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House Rules for Two-Player WON (v.1)

Sat Feb 27, 2016 1:49 pm

War and Peace –House Rules for Two-Player Wars of Napoleon

The purpose of these House Rules is to guide two player PBEM of the campaign game of Wars of Napoleon (WON). This would address the difficulty in getting a full roster of players for each major nation. These rules are adapted from the Avalon Hill board game War and Peace, which also modeled the Napoleonic Wars in their entirety. The rules deal mainly with the terms under which the two human players would manage the seven major powers. These House Rules operate on the honor system and hence are not intended for competitive play.

This is a first draft and I welcome comments and suggestions, especially from people who have played WON a lot and are more familiar with the diplomatic system and scripted events.

At the January 1805 start of the game, the political status of the seven major states is as follows:
Pro-French: France and Spain – controlled by the French Player
Anti-French: England – controlled by the British Player
Anti-French Aligned Neutral - Austria and Russia – controlled by the British Player
Unaligned Neutrals: Prussia and Ottomans – the Prussians are controlled by the British and Ottomans by the French

General Guidelines
These General Guidelines apply unless there is a Scripted Event or Special Rule exception for that major nation.

Pro and Anti-French – these major nations are fully controlled by their respective players. Changes in their allegiance are subject to the Coalition Rules.

Aligned Neutrals – major nations which are pro or anti-French neutrals (Aligned Neutrals) are controlled, respectively, by the French or British players. While an Aligned Neutral, they may respond to hostile attacks but, except for naval movement/naval transport, may not move outside their national boundaries (including colonies and satellites). Any diplomatic option or mission may be undertaken except for a declaration of war – this restriction is lifted if another major power has opened hostilities itself and the option to declare war can (but is not required to be) be exercised against any allies of the now-hostile major power. However a declaration of war that has not been provoked can only be delivered by an Aligned Neutral subject to a Scripted Event, the Alliance Rules or a Special Rule

Unaligned Neutrals – true neutral nations are still controlled by either the British or French players, but must obey the following restrictions. While true neutrals, no diplomatic activity is permitted except as required to enable passage to and from colonies and satellites of that neutral. Although new forces may be built and depots created, no land movement is allowed except transiting between cities. True neutral major nations should maintain as equal a distribution of forces in combat power as possible among cities of size 3 or above, except for the capital(s), which may have any number of forces. Trade or naval movement may be taken to and from satellites and colonies. These restrictions are lifted if there is a change in status pursuant to the Alliance Rules, the neutral is subjected to hostile action or pursuant to a Special Rule applicable to that major power. Unaligned Neutral control is subject to the following guidelines:

Austria - Neutral Austria is always controlled by the British, but if defeated, it must subsequently respond affirmatively to any passage request from France and provide a one-time only affirmative response to a French expeditionary request per defeat. These latter requirements no longer apply after January 1813.

Prussia - Neutral Prussia is always controlled by the British, but after it has been defeated, it must respond affirmatively to any passage request from France and provide a one-time only affirmative response to a French expeditionary request per defeat. These requirements no longer apply after January 1813.

Russia - Neutral Russia is always controlled by the British, but after the Treaty of Tilsit must respond affirmatively to any French economic or trade request. This latter restriction is lifted if France initiates hostilities or by June 1812.

Ottomans - Neutral Ottomans are always controlled by the French

Spain – Neutral Spain is always controlled by the British.

Alliance Rules
Unaligned Major nations, e.g. Major Nations other than France or Britain, can only join the conflict subject to a successful roll on the Coalition Table. At the beginning of each month, the British player can choose one major state that is currently an Unaligned Neutral and seek to move it into Aligned Status by a successful D6 roll that equals or exceeds its modified Alliance Number. A successful Alliance roll will move an Unaligned Neutral will move it to Aligned Neutral, and an Aligned Neutral to full belligerent. If a roll is made, the change need not be made, but if the chance is passed up then the opportunity is lost for that month. The French player receives a one-time option to make an Alliance roll each time a conquest is made of a pro-British allied major power. The option must be exercised within three months of the conquest or it is lost. A French alliance roll is successful if it is less than the modified Alliance Number for that major power. If a major power has an asterisk for that year, it is not subject to alliance rolls during that time frame.

