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Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:41 pm
by GenGrant21
I bought this game and was impressed with it. However, I noticed a few historical inaccuracies with the Swedish uniforms. Turns out the Swedish Grenadier units in the game all have special grenadier caps. In actuality, there is little evidence that the mitre (grenadier cap) was worn by most Swedish grenadiers. Most of the few surviving examples (most of them are actually in Russian hands) of Swedish mitres most likely belonged to Pomeranian or Estonian units and not Swedes. I do however think that the Dalregimente wore mitres, but they were more of the exception than the rule. Even the Lifegaurds were not known to wear mitres. Check out the links below concerning grenadier caps.

Also the uniforms of Narke-Varmland and Jonkopings regements should have red lining and red cuffs. I know this may be hard to do, AGEOD, but please add in the karpus hats that were present in several Swedish regiments early into the war, such as the Narke-Varmland regiment and the Vastmanland regiments.

Overall, great game, I love the gameplay and replay value of the game.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2018 9:56 am
by PhilThib
The artist is no longer on commission, so it's hard to change the pictures. We may try a little modding though...can you find some pictures of the concerned units in full view (not the sole cap)...or find an existing unit in the game with a similar cap, so we may possibly adapt the graphics.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 3:45 am
by GenGrant21
The grenadiers seem to have had the same uniform as your average enlisted Swedish soldier. The baltic and german companies in the game could have the grenadiers that are currently in use for the Swedes. The Livgarde did have a bit of a different uniform than the average Swedish soldier.
See the link for an example. Narke-Varmland and Jonkopings Regiments had red piping like this modern drawing of the Jonkopings Regiment battle of Helsingborg shows: The karpus itself is very tricky and was generally replaced later in the war by the tricorne, and if the artist is not on contract these earlier units, that's fine with me. I'd keep the Dalregementet the same though as it currently is. Oh, and Narke-Varmland had the most men at one point in the Swedish army I believe. I think that might have been at Poltava, so if another company or two was added to that regiment, that may not hurt either. Here's a link with the uniforms at Fraustadt. It'll show ya what Narke Varmland wore. Oh, and one interesting thing to note is that the Swedish uniforms at some points in the war were so worn down that they were hardly recognizable. I read in a book by Oscar Browning that at Poltava, the Swedes put straw in their tricornes to show they were on the same side. The winter of 1709 took a toll not only on the troops, but on the uniforms as well.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 10:20 am
by PhilThib
May be something like this would do...without the artist, it's close enough

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2018 2:47 pm
by GenGrant21
That'll work. Look's good!! Thanks.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 7:19 pm
by GenGrant21
How are Swedish uniforms looking for the next patch? Thanks.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 11:10 am
by PhilThib
Will be in normally

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:23 am
by GenGrant21
I noticed that the Livgardet of the Swedes had the red cuff lining and karpus. However, I think that the Lifegaurd may have just worn yellow and blue. All they had extra was a lot more gold lace on their uniforms. It was Jonkopings and Narke Varmlands regiments. who wore the red lining and karpus, not the guard regiments. Oh, and Vasterbottens regiment looked like Jonkopings and Narke Varmlands, but with white. The uniforms still look great though. Remember, one of the best references in my opinion is He does a great job with Hoglund's book in interpreting the uniforms of the Swedes during the Great Northern War. On another note, I think you all did a fantastic job with the new patch overall. I really like what was done. Keep up the good work! As my Swedish ancestors would say, skål !!

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Thu Mar 08, 2018 9:18 pm
by GenGrant21
How are the uniform updates going? Just checking in to see how things are on that front. If I can be of assistance concerning the uniforms, I'd be glad to offer my services.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 10:02 am
by PhilThib
Uniforms won't be personalized per regiment, it would make the DB unmanageable. So unless something of importance is dramatically wrong, there won't be more changes for now :papy:

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 1:11 pm
by GenGrant21
Ok. That's fine. The only thing that is dramatically wrong with uniforms is the updated version of the lifeguard. Sorry if I confused you all earlier with the provincial regiments. :bonk: Really, they should look like your average infantry regiment with a bit more frills.

(Wondering if you could color one of the french guard units in Orleans army in Paris to look like the lifeguard with the yellow lining instead of the red. This may be the best solution. Just change all red and white to the yellow except the necktie, which probably should stay white.)

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 2:15 pm
by PhilThib
Something like this ?

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2018 3:59 pm
by GenGrant21
Perfect!! Thank you!

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 12:30 pm
by GenGrant21
I was wondering if it has been noted that the Swedish lifeguard uniforms have not been changed in the latest patch to the more correct version noted in the two previous posts. This is just a friendly reminder in case it was forgotten.

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 1:11 pm
by PhilThib
Change was done but post patch, so it will be in the next one :indien:

Re: Swedish Grenadiers

Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2018 5:54 pm
by GenGrant21
Thank you!