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Mon Jan 11, 2016 3:47 pm

I went back a turn and started has played through for a number of turns thus far, without crashing again....though I am getting a number of pop up exception violation messages, etc....and these usually proceed a big crash....will send you files if and when game crashes again.

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Mon Jan 11, 2016 4:58 pm

Kept getting pop up warnings on scrip violations, exceptions, etc.....and finally a stall and crash....I have attached main log file....have zipped and tried to attach the save game files you requested....but get message that file still too large to upload....any suggestions.

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Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:56 am

That's an historical event error, we are on it.

It's abnormal to get any pop up about an error, if you get one, exit the game asap. Try to click again on end turn, if the error persists, then zip the saved game and upload it with please.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 5:24 pm

I see there is a new January 13 beta patch....going to download it and see if it corrects the ongoing pop-up exception and violation messages I continue to is hoping!

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Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:01 pm

Well...just downloaded and installed the latest public beta patch (January 13)...and I am receiving even more pop-up warnings about scrip violations, exceptions, has not had a full crash yet....but it is likely to be imminent (judging from previous similar patterns after installing of patches) I thought I would send along the log file: will send files to slitherine support too (particularly as I cannot seem to include the backup file on this forum....even when I get message that file still too big: and, as much as I like these games....I am not going to pay a fee to join a service like just to try and get these files to you.....I trust that emailing them to slitherine support will accomplish the same purpose.....though perhaps with a bit of delay. I am in your corner on trying to get this game to run better.....hope we get there at some point.

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:12 am

the script error will be fixed in next beta patch.

The other error needs your saved game though. If you manage to send it to the Helpdesk, then that's good, but tell them to forward it to me. Also is free, but you might arrive on the we transfer plus service initially, it is just one click away to upload for free your files.

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 4:49 pm

I sent the files to the help desk.....they sent me a reply that makes utterly no sense:

"Hi Kevin,

Please uninstall the game and reinstall in a different folder than C:\Program Files (x86)\.... Install in a folder like C:\Games\.... After having reinstalled the game open the game installation folder and delete the file named userpath.ini.
Please always make sure that you are installing the updates in the same folder as the original game is.

Kind Regards,

Paulo Costa
The Slitherine Group"

I have replied as follows to slitherine support:

"I am not clear on this....I have always been careful to install the game, and beta patches, as indicated in the software, my knowledge they are all installed correctly.....the version shows that I am playing with the latest 1/13 beta patch....When the game downloads and sets up the install folder.....all beta patches have been sent to the same folder: are you now saying that the install folder set out as a default by the game is part of the problem?"

This makes no sense to me.....if the game and all the patches to date have been downloaded and installed to the same file......why in the world is it necessary to completely uninstall the game and then reinstall to a new file....different than the default set up by the game install program itself: I realize you do have to be careful to make sure beta patches get installed to the proper file....and I have been: everything indicates that the game I am playing is that with the most up to date patch......

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Mon Jan 18, 2016 10:53 pm response to my above query slitherine said the following:

"Hi Kevin,

On some systems, the fact that the game is on C:\Program Files (x86)\..., might cause some permission issues. Please note that that's the folder where Microsoft suggests where the programs should be installed.
So I'm suggesting you to install the game outside C:\Program Files (x86)\....
Also very important is to delete the userpath.ini file.

When installing the beta patches also make sure that you are installing in the same folder as the game.
If you are installing for example on C:\Matrix Games\Wars of Napoleon, make sure that the correct folder is displayed on the destination box and destination location. (Please check the screenshots attached)

Kind Regards,

Paulo Costa
The Slitherine Group"

Would be helpful for AGEOED/Slitherine to let people know, up front, that there could be permission issues with the default folder Microsoft downloads the game to: in any event, I am going to follow their guidance and uninstall and then re-install WON into a different location.....and the patches too: I imagine I will lose the saved games I have to date.....despite the repeated crashes I have made close to 1808.....I will be sorry to likely have to start all over again! I have been continuing to get exception and violation pop up messages ...even in the January 13 beta patch: perhaps this complete change of location of the game will help....Slitherine seems to thinks so.......but I have my doubts! Will keep everyone posted as to what transpires after I go through the inconvenience of uninstalling and reinstalling game....

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Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:34 am

Your saved games should be fine :)

Hofstadter's Law: "It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's law."

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Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:45 pm

Well....following up on Slitherine support directions....I unistalled and reinstalled the a different folder.....and then installed the first patch, and each successive beta order: the game indicates that it is the most up to date January 13 public beta patch: The game opened fine....tried to resume saved game...but there was no copy of the file in the menu.....I then copied the previously saved game files (which were not deleted)...into the same file locations for the new installed game....but the game still does not come up when you try to load or resume a saved game. So how do I get access to the previously saved games?

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Thu Jan 21, 2016 2:39 pm uninstalled and reinstalled in new folder, userpath.ini deleted (Per guidance).....was able to transfer previous saved games over to new folder; have downloaded the most recent beta patch 1/19: what with the snow apocalypse coming here soon....will now have an opportunity to see how much further I can get....will let you all know if any further bugs, violations, etc...come up!

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