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Unique Units or Special Units?

Thu Jun 12, 2014 9:02 am

1. Is -
Guards Units of Prussia, Bavaria and Princely states for Germany
KUK Guard for Austria and
Imperial Guard Korps for Russia
Foot Guards for UK

As also- Foreign Legion for France
Marine Korps for France, UK and Germany

Super Heavy Artillery for Germany and Austria

Cossacks for Russia?

US Marines for USA?
And other such unique units represented?

2. Also are nationalities represented like in WW1 Gold, it was a very good thing to differentiate units esp. for Austria and somewhat for Russia and Ottomans also.

3. Will France and UK be able to recruit in Africa and India respectively? but with limits so that they do not get unnecessary boost in manpower?

4. What about dominion/commonwealth? how is this represented? are they giving economic and man-power boosts to UK or are they full fledged allies of UK and providing units in Europe?

5. Revolutions in Russia, Turkey, Austria, France and Italy happening in case of disastrous losses?

6. Is Serbia never to surrender and Rumania easily surrendering? or no such hard-coded features?

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Tue Jul 08, 2014 8:42 am

small reminder: austria never had any guards units like prussia, russia, france etc. except palace guards

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:05 pm

What about GAS TROOPS? Will the game simulate gas attacks?

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:11 pm

Yes, there are ways to use gas in the game.
Remember - The beatings will continue until morale improves.

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Wed Aug 06, 2014 6:20 pm

British Dominion forces will presumably be a special sub-nationality that requires its own replacement chits, and I assume there'll be a leader trait 'Canadian' or 'ANZAC' that allows that leader to command units of that nationality without penalty.

Historically, the Dominion forces were organised into single-nationality divisions (although New Zealand brigades were sometimes included in Australian divisions). In turn, the divisions were usually grouped into single-nationality corps (the Canadian Corps, the ANZAC), but this was not always true. Australian cavalry divisions were generally combined with British ones in Palestine, for example.

Britain briefly deployed a couple of Indian divisions to France in the winter of 1914-15, but apart from that, there was a conscious decision that Indian troops would only be used in the Mediterranean and Middle East theatres. Likewise, the Government of South Africa insisted that its three divisions should only be used within the continent of Africa (they were sent to fight Lettow-Vorbeck in East Africa).

The other Dominions put their Imperial Service troops entirely at the disposal of the British War Office, however. (Leading to some resentment after the war that the British had used their troops as cannon fodder, though a look at the casualty figures doesn't support that interpretation.)

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