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Question about command structure

Sat May 23, 2020 9:14 am

I am just expanding from Alea Iacta Est and Field of Glory: Empires into AGEOD's other games. Having played Alea Iacta Est extensively some of the basic mechanisms of To End All Wars are already clear to me. However, I struggle to understand the command structure. Example: I am just in the first turns of the grand campaign, playing as France. Joffre's GHQ is based in Sedan, with a number of armies assigned to it, identifiable as flashing icons if I click on Joffre's GHQ, and through diamond icons in their army tab. I have also created a new army out of a general and a number of units that exceed the command limit of the main army in Longwy. This new army is not attached to Joffre and the GHQ.

Questions about this:

1. l assume that the new army suffer the penalties for armies outside the command structure, as listed in the manual. Correct?

2. If so, how to attach the new army to the GHQ? I could not find anything in the interface to accomplish this, and the manual does not seem to explain this point.

Thank you in advance for explanations - it's really rather a beginner's question!

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Re: Question about command structure

Mon May 25, 2020 1:07 am

You are indeed reaching across the span of many new and exciting game. Command in To End All Wars is a bit different from all other AGEOD games in that your CinC must enable armies.
From the situation you describe, it seems the distance between Joffre and your new potential army is to long. So move Joffre nearer. This will allow you to activate the Army. This distance requirement is an interesting complication of the game.
It mostly impacts Britain in the Middle East and Russia in Turkey, but distance between CinC and HQ is the answer.
So yes, correct.

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Re: Question about command structure

Mon May 25, 2020 5:32 am

Worthwhile noting, too, that once activated by the GHQ the dog is off the leash and distance doesn't appear to be a continuing issue.

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Re: Question about command structure

Mon May 25, 2020 10:49 am

Thank you. Got it to work now. This is indeed a matter of distance. Having worked this out, the command structure makes sense now, and otherwise, the transition into the game has not been so difficult, as far as the UI and at least the basic mechanics are concerned.

An interesting strategic question is how to effectively use the British and the French fleets in the Channel and in the North Sea, at the start of the war. The immediate priorities seem to be to secure the Channel and set up a blockade. Beyond this, where, how, and when to challenge the German fleet? My supposition would be that I ought to neutralise the German fleet quickly, if possible. Any suggestions on this?

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Re: Question about command structure

Mon May 25, 2020 10:30 pm

I do not think there is a 'magic' British and French naval strategy. You have put forth some good theories. I usually go with the Fleet in Being with a strong blockade. But there are so many more options.

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Re: Question about command structure

Tue May 26, 2020 11:20 pm

I normally play the CP and I'd suggest that the only thing you need do to neutralise the German fleet is to rotate a load of your big bangers in or around the German Bight. If the unit stats do give any advantage to the German BB and BC for superior protection it's not sufficient to show up in Jutland-like encounters. So if the High Seas Fleet takes it into its collective head to sortie out it pretty much takes care of its neutralisation for you.

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