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Somme Anniversary

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 7:35 am
by elxaime
Four minutes ago, 100 years ago, the whistles blew and the soldiers of the British and French went over the top...

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 8:25 am
by PhilThib
and hundred of thousands ended slaughtered within minutes....human stupidity as its maximum... :(

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 10:46 am
by Taillebois
PhilThib wrote:and hundred of thousands ended slaughtered within minutes....human stupidity as its maximum... :(

And the governor of the Bank of England talks of the UK's "post traumatic stress" - after a vote. Snowflake.

Thank you Phil and Phil for making these historical games - I play them not to glory in war - but to understand - and the "butcher's bill" at the end of each battle is always a reminder to me of how many young lives have been ended prematurely in wars from time immemorial.

There is a part of Robert Graves autobiographical book "Goodbye To All That" in which an officer leads his men over the top, he looks back half a minute later and sees only his sergeant - "Where are the men sergeant, are they all cowards?" "No Sir, they are all dead."

Posted: Fri Jul 01, 2016 4:18 pm
by lycortas2
I am playing this for the first time Pbem and am myself traumatized. I have mostly played Rise of Prussia and other such civilized games.
We are in late September '14 and I think my French troops have taken casualties to equal everyone who died in the Seven Years war in 6 weeks or so of 1914.

Re: Somme Anniversary

Posted: Sat Nov 19, 2016 4:07 pm
by czert2
after all, WWI was called war to end all wars for a reason. And personaly i never undertanded courage of so many man to do pointess charges from 1915 onwards, i should rebel way earlier than in 1917 or 18.
Die for my country ? ok. Die pointlesly ? hell, no.