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A question about the AI

Sat Feb 13, 2021 2:23 pm

I've been playing this game since its release. One of the issues that has bugged me was the AI's fixation on concentrating all its forces at the capital for no real reason. For example, in my current game as France, I built up and reinforced the British army in Portugal and Spain, organised it, and literally marched it 1 province away from the main French army in Spain, and then left the AI to play the following turn automatically. What happened? Wellington's Army stack was shorn of a couple of divisions which were sent roaming northern Spain. The formed corps just spread out with the exception of two which were defeated in a pitched battle. All it had to do was literally march 1 province and overwhelm my French army.

Is there a way to prevent the AI from doing such things? In particular, is there a way to stop it from spreading itself thinly? Maybe a setting in options or something?

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Re: A question about the AI

Sun Feb 14, 2021 3:01 pm

I have the game but haven't got into it enough yet to answer your question unfortunately.

I've been a bit wary of taking the time to learn the systems in this one to be honest because of reading that the AI can't play the game

In your experience, is the AI capable of providing a decent experience?

Apologies for responding to your question with another question.

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Re: A question about the AI

Sun Feb 14, 2021 11:20 pm

This game is really too complex to allow AI to run the major powers. For sure, Russia, Britain, France and Austria should be player run; however, this does not mean you cannot play the game without a human opponent. Those of us who came to wargames before computers played many games versus ourselves, that is, we played all sides. So rather than becoming disappointed because the AI does not work as you hoped, play Britain and France.

This is truly a fun way to play games as it provides you better insight into all aspects of the game. Some players are concerned they might 'cheat.' But really, all you are doing exploring the 'what ifs' which is the primary delight of playing simulations. So it is ok to see what happens if France does something silly. But I suspect you will keep trying to beat your other self.

This is a very rich game, just try out this other approach.

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Re: A question about the AI

Thu Feb 18, 2021 5:26 pm

I love this game but there are aspects of it that really make it messy. The AI is one of them. I've tried all sorts of options but always had the same result, penny packet forces which are easily defeated by the human player. I find this a bit strange as I believe that this is the same engine as Civil War II but the AI is pretty decent in massing and using large forces.

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Re: A question about the AI

Thu Feb 18, 2021 7:10 pm

I'm enjoying Pride of Nations at the moment and would love a similar grand strategy in the Napoleonic era.

Based on feedback about the AI I'm debating whether I'd be better off just going with Wars of Succession or possibly Napoleon's Campaigns rather than WoN.

Aside from possibly following the above suggestion of trying to play 2 sides manually in WoN of course.

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Re: A question about the AI

Tue Mar 02, 2021 3:24 pm

Bateman1982 wrote:I'm enjoying Pride of Nations at the moment and would love a similar grand strategy in the Napoleonic era.

Based on feedback about the AI I'm debating whether I'd be better off just going with Wars of Succession or possibly Napoleon's Campaigns rather than WoN.

Aside from possibly following the above suggestion of trying to play 2 sides manually in WoN of course.

All are good games. PON is a fantastic game which has a strong fan base even though its relatively speaking old. But I still have to see another game of such depth and which actually created the right mechanics for such a game.

WOS has the same engine as WoN but somehow works better. AI seems to disperse its forces less but has an achilles heel in that it rarely buys reinforcements. So say a one time intervention per year would be enough to keep the game alive.

Napoleon's Campaigns does not have a long term campaign except for the 'Spanish Ulcer' which is tricky. However, it is well researched and plays decently.

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