun. Thank you for your work! :)

Thanks for your comments, OneArmedMexican! Constructive criticism is always welcome, and I mean that quite sincerely.

I greatly appreciate your thanks, and you are most graciously welcome for my work here. Truly, it's a pleasure to serve a community of such erudite gentlemen as yourself. :)

I can neither confirm nor deny your suppositions, since by doing either, I would provide free "hints" to contestants.

Instead, I'll simply cite Donald Rumsfeld's famous quote:

[Indent]"There are known knowns; there are things we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns – there are things we do not know we don't know. ” [/indent]
Aphrodite Mae

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Wed May 02, 2012 11:26 am

you know better!

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Wed May 02, 2012 2:56 pm

Yet another reason this forum is "frosted with coolness."

So, if nobody submits all the correct answers, are points awarded for the most creative wrong answer(s)? ;)

AGEod Guard of Honor
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Wed May 02, 2012 4:37 pm

Rumsfeld very famous indeed. Resulted 1 million refugees to Iran and 500K men to flow to Turkey.
Anyway as it is gaming forum my best creative wrong answer about deafness is İsmet İnönü. During the ww2 that is said "intended Deafness " resulted to be neutral.
I have to look for English Dictionary for "tone deaf" :D

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Wed May 02, 2012 6:07 pm

Nr. 5 is tough. For me at least. :P

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Wed May 02, 2012 8:17 pm

derblaueClaus wrote:Nr. 5 is tough. For me at least. :P

One should be able to count correctly. :bonk: I meant question five as well.

It's nice that your questions are tough nuts, though.

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Fri Jun 01, 2012 5:29 pm

So who won the contest for May?
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Aphrodite Mae
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Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:17 pm

Gentlemen of the forums,
this post is written by Dixicrat. I'm the husband of Aphrodite Mae.

I regret having to use her account to post this message, but I haven't logged on since the forums were attacked, and I seem to have misplaced email instructions on how to restore my own account.

My wife was unexpectedly called out of state a few days ago, and has been delayed returning home. Because she doesn't have internet access where she is, she has asked me to inform the forums of her absence. She adds that she regrets any inconvenience, and will return to her duties here as soon as possible.


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AGEod Guard of Honor
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Fri Jun 01, 2012 11:50 pm

Hi Dixicrat! ;)

I'm glad to hear from you, and of course I hope everything goes well. Please send a sincere greeting to Aphrodite from me. :thumbsup:

With respect to recover your former user account, contact Lodi. I'm convinced he'll solve it.

Warm regards! :wavey:
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