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Immortality and Death of Leaders

Sat May 02, 2015 11:54 am

If a single corps is participating in a battle and gets wiped out, the leader should die with it.
A few like Gen. Mack didn't but they were more or less out of the war once it was done with.

Overall Leader deaths must be quite high except for some IMMORTALS.
Eg: Nappy for France- He must have at-least 3 lives if not more.
Others havin 3 lives
Same with Alexander I of Russia.
Wellington of UK
Blucher of Prussia
and Archduke Karl von Teschen of Austria.
Rascals, would you live forever? - Frederick the Great.

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Sat May 02, 2015 1:08 pm

Totally up for this.

Generals dying (especially brigadiers) was not uncommon. If a high ranking general got captured and thus possibly returned, he should not be able to command anymore.
Important characters should be handled with extra care here, mostly because of game balance. In reality French would not hesitated if they got a chance to "disable" Wellington from the war.

On the other hand game should punish stupidities like sending Nappy with a lone cavalry unit to scout.
"Best way to win a war is not to fight it"

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James D Burns
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Sat May 02, 2015 4:03 pm

Shri wrote:Overall Leader deaths must be quite high

I have no problem with increased leader casualties, but because of the command points system the game uses, the loss of one or two high level leaders can cripple a country. So if you are going to be killing off a lot of leaders you have to have an automated system in place to replace any lost 3 or 4 star leaders so the loss of their command ability doesn’t break your countries army. The game simulates only a tiny fraction of any countries historical commanders pool, there were more than enough leaders to replace any losses no matter how high up the chain the leaders were.

Currently leaders have to be promoted through combat, but if the top guys get killed off there isn’t much chance you’ll be winning enough fights to earn promotion since you’ll probably be fighting at the 35% command penalty due to command limits, so an automated system to replace a minimum number of high level guys should be in place if they start dying a lot more often in game.


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Sun May 10, 2015 8:59 am

I have a faint idea-

Individual 1* commanders should be available in plenty to all sides (nameless, faceless, 2-1-1 or 3-1-1).
A lone commander should have 10% chance of dying in battle. (1/10)
But 5% if he is part of a Corps. (1/20)
Very high chances of death within 1 year.

2* Generals on their own will have 5% chances of dying (1/20), 2.5% if part of Corps (1/40) and 1.25% if leading a Corps (1/80)
(Bodyguards and Cavalry protection)
High chances of dying before end of campaign.

3* Generals to have 2.5% base chance (1/40), 1.25% if leading a Corps (1/80), 0.625% if leading an Army (1/160).
Medium chances of survival till the end.

4* Generals ( just to denote the senior most commander of the country barring the Emperor) to have base chance of 0.625% death. (1/160)
Eg: Kutuzov or Barclay de Tolly for Russia, Archduke Karl von Teschen for Austria or GFM von Blucher for Prussia and Duke of Wellington for England.
These were some exceptional commanders and should get 2 lives, if dead once should re-spawn in capital with loss of 1 NM, dead twice and gone forever.
Thus, nearly immortal.

In addition, exceptional people like Nappy, Tsar Alexander I, Koenig Fredrick Wilhelm IV, Kaiser Franz II, etc to have base chance of 0.3125% (1/320)
(They were rulers).
Also, they should get 3 lives, if dead, re-spawn in Capital with loss of 1NM. So, practically immortal.

Naval leaders will die if fleet sinks, irrespective of *.

The higher you go, more the bodyguards and lesser the chances of death in battle.
So, basically if Nappy was supreme commander and Massena and Davout were your 2 main Army Commanders (In Germany and Spain respectively or reverse) with the remaining Marshalls being Corps commanders, the chances of the top 3 dying will be minimal.
Rascals, would you live forever? - Frederick the Great.

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Thu May 14, 2015 6:16 am

I am good with this, I would like their to be a greater pool of leaders going around, with events or cards unlocking them.

I do think that if we are going to see an 3* die then the next highest seniority 2* should be automatically promoted and placed in the stack, with his replacement having to be manually sent to his previous position.

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Thu May 14, 2015 6:31 am

Nelson didn't die till the third whack so he might be included in the semi-immortals. He only lost parts over the years..

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Sean E
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Sat May 16, 2015 9:25 am

What about having as an option players can use or not a Mortality rating for leaders. So leaders who did die historically would have a high Mortality rating and ones who did not would have a low one. This would then follow a more historical route for leader deaths.

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Mon May 18, 2015 2:16 pm

Each leader will have its personal mortality rating. It will be tweakable. Beta members will have their say in this.

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Field Marshal Hotzendorf
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Mon May 18, 2015 11:54 pm

That sounds fair.

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Fri May 22, 2015 4:54 am


Would you consider a capture mechanic for generals in the instance that their force is wiped out? I know it was a different game but l'empereur had a capture mechanic, there was even a way to bribe the generals to turncoat and become loyal/ish to France.

It might just be interesting to be able to hold generals and they can not go home until an armistice or the other side is willing to pay for thier release.

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