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Wed Dec 30, 2015 10:43 pm

Ok here's my complete problem with Bavaria. I did a clean install, and deleted the WON files that were in other locations. Installed the latest patch, skipped the first beta and installed the latest beta patch.
According the diplomatic board Bavaria is my ally, they have the gold star.
However when I make a peace treaty they may or may not sign off on it like the rest of my allies do. They also declare war by themselves and sign peace treaties by themselves which does not include France or its allies. When I sign a peace treaty with Prussia my other allies sign also, not so Bavaria.
Supple, pressing the 2 key Bavaria is green but no depots show up with their crates and cannonballs as they do with my allies and even enemy cities which I occupy. I can't build a depot in Bavaria. My troops draw no supplies from Bavaria.
When I tell the Bavarian army, using the Tab key, to stop hanging around the North Sea and go home to defend its capitol, I am ignored.
So as far as I can see Bavaria is acting like an independent AI nation and not an ally of France.

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Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:12 pm

It's not just Bavaria - the Diplomacy AI, and the unit "sight-seers" needs to be addressed.

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Wed Dec 30, 2015 11:31 pm

I think we need a new diplomatic category. Something like 'controlled ally' to represent minors that were not being annexed but who were not going to run their own foreign policy.

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Thu Dec 31, 2015 12:07 pm

I'm not sure about diplomacy of minor allies, or major AI controlled allies for that matter. Giving the French player complete control would basically reduce allies to just owned entities with some minor distinctions, and that is not how it was historically.

That being said, maybe there are some things which need to be adjusted so that, for example, Bavaria doesn't go Ramboing across Europe.

BTW, from my understanding, if Bavaria DoW's another minor nation, it should have to Causus Belli it first, and in that case I don't think France would be obliged to support Bavaria, since Bavaria would not be being attacked.


The thing about supply from nations, which give Access Rights, it is unfortunate that you cannot see how much supply allies have in their depots. I'm fairly certain this has mainly to do with a limitation of the game engine. It has only ever allowed seeing your own faction's supply levels.

There is a cheat which will allow you to see other factions supplies, but also practically everything else about another faction; so it is something which could be used to cheat by looking at enemy factions too, but in general, that has always been the case.

For major power allies, you can simply load their side of the scenario. Generally, other than supply levels, there's nothing new for you to see, because you always get to look at their units, etc already.

Since minor powers cannot be loaded through the Load menu, you would have to use the console to do this. Open the console with the (') (apostrophe) key, without the parenthesis, and enter changefaction FAC, where FAC is the abbreviation of the faction you wish to view; eg. BAV for Bavaria. Then press the <2> to view supply levels.

What ever you do, if you've loaded an faction you are not actively playing, DO NOT click the "Save orders" button, because the game will then understand that the orders saved are all the orders that faction should have for that turn and will exclude it from the AI planning any orders for that faction at all.


Perhaps we need a key to look at supply levels for friendly factions, and those with which we have Access Rights, which are not always terribly friendly with the player's faction. That would probably be a fair amount of work to implement, so it's not something I would expect to be worked on so quickly.

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Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:00 pm

prior to the beta patch all of Frances allies would sign off on a peace treaty, including Bavaria, now that is not so. I thought that the reason for having allies was mutual protection and diplomacy. Did I assume wrong in this game, if so what's the use of having allies or going to war on their behalf?

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Thu Dec 31, 2015 2:21 pm

Captain_Orso wrote:
Perhaps we need a key to look at supply levels for friendly factions, and those with which we have Access Rights, which are not always terribly friendly with the player's faction. That would probably be a fair amount of work to implement, so it's not something I would expect to be worked on so quickly.

It's not a tremendous amount of work. When getting Foreign Access, if the Major is added as a sub-faction to the minor it shows supply levels to the Major. When Access (or Supply) is removed, the sub faction is removed. The best place to do this change is the engine since that is what is creating the relationships between the two factions.

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Sat Jan 02, 2016 8:02 pm

vicberg wrote:It's not a tremendous amount of work. When getting Foreign Access, if the Major is added as a sub-faction to the minor it shows supply levels to the Major. When Access (or Supply) is removed, the sub faction is removed. The best place to do this change is the engine since that is what is creating the relationships between the two factions.

With regards to setting France as a sub-faction to, for example, Bavaria, I'm not sure, but that might cause the game engine to plot moves for France, or possibly have other implications.

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