Solo or Multi (for strategy games only)

I only play against the computer
I mostly play against the PC, but plan/have done some multi
I do and enjoy both roughly equally.
I mostly play multi but on occasion can play against the PC
I only play multi and have only done practice against the PC
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Mon Dec 29, 2008 7:22 am

Basically when playing solo its rarely an issue of if you win the game or not, but more cases than not its all about HOW you win the game. This is true of many games, not just Ageod titles.

When playing solo, you know if you messed up the campaign or not. Even if you win, you know if the AI stung you too many times, or if you were negligent and had armies needlessly starve or had leaders trapped and killed, etc..

But, I wonder what the AGE engine would be like today, had resources and time been seriously dedicated to a robust AI. Of course, something else would have had to give, like additional titles (with all the new maps and art), but it would be interesting to think of the first 2 titles BOA and ACW as the only Ageod titles, with multiple man years or programming dedicated to the AI subset of the engine.

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Fri Jan 30, 2009 11:15 am

I've only played AI, with one or two small exceptions. I've been playing computer games for many years (since the mid '80's when there were few of them) and have been patiently waiting as AI has evolved and improved (for the most part). Of course, some companies shamefully put out games with atrocious AI, and that bugs me, especially if I only find that out by personal experience, after buying the game!

I like to be able to come and go as I please with games. It is an intensely private time for me, where I can sit quietly and think on the game. Having someone wait for my next move would just drive me nuts. I've played chess and board games when I was younger and that's a bit different but in the end I prefer the solo AI game experience.

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Fri Nov 20, 2009 6:33 pm

With most of the wargames (board or software) I'm totally asocial and mostly play alone ;)

But PBEM with AACW was a "revelation" : this game get all its taste when played against a human opponent. So I only play very occasionnally against Athena.

I read several comments of people being anxious to be a bad opponent and refraining to play PBEM but I think you have to take the plunge : there are things Athena won't be able to teach you and I'm sure you'll find players ready to play with beginners.

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Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:13 pm

Solo only.

I must have about a hundred games and I'm bad at all of them so I find the AI in most games completely adequate for the challenge I want.

I just bought Forge of Freedom and Crown of Glory, saw 2 x 200 page manuals and decided a quick blast with Sid Meier's Gettysburg was needed. "Good work General"

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Thu Dec 03, 2009 6:30 pm

PBEM exclusively. Athena provided basic training, but I really am learning the game against humans. Both AI and PBEM have provided much enjoyment, so thanks Team AGEOD for the best investment I've ever made in a game - hands down! :thumbsup:
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One Choice Missing

Fri Dec 04, 2009 3:48 pm

There's one choice left out of the poll question that makes the poll skewed. I like to play solo, but not against the Artificial Ignorance, I play solo against myself to have a much better game than any AI has ever provided me. I think the best feature of AGEOD games is the feature that allows us to easily kill the AI and play solitaire. I would have voted in the poll but declined since none of the answers were relevant to how I played. Please put in a line for us who play solo but not against the AI.

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 9:07 am

I only play multi and have only done practice against the PC

It is my curse really. I only enjoy playing against other live, thinking, breathing entities (in all my pc games). I am dying to pick up and play my ageod games again, but without any sort of pbem security, it unfortunately always ends up with my opponent hosting and playing "surprisingly" perfect. :bonk:

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Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:51 am

ironwarrior wrote:It is my curse really. I only enjoy playing against other live, thinking, breathing entities (in all my pc games). I am dying to pick up and play my ageod games again, but without any sort of pbem security, it unfortunately always ends up with my opponent hosting and playing "surprisingly" perfect. :bonk:

Try hosting. That should fix that problem ;)

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Fri Aug 20, 2010 8:55 pm

Solo only player here, thats why I like a good AI.

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Prefer Solo Hotseat

Sat Oct 23, 2010 3:55 pm

The one selection missing is playing solo against myself which is what I prefer. I may play a little against the AI but after getting frustrated with poor AI's I play solo against myself since I can play when I want and stop when I want.

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Mon Oct 25, 2010 5:05 am


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Thu Oct 28, 2010 6:12 am


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Sun Nov 07, 2010 8:41 am

Usually I only play against the computer opponent.
But,I would like to try multi play games someday.

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Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:31 pm

always solo
just can't find regular pre fixed time when me and oopponents would have free time at same time for sure

a pity perhaps, but that's how it is

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Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:45 am

I only play against the computer.
In my work and my schedule I can not possibly choose other options.
So for me a good, challenging AI, is one of the most important in the game.
I mainly play to relax from everyday life.

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Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:53 pm

AACW - Solo due to unstructured life/work schedule. Would not be opposed to PBEM (understand it is different) if I knew my time would be available. I just don't like to start something I can't finish. So instead, I play the AI which in AGEOD games is very challenging.

