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how works replacement?

Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:34 am

Are the replenishment of military units automatic? Or do I have to do something to the production window first to ensure it?

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Joined: Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:21 pm

Re: how works replacement?

Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:11 pm

It depends on the settings. If you have "auto replacements" "on," the AI will automatically use some of your money/WS/manpower on buying replacements. If you have it "off," you'll need to go to the war production screen "F2, I think) in the little book thingy. There, in the right hand side, you can click on the different types of replacements to buy more. The numbers on top show how many units of that type are currently on the map; the numbers down below show how many replacements you currently have, and how many you've ordered this turn (in parentheses). The typical rule of thumb is to have 10% of your current unit total for replacements.

As far as using replacements, some of the rule settings can be adjusted making it necessary for a unit to be in the same space as a depot in order to receive replacements. Typically, the less aggressive stance your units are in, the more likely they are to receive replacements (so green/green is best if you're trying to get replacements in that unit...but that means it's vulnerable if attacked).

Hope that helps. It's been a little since I've played, so I hope that's all correct.

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