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Atlantic Merchants moved away from AI

Sat Aug 31, 2019 12:15 pm

Hello there,

I have a problem in my CP Playthrough, more precisely the WE has. Great Britain moved all of their merchants out of the Atlantic Shipping Box for some Reason, and now they are suffering from the +3% Rebel Alignment ( If i read the manual correctly this is from the 3 checks, with a chance of 4% per element less than 25) each turn.

First of all, i checked with a new game and the Merchant Ships of the WE should be permanently fixed in both of their Shipping Boxes, but in my game they somehow became unfixed, even though i never sent CP Ships or submarines in the Atlantic Box to avoid the Lusitania Event.

so now im concerned about GB leaving the war too early cause of this one issue. After all i want a challenge, thats why we play this game right :D

Btw i checked the past few turns wether or not the AI will send Merchants back in the Shipping Box. They did send some single Merchants/transports back a few times to a point where they were only suffering 1% Rebel Alignment last turn but now they all have left again. As i already said i never sent any kind of Ships inside the Box so i really dont understand why the AI moves the merchants at all.

So i have several questions regarding this issue:

1. Is this a known thing?

2. Can i just send the Merchant ships back in the Shipping Box by switching side and manually order them back for the WE or will creating orders for the AI-controlled WE mess up the savegame/ai ?

3. Does this even has an impact besides the WE missing out on some income generated from the Merchants? Cause i read in another post that GB never revolts and surrenders, no matter how high the Rebel Alignment is for them.

4. if GB actually can sureender and leave the war, is there an easy way to give tehm back the Alignment points they lost from the Shipping box checks? (editing the savegame for example)

i would appreciate Any tips or adivce regarding this issue. After all im really enjoying the game right now and want to continue playing.

best regards, Improve

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Re: Atlantic Merchants moved away from AI

Mon Sep 02, 2019 7:39 pm

Can you post the save (if you have the turn where this occurred it would be most helpful)? This is odd, the fleet should not have moved as you state. I may be able to write a small script to correct the issue for you if need be as well.

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Re: Atlantic Merchants moved away from AI

Tue Sep 03, 2019 1:08 pm

Hello Improve,

Not entirely sure about the rest, but:

>3. Does this even has an impact besides the WE missing out on some income generated from the Merchants? Cause i read in another post that GB never revolts and surrenders, no matter how high the Rebel Alignment is for them.

You're correct: against the AI, it rebel alignment won't cause the UK to leave the war. I think the AI was having trouble managing its merchant fleets, and it was too easy to knock them out this way. If you're playing against a human (or if you are playing as the Western Entente) the rebel alignment rules are in effect.

Good luck!

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Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2011 8:20 pm

Re: Atlantic Merchants moved away from AI

Wed Sep 04, 2019 12:42 am

Bargus is correct about the UK not surrendering due to Rebel Alignment if AI, so he's correct you can continue along without worry of it breaking game.

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Re: Atlantic Merchants moved away from AI

Wed Sep 04, 2019 5:54 pm

first of all, thanks for the replies :)

@Altaris, actually i dont know ho to upload files in this forum, im still new and cant find the button for it :D

i dont think i have the turn saved where the merchant fleet became unlocked. i actually just realized this when i was checking the rebel alignment of all nations and the investitgated whats up with GB. judging by the uk rebel alignment that turn wasnt the first one where the GB was missing merchants in the atlantic.
i can send you the most backwards turn though as soon as i figure out how haha.

i dont think it would be worth it to write a script to fix the issue tbh, especially when rebel alignment is not a problem for GB. Aprreciate the offer though :hat:

and @Bargus thanks for the clarification. im indeed playing against the ai so its good to know the GB cant leave the war. i think it makes a lot of sense to handle it like this, considering the things you pointed out.

to my surprise i won 2 turns later by hitting 150 NM, due to the WE creating a 14000 combatpower doomstack and attacking me twice. i mean they took the provinces after all, but lost 1,5 million men over the cause of 3 turns and gave me like 45 NM in the process.
so now im basically figuring out how i wanna continue the game, maybe im gonna restore the most backward turn and retreat behind the next river so they cant make me win so early (end of 1915).

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