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Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Mon Feb 05, 2018 8:40 pm
by aalb1970
In the GNW campaign Sweden can knock out Denmark by having Charles XII and "100 line elements" in the Denmark area.

Which elements count as "line elements"? All land force elements or just infantry?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 8:34 am
by PhilThib
All infantry and cavalry that are not militias. It even includes artillery :dada:

SelectSubUnits Area $Area_Danmark|FactionTags SWE HLS BRU HAN|Families $famElite $famLine $famCavalry $famArtillery
EvalSubUnitCount >|100

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 9:50 am
by aalb1970
Thank you.

Off to the Danish shores then :-)

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Tue Feb 06, 2018 5:45 pm
by phoenix
It doesn't have to be just Charles XII's army crossing over to Zealand (Sjaelland), right? You can also cross over down in the south to get the units up to 100?

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2018 8:45 am
by PhilThib
Indeed, the important factor is to get those 100 elements in or close to the Danish capital :sherlock:

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Tue Feb 27, 2018 4:58 pm
by pantsukki
In which file is the event located? I've been going through them but can't find it.

Edit: nevermind, I'm an idiot: apparently in Notepad++ it matters whether one uses capital letters or not when searching.. :D

Re: Treaty of Travendal

Posted: Wed Feb 28, 2018 5:46 pm
by pantsukki
I wonder why the event currently requires Sweden to have over 100 elements in Denmark? Because of game balance? That makes it close to impossible to ship the required amount of elements during one turn. According to Wikipedia (I know) the Swedish army that landed was 10.000 strong, and also according to Bengt Liljegren in his biography on Karl XII the amount of troops was 10.000.

I changed the event so that the requirement is over 60 elements, and landed Karl XII with 14 regiments (including 2 cav and 2 art), about 11.600 men, transport weight of 200 and consisting of 66 elements. The transport capacity was provided by the main Swedish fleet augmented by the small flotilla from Riga.

Further I wonder why the Swedish army that is teleported away from Denmark is locked for two turns? One turn is understandable due to the free transportation, but why the second turn?

One final thing: why doesn't Sweden gain any NM from the peace treaty? Surely it's a morale boosting situation for the nation as they've managed to beat their traditional enemy so fast and so bloodlessly.