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Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Nov 01, 2019 1:43 pm
by Ebbingford
Playing as Rome with the latest patch.
I have a couple of Military Acadamies which say they give a +1 to leader quality.
I also have the Great Military School which gives a +3.
Where do these bonuses show?
Are they just factored into the calculations for battles?
I take it they are not added to the leader stats as I still only have mostly 0 and 1 rated leaders.....

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sat Nov 02, 2019 2:22 pm
by loki100
they affect the average values of the leaders in your pool. So you have national traits (good or bad), ruler traits (again either), your military building score (<1=bad; 4+=good) and then these buildings. The better you have this score the less likely you will be plagued by 0-0 and better chance of '2' values.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 5:59 pm
by Ebbingford
Thanks for the reply Loki :)

At present I have the following faction modifiers:

Average Military Expertise
Efficient Command Structure +2 pool bonus, +3 quality bonus
Strategy Acumen x3 +1 pool bonus, +1 quality bonus (is this actually 3x +1?)
Cursus Honorum +2 pool bonus, +2 quality bonus

I also have the following showing in the Nation traits panel.

Military Expertise 2.84
Leader force pool bonus +18

I have one solitary 2-1 General, one who is 1-2, 11 who are 1-1, one who is 1-0. one who is 0-2, and 3 who are 0-1.
I don't seem to be getting much improvement. Ok there are now no longer 0-0 leaders.
I have 3 acadamies which I would have thought is probably excessive for the period so far. Should there be more of an improvement in the stats of my generals?
I guess I haven't got enough military buildings, hence the 2.84 expertise figure.......

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Nov 03, 2019 11:37 pm
by loki100
confess I am guessing here, but given the tooltip, I'd push your military buildings > 4. seems that <1 is bad, 1-3.9 is ok, so to get a bonus you need more. Also the more you have, the cheaper your army.

I'm doing a Rome game at the moment and have this >4 most of the time, its certainly removed the plague of 0-0s I was getting and I seem to have a decent collection of 2/1 leaders. Not yet built any academies.

I'm sure the actual rules lurk in the various text files but ... prepared to work by feel on this

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Tue Nov 19, 2019 8:26 pm
by Ebbingford
I don't think this bonus to leaders is working....
New game, I have my military buildings above 4, have done for a while.
Three acadamies again, should be a plus 3 on leader quality.
My last three leaders have been, 0-1, 1-0 and 1-1...........

There looks to be no improvement on leader stats what so ever.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 10:06 am
by loki100
It does - but its random. The % is in the game files (I don't have them on this laptop so can't double check). You'll still get complete dross even with a couple of these buildings, but you also get more so statistically better chance of at least some decent commanders.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Wed Nov 20, 2019 6:13 pm
by loki100
meant to add, don't forget that the ratio of military buildings has an effect too. So if you are below 1, it'll reduce the average quality, get above 4 and you get another improvement in the chance to get better leaders

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:03 am
by Durk
This is fascinatingly complex and delightful, now that I know how to add leaders to armies.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 3:33 am
by H Gilmer3
loki100 wrote:meant to add, don't forget that the ratio of military buildings has an effect too. So if you are below 1, it'll reduce the average quality, get above 4 and you get another improvement in the chance to get better leaders

What does that mean "ratio of military buildings". Ratio to what? The # in a region? The number of other structures?

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Nov 22, 2019 1:14 pm
by loki100
its your military experience - you can see this under modifiers.

You want at least a score of 1.

that means you have an average of 4 level 1 military buildings for every region you own. This can be made up in different ways as a level 1 building counts as 1, level 2 as 2, level 3 as 3.

Get the ratio over 4 and nice things happen.

Patch notes for the 1.5 release.

Basically try to set up a couple of regions in your Empire where you go really deep into the military building tree, I think of it as the sort of place where the Seleucids trained and housed their specialist units (like the Phalanx) in peacetime.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sat Nov 23, 2019 7:31 pm
by Pocus
Leader quality starts at 10, it means 10% to get a 2 on your leader. If you fail to get a 2, you have thrice this chance to get a 1.
Leader quality from buildings is adding up on these base 10%, so with 3 academies, you have 13% to get a 2, and 39% to get a 1.
All is cumulative...

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2019 8:00 pm
by Ebbingford
It looks like it isn't working for Rome.
When I last played as Rome I had very few leaders get a 2 rating, despite several acadamies, military rating over 4, etc.
In my new game as Britonae I have one acadamie and my military ratio is just under 4, just over 3.5, and nearly all my new leaders are coming as 2-2 leaders.
It makes it look like it isn't working for Rome faction......

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 12:53 am
by H Gilmer3
It took me a really long time and a lot of military building, but as Rome I'm finally getting leaders with a 2 rating somewhere. I actually had 3 generals with a 2 rating on one turn. 2-0, 0-2, and I think a 2-1. Since then I have been getting leaders with 2 in the rating a decent amount. I think I have 4-5 with at least a 2 rating somewhere.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2019 3:44 pm
by Ebbingford
Just counted my leaders as Britonae.
I have 27 of which 22 have a 2 modifier.......
It looks to me like it is working too well for Britonae and not well enough when I last played as Rome.......

