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GC January 1805; playing with Russia and beta 1.02 December 21st

Thu Dec 24, 2015 3:28 pm

I started a fresh game with this beta. I will post any bug or problem I found.

The first is in the fourth message of the image


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Fri Dec 25, 2015 12:10 pm

Another bug. In the previous turn an event started a war between Russia and Persia plus Armenia. In the current turn Armenia is forced to sign a peace with Russia because a peace treaty between Russia and Persia that never happened. (See messages 2 & 3 in the screen and how Russia and Persia are at war in the diplomatic window)


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Mon Jan 04, 2016 9:12 am

Will check that in due time, thanks.

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Wed Jan 27, 2016 11:30 pm

beuckelssen wrote:Another bug. In the previous turn an event started a war between Russia and Persia plus Armenia. In the current turn Armenia is forced to sign a peace with Russia because a peace treaty between Russia and Persia that never happened. (See messages 2 & 3 in the screen and how Russia and Persia are at war in the diplomatic window)

The same for me. I need to start a war with Armenia by my own (need their capital as it's Russian objective town.
But it' s even worse: GB fires event called "Third Coalition": the proposal initiated by GB has been agreed upon by both parties: Coalition Member.

As Russia I had NO choice. As human player I am disappointed. I know it's obvious when AI is playing to accept "historical path", but as human player I would like to have possibility to act differently. I don't want war with France right in this moment (most my army is at Kaukaz). So please allow player to accept or not accept paths in such events.

To say it frankly: who the hell starts a war when his army is out of place! That event is ridiculous.

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Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:48 am

You are 'almost' at war this France, the campaign starts this way, always. This is as if you were saying that Austria should not be at war with France and that all countries have neutral relationship and no bias against each other. This would be an entirely different campaign. I understand it has its appeal, but that would be a mod of the GC, which has historical settings. One is that Russia and France will be at war from the start.

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Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:50 am

Indeed, but WAD.... first of all, the game was designed to be played as either France or Britain...we have now accomodated to "option" to play other nations, but it's impossible to redo the whole events just because the geographic perspective is different...the whole purpose is to have a Coalition vs Empire conflict, not a clone of Empires in Arms or Diplomacy.

In addition, historically Russia was continuously at war in the Caucasus for a decade since 1804 and it never prevented it to fight quite well against it's also WAD that Russia is 'permanently' embroiled in some Caucasus conflict... the Czar handled it with less than 4 divisions, not all his army :bonk:

When we have time for that, we'll check how we can give some flexibility on that...

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Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:43 pm

1. "You are 'almost' at war this France, the campaign starts this way, always."
I understand that if Russia is played by AI, that should be. But human player should have some flexibility in creating politics of his country.

2. "This would be an entirely different campaign."
Yes. That is what I try to achieve. I don't see sense in following Russian historical path, as it is now obvious Russia was not ready for war against Bonaparte in 1805. I am gonna wage that war a little later.

3. "the game was designed to be played as either France or Britain...we have now accommodated to "option" to play other nation"
That explains the situation. I remember "Napoleon's Campaigns" where only Empire and Coalitions existed. But now, if that option was accommodated - it's time to do it fully :)

4. "the whole purpose is to have a Coalition vs Empire conflict, not a clone of Empires in Arms or Diplomacy"
Well, I am not sure. When campaign starts there are welcome windows with different texts for every country. You wrote there that Great Britain should counteract Russian expansion on the Baltic and Prussian in Germany. You wrote that Spain should look for her own path, not necessarily supporting French. You wrote to Prussia that this country can look for its future with Coalition or Empire. It looks like someone tried to allow different paths. I understand that in Great Britain's interest is to build anti-France coalition and it will be made with gold. But France also should have interest in keeping the same countries as allies to Empire. So following strict historical path is not very fruitful.
The war Empire-Britain could develop different. As I notice you allowed players to move forces freely, to change commanders, to choose where to start battles. So you just allowed for different path players will follow. I just advice to do it fully with this one step more: allow all playable nations to decide their politics.

5. "it's impossible to redo the whole events just because the geographic perspective is different."
It should be possible. My Russian perspective is simple: I need to achieve supremacy over France in first 5 years (1805-1810) without actual fighting with France. Then use that supremacy to remove French from all territories besides France (1810-1815).
So I plan in phase 1:
a) capture all Caucasus with Persia
b) capture Finland and maybe all Sweden
c) capture Wallachia and Moldavia
d) capture Constantinople and Greece
e) reduce power of Prussia and Austria to allow me to take Warszawa and Lemberg and if possible all former Polish territories they posses
In phase 2 of that plan I would:
f) take all German territory or create some German confederacy under Russian leadership (game-wise: alliances)
g) include Austrian and Italian territories into Russian Empire
h) take Paris or London or both, if times will allow ;)
As you can see in Russian objectives page, there are not many objectives in France, Spain, Portugal or Italy. They are all in: Finland, Balkans, Caucasus, Poland. So to win Russia needs to complete phase 1. War against France is not necessity. It's just an option and fun for second part of game (when Russia will have CORPS).

6. "Russia was continuously at war in the Caucasus for a decade since 1804 and it never prevented it to fight quite well against it's also WAD that Russia is 'permanently' embroiled in some Caucasus conflict... the Czar handled it with less than 4 divisions, not all his army"
Ok. I see the point. But I wanted some fun. I anchored my forces in Petersburg (for future Finland's war), in Brest as central position for eventual conflict in heart of continent (but not many troops are there), in Odessa (against Wallachia/Moldavia/Turkey). The rest of the forces are en route to Caucasus/Persia.

I know that is overkill, but I like it this way. I wanted my Caucasus campaign to be decisive and fast. So my forces here are numerous.
As you can see on the picture there are French artillery on Caucasus mountains. I've taken French 3 supply wagons and 3 arty after battle in Grozny ;)
Now I am gonna take this arty also. I don't know why French AI sends its troops here, but they are definitely here ... in first half of 1805.
I've also seen lone gen. Davout in St. Petersburg. I don't think he has landed, because I haven't seen French fleet. So perhaps he came from Finland. Well, he was alone, but evaded my cavalry. What a pity!


I know French also have NO OBJECTIVES in Russia, same thing as Russia has no objectives in France. Why there should be war? The only profit could be gold, British gold. Britain gave Russia 2.000 or so gold with event "Third Coalition". Britain has option to use card to give more gold/supplies to his allies (also Russia), but as Russia I don't have option to demand gold from Britain! And AI will mostly not use that card to support me (human player as Russia), so I don't see any interest in that war. In history "by the terms of the Anglo-Russian agreement of 1803, Britain paid a subsidy of ₤1.5 million for every 100,000 Russian soldiers in the field.". That was lot of money. I would like to have that possibility to get that money, but now only AI can do it.
Russia has not even option to quit Coalition's membership.

7. About Azer's war. I am officially not at war with them (at least that says diplomacy screen). But I can fight them and tooltip says we are at war. Strange.


8. "When we have time for that, we'll check how we can give some flexibility on that... "

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