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Few Thoughts

Tue Feb 27, 2018 12:33 pm

I am playing this game since release yet because of real life requirements I was capable of going only through 2 great campaigns – GNW as Sweden and WSS as Grand Alliance.

Here are some thoughts:
AI – one has to be careful with AI settings. My experience is that extended time for AI is a must. Historical Attrition for players only prevent AI from starving its armies. Medium aggressiveness and medium bonus for Fog of War is better then setting AI for aggressive gameplays with high FOW bonus. Medium settings prevent AI from charging enemy.
With such a settings, AI, playing defensive game can give some challenge. When human player needs to be on offensive ( meaning Sweden / Grand Alliance) then there is a lot of fun in organising a prolonged offensive.
On operational level – AI can be demanding. Yet there are some things to be addressed:
-AI tends to divide the army in to many stacks without a leader.
-AI lacks the tendency to organise a bigger army and attack enemies field army.
-AI lacks the capability of creating a bigger army to organise offensive on a specified target and keep the offensive running
-AI lacks capability of organising a supply for bessigieng armies ( moving supply wagons with escort to supply points)
As the games go on AI armies are changing in to enormous number of leaderless stacks walking around.
So my point is that genneraly AI requires tunning in organising armies and performing prolonged offensive.

Bugs and problems.

-decision issue – as all regoins are rich one is not sure where to use draft/requisition card
-some events don’t fire ( for me Prussian/Danish event did not fire)
-manpower – seems like Sweden had limtless number of people to serve in the army

-GNW starts with Poland-Lithuania having huge professional army and being in war with Sweden. In history Commonwealth armies were in bad condtion ( not using flintlocks, ad being unpaid)
-Country was not in war and Livonian invasion was Saxon venture. So I gues there should be at least an option thah Poland starts as neutral and Sweden has a choice – wheter to invade Poland-Lithuania or go for Saxony though central Germany ( this could be an option as Charles XII was considering it but it should trigger Dutch/Hanoverian reaction and push Denmark closer back to war) To Limit the game Russian armies should be boosted
-bourbon side – Spanish army is to big and professional at the beginning. To balance the game French could be bit bigger
-infantry statics. – I just think it is unfair that polish/Hungarian/Spanish infantry has the same stats as English/dutch/Austrian/French. At the beginning of XVIII century not all infantries introduced fully flintlocks and modern firing systems. I think that poles/Hungarians/spain should start with infantry having stats used in the game for Russian strieltsy. And it should be slowly upgrading ( the could be an option requiring small number of money/EP upgrading few regiments at the time. Ideally such a change could be visualized by moving from “national” uniform ( for poles and Hungarians) in to more modern tricorn style ( as it happened in history)

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Re: Few Thoughts

Tue Feb 27, 2018 1:25 pm

I like your suggestions, some of them could be made by the team :coeurs:

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Re: Few Thoughts

Wed Feb 28, 2018 6:04 pm

I'll add my thoughts and observations here instead of creating a new thread.

First, many thanks for the game! It's one of my favorite periods and I'm delighted that AGEOD enables me to play through the Great Northern War (will definitely look at the Western European struggle at some point too).

-First thing that immediately catches attention is the fact the the GNW campaign ends in January 1716. Why? The war did last until 1721.
-I'm pretty certain that this cannot be changed anymore, but why is the North so limited geographically in the game? There was quite a lot of fighting in Finland (and it was occupied by Russia) and also Sweden invaded Norway in areas that are currently missing. Furthermore, as Sweden is a major participant it seems a little weird that a massive part of the country isn't included.
-The naming of provinces and cities in the small part of Finland that's included is, I'm sorry to say, currently a mess. It's a curious mixture of Finnish and Swedish names, names of cities that didn't even exist at the time or were very insignificant (for example Tampere, one of the few included cities was established in 1779! And the province of Helsingfors ((which was a very tiny town at the time)) is called Sveaborg, even though the building of the fortress only started in 1748) and lastly full of typos.
-The Dutch stack that is spawned in Stade early on lacks a general, is this intentional? They suffer massive command penalties as a result.
-Friedrich, the Duke of Holstein, is only a rank 1 general. Shouldn't he warrant at least rank 2?
-The AI seems able to march freely through neutral territories, even when the tooltip states that they cannot be accessed. WAD?
-Shouldn't there also be a Dutch fleet blockading Copenhagen? At some point a "ghost fleet" with a Dutch name appeared in Malmö's harbour, but it couldn't be clicked.
-Lastly I wonder why one month long turns were chosen? I feel that two weeks per turn would enable more control. Also it feels that travel times on land are a bit high at the moment.
-Could there be a limit on how many times the sickness etc. events can hit one stack per turn? Often it seems that a besieged stack is hit at least three times by spoilage of supplies and other nastiness.

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Re: Few Thoughts

Thu Mar 01, 2018 12:33 pm

I agree with all the compliments made, this is a great game. One of the best You have made so far.

I have just one advice to add: is it possible to have a list of all the events, like the one made for RUS GOLD? It could really help to plan a strategy

For example, I sent Peter to rule, but just after 1 turn he came back because the Swedish took some Russian cities and I had no idea that this could happen.

Many thanks for time and patience

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