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Wed Feb 23, 2011 9:58 pm

I tried pbem with AACW but found it way to cumbersome at that time. I wish AGEOD developed a more mp friendly system for RON.

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Sun Feb 27, 2011 1:17 am

Love the PBEM system! Makes multiplayer possible if you have difficulty organizing exact times of day with opponents (busy schedule or what have you). I hope this system or something like it persists!

For my vote, I play against the AI to get familiar with controls, but then the real learning and strategy begins with a human opponent. AI just does too many irrational things by it's nature, it's not very good at long term planning.

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Sat Nov 12, 2011 11:12 am

Lol well i watch my brother play, he usually opens the door on the top of the stairs first and pretty much runs and dodges the zombies, ..lets them gather up in a group and then throws grenades and shoots them all. lol

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Wed Aug 29, 2012 8:49 am

Bunch of Han Solos around here, not a surprise considering the type of games we're used to dealing with here.

Solo here as well. I don't ever play MP any more. Used to do IP connects years ago and had a blast playing death matches with Doom, AVP, and Age of Empires. Got burned out and took a long time off from MP of any kind. Then a couple years ago I tried some Left 4 Dead MP, got hammered, no team cooperation, team mates were just as likely to kill you and take your gear as help you out. Then I realized I was nearing 30 and playing video games with 16 year old brats with the attention span of a circus monkey high on Jolt Cola... so like any sensible man I unplugged the MP connection, loaded up a quiet game of AACW and smiled.

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Tue Oct 09, 2012 2:56 pm

I'm playing solo because of 2 reasons:

1) I feel that I'm not much of a challange for other players - primarily because I hardly ever manage to finish one of the huge scenarios, so I'm unable to grasp the bigger, strategic aspect of the game. Plus I'm somewhat unwilling to delve into the whole reinforcements and strategic decisions-topic, so to a certain extent, I'm unwilling to grasp the strategic depth. I'm really focused on the operational level. I want to fight on the operational, not on the strategical level - I'd prefer if loosing a major engagement would make you loose the game. And I don't say all this because I'm greedy after winning - I just care about delivering a challenge and an open and exciting game for both contrahents.
2) I don't want to bind myself for too long. The current scenarios are all so big that I think it's quite impossible to finish them in a PBEM-game. I don't want to slip away silently and leave my contrahent behind in case I don't have any time anymore or in case I suffer a "motivation-low" (which happens...)

Smaller scenarios would give me much more confidence for playing multiplayer - I'd really love to play against other human beings. :) I think that this might be true for all the people suffering from an "unstructured" life/work situation. But scenarios with more than ca. 60 turns and in which I have to command more than 2 armies, not even to speak of factions!, intimidate me too much. I have to get the feeling that the number of turns is limited and that the end of the scenario is not too far away. I don't know why it is. But this idea motivates me a lot. I own NCP, WiA, RoP, AJE (and megalo-bombastic PoN), but NCP and AJE don't hook me too much topic-wise. RoP would be my favourite setting but unfortunately it's the game with the biggest lack of small scenarios and it has the "march to the sound of the guns"-feature which makes me a bit sceptical because I don't fully understand it. I might try to find a relaxed WiA partner for some short scenario after I've finished my diploma thesis :D
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Wed Oct 10, 2012 3:15 am

Yes, find a relaxed WIA player and find your way into PBEM play, it is really fun and it has the short scenarios you think you wish to play. You will find joy in the longer games with a slow pace.
Great post. Thanks for your directness and honest explanation.
If you are not a challenge to others, that will just be fun for them.
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Wed Oct 17, 2012 11:59 am

PBEM exclusively. AI only to learn the game system.

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:43 am

Gosh, just noticed I replied to this thread almost 3 years ago post #64.

Anyway, still solo and even more games that I barely play. AJE and PON added. And I still haven't played the Forge of Freedom and Crown of Glory mentioned in my earlier post. Time is flying too quickly.

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 6:54 pm

I am vote number 333.

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Thu Nov 15, 2012 7:09 pm

PBEM all the way

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Wed Nov 06, 2013 8:08 pm

I am playing solo (even though I am not really a strategy veteran) and the main reason is that what I enjoy the most concerning Grand Strategy games is the coherence and the historical accuracy of those games. I can obviously change some events or even change the issue of some conflicts, I feel the need to try to understand the nature of the conflict, what thought the factions and people involved in those wars, though. Maybe like some "serious games". I try to learn some historical details, then I try to apply theory to practice, and so I am playing :p

Multiplayer should be fun, I am pretty confident of that, but that's not the first thing I am searching now. I may perhaps be interested in that, later ;)

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