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Health bonus from buildings

Tue Jul 30, 2019 10:36 pm

First off, congrats on the game chaps :thumbsup:
Just a quick question on the health bonus from buildings.
It says for each building it gives a certain health %. Percentage of what?
I have one region with 4 health buildings for a combined 27%, this is giving me 16 loyalty from welfare.
In another region I have 9 health buildings for a combined 71% and this is only giving me 18 loyalty from welfare.
How does this work?
Is it working ?
In the second region I would have expected to have a loyalty from welfare than I am getting.
Am I missing something?

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Re: Health bonus from buildings

Wed Jul 31, 2019 8:48 am

You need a certain amount of accumulated food to get a new pop pt, lets say its 10 per pop (its not linear but that'll do). If you have a health building that gives you a 10% bonus, this demand drops to 9 and so on - so basically they improve the efficiency of your farming. Or in other words less of your population are dieing so new births actually add more quickly to total pop.

health buildings don't directly affect loyalty unless they have a specific trait.

Welfare is the improvement in loyalty that comes from putting your pop into culture - think of this as making your city a more pleasant place. The problem is you can't boost the base loyalty by more than 1/3 (check out the manual and tooltips around this). So in an already loyal city it can be be very effective, in one that you have recently conquered or that has other negative events, much less so

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Re: Health bonus from buildings

Wed Jul 31, 2019 9:07 am

Thanks Loki :thumbsup:
I was equating welfare to health :cool:

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Re: Health bonus from buildings

Wed Jul 31, 2019 10:35 am

That's nice to see old Ageod players adopting Empires as a true heir to AGEOD former games :)

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