Year Russia Austria Prussia Spain Ottomans
1805 * * 7 7 7
1806 * * 5 6 7
1807 * * 6 6 7
1808 7 6 7 5 6
1809 7 6 7 5 6
1810 6 6 7 5 6
1811 6 6 7 5 6
1812 5 6 6 4 6
1813 4 5 5 4 6
1814 3 4 4 3 6
1815 2 3 3 3 6

+1: if three other major powers are at war with France (counting any powers that have just been activated).
+2: if four major powers are at war with France (counting any powers that have been activated just now).
+1: for Prussia if the Kingdom of Poland was created.
+2: for Russia if the Kingdom of Poland was created.
+1 for the Ottomans if a French allied major power has units in North Africa or the Caucasus
-1: for Russia and Prussia if there was no revival of Poland at all.
-1: if French or French satellite units are within the borders of Russia
-1: if French or French satellite units control Moscow or St. Petersburg.
-1: for Austria and Prussia, if no territory had been taken from them yet by France
-1: for the Ottomans if a British allied major power has units in North Africa or the Caucasus
- 1 for the Ottomans if Russia is a British ally
- 1 for the Ottomans if Austria is a British ally
Note 1: No modifiers apply to Spain.
Note 2: A power conquered within the past 12 months cannot be rolled for.
Note 3: Britain or France, if they leave the war through conquest, automatically become belligerent again after 12 months have passed

During the game, players can make diplomatic offers, including surrenders, as they would like for the belligerent powers they control. However, a belligerent major power must leave the war if certain conditions are met. If the conditions are met, the controlling player for that power, on the next turn, must begin steps to leave the war, such as cessation of hostilities, movement back to home regions, and change in diplomatic status. The conditions vary and can change over time for each major power.

If Vienna has been taken by an enemy, Austria must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a modified roll of “12” Austria must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. Modifiers:
+1: for each additional Austrian city size 5 or above held by the enemy
+1: if this is the first time Vienna has fallen
-1: it is January 1809 or later
-1: it is January 1813 or later (cumulative with the modifier for 1809)

If Berlin has been taken by an enemy, Prussia must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a modified roll of “12” Prussia must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. Modifiers:
+1: for each additional Prussian city size 5 or above held by the enemy
+1: if this is the first time Berlin has fallen
-2: it is January 1813 or later

If both Moscow and St. Petersburg have been been taken by an enemy, Russia must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a modified roll of “12” Russia must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. Modifiers:
+1: for each additional Russian city size 5 or above held by the enemy
+1: if this is the first time both Moscow and St Petersburg have fallen
-4: it is January 1812 or later

Spain has differing benchmarks for conquest, depending on whether the conquering power is France or Britain.

- If Spain is allied to France, beginning in 1806 a modified roll is made at the start of each month that a Spanish colony is held by Britain or her allies. On a modified roll of “12” Spain must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months with the following modifiers:
+ 1 for each Spanish colony held by the enemy
-1 if Britain or her allies have units in Spain, including Gibraltar

- If Spain is allied to Britain, a modified roll is made at the start of each month that Madrid is held by France or her allies. On a modified roll of “12” Spain must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months with the following modifiers:
+1: if all Spanish cities size 3 or above are French held
-1: if Britain or her allies have units in Spain proper

If Constantinople has been taken by an enemy, the Ottomans must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a roll of “12” the Ottomans must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. There are no modifiers to this roll as this reflects the centralized nature of Ottoman rule.

If London has been taken by an enemy, Britain must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a modified roll of “12” Britain must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. Modifiers:
+1: for each additional British city size 5 or above held by the enemy

France has two sets of conditions for being conquered, depending on whether it has been conquered once already.

The first conquest can happen once Paris has been taken by an enemy, France must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn. On a modified roll of “12” France must cease hostilities and begin efforts to leave the war and become an Un-Aligned Neutral for the next twelve months. Modifiers:
+1: for each additional French city size 5 or above held by the enemy

The second conquest can happen if at least fifty elements of regular enemy units are within the borders of France. France must roll a 2D6 at the start of each monthly turn these conditions are met. On a modified roll of “12” France must cease hostilities and the game ends a decisive British victory.
+1: for each French city size 5 or above held by the enemy
-1: for each enemy city size 5 or above held by the French or French allies

Terms of Surrender
The terms of voluntary surrenders or armistices should reflect the current war score as regards cessation of provinces, trade concessions, staging of occupying forces, etc. Both players should be guided by the historical record in making specific provisions. Disagreements should be resolved by a D6 roll.

French Victory Conditions - if the game doesn’t end in automatic British victory, the following helps determine how the French player did:
Draw: Paris held. Napoleon manages to cling to power, but his rule is unsteady and more war portends.
Moral Victory: Paris held and French units entered a hostile Moscow, St. Petersburg, or Madrid at some point during the game. Napoleon clings to power, ensuring the succession of his son and heir
Victory: Paris held and Spain conquered (with or without Russia and Britain being conquered). The French Empire is firmly established and remains the premier influence in Europe.
Decisive Victory - Master of the Continent: Paris held and Russia conquered (with or without Spain or Britain). France dominates Europe in solid alliance with German, Polish and Italian satellites.
Decisive Victory – Master of the Seas: Paris held and Britain conquered (with or without Spain or Russia). With the mother country broken, the British Empire falls to the vultures.
Master of the World: England and Russia conquered (with or without Spain). French becomes the new world language.

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