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:01 am
by H Gilmer3
Yeah, I'm playing Rome and I'm no where near getting those kinds of numbers. And my military rating is well above 4 because I purposely raised it above 4 through a dedicated program of building military buildings. I also have several military academies that are supposed to give you better generals.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:52 am
by H Gilmer3
Military Expertise 4.65. Have yet to get a 2-2 general.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:25 pm
by Gray Fox
Gilmer, you should advertise your series on the game. Every bit helps get the word out. ... f1WsMyNNsw

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:24 am
by H Gilmer3
Advertise it how? I'd definitely do it, though. I'm on turn 291 and some of the thing Pocus has taught me have worked out excellently. I'm really enjoying myself at this point.

Military expertise 5.00 and no 2-2 general yet but I'm hoping! :pouet: :pouet: :dada: :dada:

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:25 pm
by Gray Fox
Post at other gaming sites with a link to your series as I did above. Good luck!

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Sun Jan 19, 2020 10:58 pm
by H Gilmer3
Gray Fox wrote:Post at other gaming sites with a link to your series as I did above. Good luck!

Thanks! Someone has actually point it out on the Steam forums. I'll try and get it on other websites.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Tue Mar 31, 2020 2:04 pm
by Ebbingford
Definitely not working for Rome.
Playing a new game with the latest patch, my last 3 leaders have been 0-0.
My military expertise is 4.62. I have 3 leaders that have a 2 rating out of 15, and they are all 2 for defence....
I can't be really unlucky all the time as Rome, and really lucky all the time as Britonae.......

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:09 am
by Pocus
The rise in quality is just probabilistic, it alters slightly the chance to get a better leader. You can't draw a conclusion from 3 leaders or even 5...

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 5:12 pm
by H Gilmer3
This is more than just 5.

Let's revisit Generals and Military expertise. How to get a 2-2...In my current game, I have had as high as 11.xx in Military expertise. And yet, 2-2 generals? Not getting them. Currently, it is all the way down to 7.xx. And still getting 0-0, 0-1, 1-0 generals very frequently.

I do get 1-2, and 2-1s sometimes. Not enough to say that high military expertise is helping, though.

I'll post later on my current numbers and military expertise.

Also, on Noric armor, are the units supposed to have an icon that shows they have it?

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 7:58 pm
by Gray Fox
If you Ctrl+cursor over a unit card, you can see a "(+1)" by the Defense value. The unit has to be static in the region with the armorer for at least one turn and only one unit gets the armor per turn.

I only know that I got two "Double Deuce" Generals (2-2) after I started paying attention to the Military Expertise value.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:34 pm
by H Gilmer3
Gray Fox wrote:If you Ctrl+cursor over a unit card, you can see a "(+1)" by the Defense value. The unit has to be static in the region with the armorer for at least one turn and only one unit gets the armor per turn.

I only know that I got two "Double Deuce" Generals (2-2) after I started paying attention to the Military Expertise value.

I have seen the +1 and was wondering if that was it. So, I'm getting it, I was wondering if that may be the indication.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 8:35 pm
by H Gilmer3
I wish I had tracked my generals on every turn this playthrough to get as accurate number as possible. That'd be a lot of record taking, but I think it could be done.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 9:08 pm
by Gray Fox
I wonder if faction qualifier has an effect? Sarmatia was a Warrior Caste when I got the Double Deuces. Aristocratic Elite grants a Leader Pool +3. Some rulers have a Superior Military trait that gives me more leaders, too. More leaders means more chances. Still, I suppose a military genius should be very hard to come by.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu May 14, 2020 11:24 pm
by H Gilmer3
I also wonder if you have to select that "Military Qualifier" when that option comes up to take one of four qualifiers. Last time I "took" cultural.

Currently on Turn 309

Military Expertise: 7.39 going down 7.04 on turn 317.

0-0 Age 63
0-0 Age 28
0-1 Age 69
0-1 Age 47
0-1 Age 38
1-0 Age 59
1-0 Age 73 Died of old age on turn 316
1-0 Age 26
1-1 Age 20 Added turn 317
1-1 Age 37
1-1 Age 61
1-1 Age 53
1-2 Age 46
1-2 Age 51
2-1 Age 60 killed in battle turn 315 (Another thing that occurs a heckuva lot to me.)
1-0 Age 29 ->> Replacement for the 2-1.

I've had 1 2-2 general, long gone. I had military expertise up to 11 point something at one point!

Just seems weird I'm not getting better. I would think if you had military expertise over 4, you wouldn't ever get a 0-0 general.

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2022 11:49 am
by bikhargaya
I have 3 acadamies which I would have thought is probably excessive for the period so far. Should there be more of an improvement in the stats of my generals? [url=""]vidmate[/url] [url=""]mobdro[/url]

Re: Leader quality bonus

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:19 am
by Pocus
There are some abstractions, so no, 3 academies are not too much. For game balance purposes, they only slightly improve the chance of better leaders.