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Saved game questions.

Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:01 pm

I saved a game using the icon in the upper right. When I look in load games I don't see it. Where would I find it? I don't remember having a problem finding my saved games in my other AGEOD titles.
If I start a new Campaign but play a different faction, will the autosave start a new set in the load game box or will it just add onto my current Campaign wihch I don't want to lose?
Thanks for any info.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 4:40 pm

This might be related to the fact we are saving since CW2 the games in your user directory. You can find it by opening the options window, main menu, there is an indication there. If they are there but you prefer the older scheme of saving them into the game directory, you can do that by deleting the file userpath.ini which is in the game main directory.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 5:14 pm

Thanks for your help.
I think that I found the saves. However, when I when I double click on one I get "Windows can't open this file." I'm using Windows 7.
Also, any thoughts about my autosave question?
I'm not experienced with changing anything in a game directory. I can't even find the file you mentioned deleting.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:07 pm

stormbringer3 wrote:Thanks for your help.
I think that I found the saves. However, when I when I double click on one I get "Windows can't open this file." I'm using Windows 7.
Also, any thoughts about my autosave question?
I'm not experienced with changing anything in a game directory. I can't even find the file you mentioned deleting.

No, windows wouldn't be able to open the file. The file is saved in a format that windows wouldn't know how to open. If you're trying to rename a saved game, then right click on the file and choose rename. If you're not sure of the effects of what you're doing, then make a copy of the file you want to rename to another place on your computer -- making sure to remember where that is -- and then rename the file. If something goes wrong, delete the renamed file and copy back in the original file that you copied to another place. Thus back to square one.

If you start a new campaign, then it will overwrite the autosave with the most recent game.

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Mon Sep 08, 2014 6:38 pm

Thsnks for your reply. I wonder why the saved games system was changed in CW2, the old one worked great for me. So now I have saved games that I can't open. My purchase before this title was Distant Worlds Universe. That came with a saved games system that was complicated and wasn't user friendly. The developers quickly changed the system so that all the saved games showed in the "box" and it became simple to use. Hopefully that will happen here.

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 8:47 am

Windows strongly incite developers to stop saving files in the game directory itself, sorry.

Praise to Reiryc for being helpful here.

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 12:30 pm

Pocus wrote:Windows strongly incite developers to stop saving files in the game directory itself, sorry.

Praise to Reiryc for being helpful here.

Welcome :)

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:58 pm

This is something that spread like cancer after Windows Vista, but as Pocus said it is 100% Microsofts fault. If a developer doesn't follow the guidelines he is punished with errors during write access etc.
While separation of programs and data is a fine thing, this is a terrible nuisance because every developer chooses a different path.

"C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\Application Data\"
"C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\My Files\"
"C:\Documents and Settings\%USER%\My Files\My Games\"

plus the localized versions of these folder %USER%\Anwendungsdaten\ etc
When I need a savegame I know they are in "Documents and Settings" but I must search through all these these folder plus permutations of subfolders, To End All Wars\.. Matrix\.. Slitherine\.. Ageod\..


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Tue Sep 09, 2014 2:58 pm

@Pocus: it would be a good idea for every developer to add a shortcut to the savegame folder to desktop or the game's start menu folder.

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:50 pm

I really appreciate the attention given to my question. I'm totally confused. The current save setup is because of Windows but I can't use windows to open them????
I really like this game but having access to no saves but autosaves does put a damper on it for me. Pocus mentioned deleting a file to give me the old system but I just don't know where to find it. I buy my games through Matrix so I installed it into my Matrix Games folder. When I go there and open EAW I can find many folders for the game but when I open what I think are the likely ones to check, I see nothing like Pocus described. What folder should I open?
Thanks for your help.

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Tue Sep 09, 2014 6:58 pm

stormbringer3 wrote:I really appreciate the attention given to my question. I'm totally confused. The current save setup is because of Windows but I can't use windows to open them????
I really like this game but having access to no saves but autosaves does put a damper on it for me. Pocus mentioned deleting a file to give me the old system but I just don't know where to find it. I buy my games through Matrix so I installed it into my Matrix Games folder. When I go there and open EAW I can find many folders for the game but when I open what I think are the likely ones to check, I see nothing like Pocus described. What folder should I open?
Thanks for your help.

I'd check documents, then games (or my games) and see if there is an eaw folder there.

If so, inside that folder is the default save game folder.

Regarding the save game/windows thing that is confusing. Windows just says where to save something, it doesn't care what it is that's being saved. So for example, if you have an excel file on your computer that downloaded from the internet but didn't have the excel program installed, windows wouldn't know what the file was, nor could it open it. You would need excel installed and to open the file from within excel.

Now using that example with regards to the save game. Windows won't know what the file is and wouldn't be able to open it, however, within EAW, the program knows what the file is and how to open it.

If you wish to save games using a different name so that you can have multiple games going at once, then see page 9 of the manual... I think that's the page---working from memory as I'm at work. It explains how to give a different name.

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