Don Powell
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Any Strategy Guides Available?

Mon Dec 31, 2018 2:15 pm

Some nice folks had compiled a whole group of very useful tips and even nation specific advice in a document for PON.

Does anyone know if there was anything like this for WON?

I saw Loki's post at Matrix which are great but was looking for more of the nation specific tips - in my case, for Russia.

Any help is appreciated,

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Re: Any Strategy Guides Available?

Wed Jan 02, 2019 4:55 am

Many people have posted small insights into how to play, but I think this game is still new enough that players are still exploring avenues of best play.
This is a delightfully complex game where no simple advice covers all. For instance, Austria is going to get creamed by France no matter what. So what is the best plan for defeat and recovery?
Spain is a tempting target for Britain in the early game, so the later game French intervention is often mooted.
Perhaps there are players who have better insights than I do, but playing many games, I have only played as each faction once, one faction two times and two factions three times. So my 'wisdom' is still in its infancy.

Don Powell
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Re: Any Strategy Guides Available?

Wed Jan 02, 2019 9:55 am

Thanks for the feedback Durk. It makes sense.

I am going to start off playing Russia as I did with PON and perhaps I'll have some hints to share in the future.

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Re: Any Strategy Guides Available?

Thu Jan 03, 2019 3:15 am

Maybe the best advice I got was to remember this game is actually not about winning battles. It is about annexing new regions to your faction.
You are not pro or anti France, you are pro expanding your faction's regions.

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