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2 Quick Qs, 1 possible bug

Thu Feb 01, 2018 4:38 am

As the title says:

During the 1st Campaign, on T2 it says that 4 units are now active in Bergen. However, the units themselves say they are Permanently fixed. Did I miss something? Bug?

Too many wargames I guess for these 2 questions :o :

1. Is there no 'hide units' button?
2. Is there no way to rewind/replay/watch the previous turn?


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Re: 2 Quick Qs, 1 possible bug

Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:02 am

Plus 1 and bump on the hide units question. It would be useful for surveying terrain. Does it exist? So far, I have been just gently moving units aside so as to be able to see towns beneath them. Be nice if there was a button. Is there?

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Re: 2 Quick Qs, 1 possible bug

Thu Feb 01, 2018 9:51 am

No hide button ever existed in this version of the engine I am afraid :blink:

In some previous games such as WIA or ACW there was a replay button, but it is not implemented in the newest versions of the engine :pleure:

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Re: 2 Quick Qs, 1 possible bug

Thu Feb 01, 2018 3:06 pm

-For Hide Units button ;

Press CTRL+F4

-For Replay, we can try this, kind of workaround even if no PBEM game ;

Ironclad wrote:
First make sure players have switched on Save Replay in Options and the host in pbem needs to ensure that players are sent or can access the replay file for their respective country along with the Ord file that is produced. Then follow this sequence.

1. Press the key that brings up the console. Referred to as the tilde key because of the sign ~, however on my UK keyboard the key also has the number sign # which may be easier to spot. I'm not sure if the tilde key shares that on the US keyboard, but that key is below the Esc key on the US board, and on the middle right for UK.

2. The console appears - an overlay box in the centre of the screen. Type in the word loadreplay and press enter.

3. The screen should now change to replay mode - and day 1 appears on the screen.

4. Press the space key to start it cycling through the days 1 to 7. Pressing space stops and starts the sequence.

5. You can move your screen around the board in the usual way as well as using zoom to get to see the action across the map.

6. When finished I normally exit the whole program to make sure replay mode is off and its back to normal before re-entering to play..


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Re: 2 Quick Qs, 1 possible bug

Fri Feb 02, 2018 5:31 am

PhilThib wrote:No hide button ever existed in this version of the engine I am afraid :blink:

In some previous games such as WIA or ACW there was a replay button, but it is not implemented in the newest versions of the engine :pleure:

See? I knew I wasn't completely crazy about the ability to replay a turn! That goes way back, but still. :D

Thanks for all the info, from all of you.

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