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The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Tue Feb 13, 2018 7:00 am

The impossible dream happened: thanks to mines, fortress guns and several powerful and well timed and lucky punches by the German High Seas Fleet, an invasion of the northern Germany was stopped. The British Home fleet was badly damaged in the attempt; they are still at sea and next to powerless. My simple plan is to continue hammering on the mass of wreckage until it manages to stagger home.

After that, I'm lost. Sailing out of sight of land is not my strong point. I'm at sea when it comes to the big, blue, wet thing.

So, here's the question. Any suggestions on how to best use the German fleet when the North Sea contains only a shattered British opponent?

Some background information: the Allies' Mediterranean fleet is currently tied up in a 2nd amphibious assault on Turkey. The Central powers, due to heavy land assaults by the French and a very successful Russian defense, do not any troops to spare for an invasion of England. At best, I could shake loose a few divisions.

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:17 am

As a Central Powers fan. Amazing, congrats!! :niark:

1. Not enough troops for the whole thing? Then for the symbolic value, take Scapa Flow.

2. May you disembark in Ireland? Is the game designed so that it has any effect in a possible rising of the Irish Patriots?

3. The most important thing, the blockade of Britain. This was the main reason for losing the war, so the contrary should also be true.

4. Finish off the Mediterranean Fleet, Suez?

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:53 pm


Thanks, you raised some excellent ideas.

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Wed Feb 14, 2018 6:25 am

Just on Nikel's third point, I don't think he's suggesting that you try to blockade Great Britain - rather that the absence of the blockade will give you the "income' needed to see you through to victory. Though I've never come anywhere near achieving your naval position, the rulebook seems very clear on the fact that the blockade works only for the Entente.

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Wed Feb 14, 2018 7:22 am

Yes, but besides the blockade boxes, with the Navy you may bloclade the ports themselves, this will reduce supplies (general and ammunition), an so affect the military operations.

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Wed Feb 14, 2018 8:52 am

Aha! Something else I didn't know - thanks.

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Re: The Impossible Dream Happened; what to do next?

Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:01 am

The shipping boxes also work as blockade for the Entente, if you hunt enough merchants there is a chance of rebellion in Britain.

SA commented that he was not hunting them with surface ships, only with subs, though this should not be the case.

I would like to read an authorized opinion on this, Altaris, PhilThib, Pocus? :siffle:

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