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Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Fri Mar 27, 2020 4:45 pm

I was surprised how smoother the game ran after I modded the files (thanks to help received on this forum) so that the major factions could actually create more divisions than allowed. AI armies are more compact and actually more of a threat as I discovered in an invasion of Ireland, when Decaen with 2 full strength divisions made a landing and were counterattacked by the Irish garrison massed in 3 divisions without any leadership handicap under a two star general, in three weeks I might add. Suffice it to say that Decaen had to leg it to the waiting fleet having lost half his force... Remember the mass of solo acts in London? Its in the past now. Having said that it doesn't mean the AI can build very good divisions, but it seems that it is more than capable and willing to actually put together divisions out of disparate elements.

Anyway, I always thought the cap on divisions especially for the coalition didn't make much sense especially since everyone and his brother was organised along divisional lines, especially after the war of the Second Coalition. The Napoleonic improvement was the formation of the corps and the game portrays it quite accurately in allowing the coalition to only get corps level troops in their reforms. In all honesty, I think that with the exception of the Haitians and Mahrattas and maybe the Caucasus factions and possibly Persia, every faction, including the minor ones, should be able to form divisions.

However, I could only do this for major powers because they have army reforms in event folders which allow one to increase the number of formable divisions for major factions. But on the other hand I have no idea whether it is possible to actually do the same for minor factions. I mean several of them start with divisions in place (BAV, SAX, DEN for ex) but I guess their OOB is written that way. I believe that several of the smaller armies could become pretty decent (in particular I'm looking at NDS and PIE on the coalition side and KOI and POL and Nappy's side)

So the big question is - is it possible to enable minor nations to create their own divisions? They do seem to be under the influence of other attributes so maybe its possible to give them the form division attribute as well.

Second question - Is it possible for units that were appropriated by a major power from a minor power through the expeditionary forces function to still count towards that minor power's recruitment pool? Currently if for example a major power takes a number of units from a minor, they become available once again for construction to the minor power, thus kind of extended their recruitment pool.

Third and last question - I've been looking at recruitment numbers and am trying to make sense of how much 1 unit of recruits actually amounts to in practice. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance!

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Re: Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Wed Apr 01, 2020 8:13 am

I'm citing from fuzzy memory here... but if the minor is in fact not a true nation but is only cosmetically a minor (units name, flag on unit, even replacement usage is a trick) then you won't be able to mod their own number of divisions.

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Re: Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Wed Apr 01, 2020 7:44 pm

Hi Pocus. Thanks for your answer.

I was looking at the GC Script 1805 file and it seems there is a way for some of the factions to actually amend the numbers. However, it is a .ini file that, as you say, is unmoddable (at least for me as I'm a complete amateur at this).

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Re: Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Sat Apr 11, 2020 3:37 pm

I was looking at the AUS army reform event and came across the following lines:

ChgFormedCmdMax = 18;4
ChangeUnitPool = $uni_AUS_Corps_HQ_1805;18

Its part of the Corps formation event. What do the '18' and '4' stand for? Is it the number of corps/armies that may be set up?

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Re: Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Sun Apr 12, 2020 2:39 pm

I was looking at the AUS army reform event and came across the following lines:

ChgFormedCmdMax = 18;4
ChangeUnitPool = $uni_AUS_Corps_HQ_1805;18

Its part of the Corps formation event. What do the '18' and '4' stand for? Is it the number of corps/armies that may be set up?

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Re: Forming divisions for minor countries and other questions

Sun Apr 12, 2020 6:20 pm


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