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Bogus Subs, Control of the Undersea Cable, & all That

Thu Apr 16, 2020 4:57 am

Back in 12/11/2014, ajarnlance wrote:

"Yes, unfortunately I can confirm that the 'not using submarines in the shipping box' tactic DOES NOT work. I was advised on a forum thread that not using subs would not anger the USA. Instead, this last turn, I not only anger the USA but I got the "Lusitania Event" which has shifted the US about 15% towards the Entente. This is another of those frustrating moments where my carefully laid plans have unravelled due to a bug in the game. How can I torpedo the Lusitania when my subs have been sitting in Wilhelmshaven harbor and have never been anywhere near the shipping box?? Now I calculate the US will enter the war about a year earlier than I had planned..."

Is this still happening? Can the US be angered by surface raider attacks?

Has this issue been patched or was the idea that no U-boots equals no negative effect wrong?

If so, I have also been a victim my own bad advice; I'm currently playing a pbem game as the CP, and my strategy in the West is based around delaying the US entry by not invading Belgium and keeping U-boots from attacking Atlantic shipping.

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Re: Bogus Subs, Control of the Undersea Cable, & all That

Thu Apr 16, 2020 1:50 pm

Not sure if it's different for PBEM, but I haven't seen the Lusitania or US anger when I keep U-boats out of the Atlantic shipping box against the AI. I still see the US drift towards the Entente slowly. Having U-boats in the Mediterranean box doesn't seem to anger the US, either. Not sure about surface raiders in the Atlantic box, though. It's possible PBEM is different (I think the blockade rules are?), or that I've been lucky.

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Re: Bogus Subs, Control of the Undersea Cable, & all That

Thu Apr 16, 2020 11:53 pm

Bargus - your comment about the difference between AI and pbem raise a question for me; is maybe the difference in naval settings? I always use the standard rule.
I do suspect surface raiders do provoke the Lusitania event as I have seen this when no using subs but using raiders in the convoy boxes.

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Re: Bogus Subs, Control of the Undersea Cable, & all That

Fri Apr 17, 2020 12:39 pm

Durk- Quite possibly! I don't recall what settings I've used in my 2 completed games as the CP against the AI.

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Re: Bogus Subs, Control of the Undersea Cable, & all That

Wed Jan 27, 2021 11:37 pm

Coming to this discussion late I can report that not using subs or raiders in the Atlantic in a PBEM game apparently did keep the US out of the war in a recent game. Wilson was also defeated in the election. Switching sides my opponent also has not used subs in the Atlantic, but he did use raiders. This apparently triggered the Lusitania event. This game is ongoing, but the US is slowly moving toward joining the Entente, even though Entente morale is low. We have not seen the use of subs in the Med as affecting US entry. But it has very definitely affected Entente morale and alignment.

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