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Teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian troops ?

Sun Oct 02, 2016 8:47 pm

Hi !

In my current turn in may 1915, there is a Ottoman general, leading german and austrian troops on the eastern front !
This is really unrealistic and kills the immersion, why does the AI do such things ?

Also, i defeated this ottoman general and his troops in one province during turn resolution and lost to him (commanding different troops) in another battle 4 provinces away !
I checked it, its the same name and picture !

Whats up with this teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian corps ?
I hope this bug gets fixed soon !

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Mon Oct 03, 2016 3:13 pm

Has anyone else noticed such behavior ?

See screenshot here:

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Tue Oct 04, 2016 7:08 am

This is very hard to prevent this behavior for one simple reason: there is only one "side" considered by the AI, which is the CP...that there are Austrians, Germans, Turks or other is of no concern or importance to her, because such a difference is purely cosmetic. This is due to the way the whole game was built. There are issues of the same kind with unit construction (e.g. "German" ressources producing Turkish troops). I believe it is hard to fix, except may be with some long and time-consuming AI scripts that no one has ever tried to create.

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Tue Oct 04, 2016 9:53 am

Thanks for the answer

The game seems to know "theaters".
So why cant the AI be scripted to only use Ottoman troops and generals in a few selected theaters ?

Ok, maybe a Ottoman general leading german and austrian troops can be ignored but if actual ottoman troops would appear in Königsberg i would really stop playing this game because all immersion would be gone.

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Re: Teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian troops ?

Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:15 pm

This is something which would require heavy modification of the engine AI code, which isn't likely to happen at this point. It's not so much whether the AI knows theaters, as the fact the factions are set to 3 (Centrals, Western Entente, Eastern Entente). The AI doesn't technically differentiate between the sub-factions (in this game, the nations are sub-factions of their main factions). The only other option would be to make the AI have individual factions for each nation, but that's not really feasible, as then the AI would compare each factions relative strength to the entire opposing faction, and ultimately never launch attacks.

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Re: Teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian troops ?

Fri Nov 11, 2016 7:05 pm

well, i can accept random placing of generals, but i realy cant understand building of units. as russia i can build serbian unist only at serbia, ukrainan units at ukraine...etc and not at any random city.
why not same build restrictions dont apply to ai ?

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Re: Teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian troops ?

Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:11 am

It's a stretch to imagine Ottoman troops serving in the German theatre, but considering that two or three Russian brigades did find their way to the Western front it's not inconceivable. The broader issue of a single command structure integrating all three fronts, however, is in my view fatal to the game.

I accept that it's a limitation of the system, but it's a limitation incommensurate with the demands made on the player in simply handling the interface, let alone the mechanics of production, decision-making, construction, etc. It seems to me just plain silly to load a player up with all this micro-management (and I am, I hasten to add, an avid micro-manager) when the greatest management issue of the war itself was theatre co-ordination. If the system doesn't serve the topic, then either get a new system or a new topic.

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Re: Teleporting Ottoman general commanding german and austrian troops ?

Sat Nov 12, 2016 7:23 pm

I hope this game gets a huge patch that fixes this problem.

The AI should be able to manage theaters in a realistic way + one GHQ per Theater is a must.

Currently the game just shows that WW1 is maybe too big and complex for the Engine.

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