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declerations of war

Posted: Wed Jun 01, 2016 10:40 pm
by lycortas2
I am going to throw this out there... can we and should we make it more difficult for the traditional monarchies to declare war on minors? I hate this Austria declaring war on Baden or Bavaria! Austria was Holy Roman Emperor! They were already defacto leader. Prussia declaring war on Wurttemburg every game on the second turn! Prussia had no claims I know of except on Julich maybe which is not really in the game.

What are everyone's thoughts?

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:43 am
by verdom

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:41 am
by PhilThib
A tweak could be done to tell the Austrian and Prussian AI to absolutely NOT declare war on German minors members of the HRE...however, it may lead to weird effects, because the AI will not know when those same minors become French allies. In addition, there are tons of examples of wars between Germans emperor, Emperor of HRE or not, throughout out history far before and even after (think 1866) the Napoleonic War...being 'Emperor' never prevented from agression (think TYW).

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2016 1:27 pm
by verdom
could something be done with the prussian chances of declaring war?
after all it took very much efford to get the king to declare war on france in 1806 finally.
maybe setting the bellingerance higher/smaller towards france?

Posted: Thu Jun 16, 2016 11:46 pm
by Tyr
The DOW and peace needs to apply to allies. It absolutely sucks to sign Pressburg, Salzburg, or Tilsit, and watch as the people you just signed a major treaty with continue to wage war against your ally nations. Of course, you cannot even defend them now, since you lose the EP bought peace terms, or are locked from DOW.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 3:28 pm
by veji1
The main issue is that Austria or Prussia declaring war to a german minor who is already a french ally (Bavaria, Nassau, Berg, etc...) or not yet but in France's "sphere" (Baden, Wurtemberg) would have meant declaring war to France. The issue should be to force the AI to see the link : If the Prussian AI wants to declare war on Wurtemberg, it should check for its will to declare war on France. If it's high enough, than declare war on both... game design wise it should be easier once they are all member of an alliance, because there is a clear "path" for a check from the AI. But until those 1806 events, the issue remains.

Posted: Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:14 pm
by Tyr
I agree Veji1. It is frustrating to see Austria remain at war with, or DOW Bavaria 3 turns - after you have signed a Special Peace treaty (i.e. Pressburg). Then Austria just takes back Salzburg from Bavaria and keeps waging war while ignoring France. Furthermore France is no peace-locked and cannot defend allies. I had Saxony DOW me, Prussia joined, yet, when I made peace with Prussia, I went to peace with Saxony. I had wanted to split them and force Saxony to switch sides. Yet, now I am peace-locked with Saxony and Prussia. Why is it the AI can get this protection across alliances and peace treaties, yet, the player cannot?

Posted: Mon Jun 20, 2016 9:18 am
by PhilThib
As already mentioned in other posts, nothing can be done with saves...we need saves showing the situation before the war declaration and the turn of it...According to the events we have, Austria cannot declare war to Bavaria for 2 years after Pressburg, so if this happens, we must have proof of it and a way to replicate/analyze it with a save...else, that is just impossible to fix.

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2016 10:30 am
by Tyr
PhilThib wrote:As already mentioned in other posts, nothing can be done with saves...we need saves showing the situation before the war declaration and the turn of it...According to the events we have, Austria cannot declare war to Bavaria for 2 years after Pressburg, so if this happens, we must have proof of it and a way to replicate/analyze it with a save...else, that is just impossible to fix.

Please refer to post