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Numerous errors in latest patch

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 12:50 am
by Prussia
Playing as Japan in 1850 campaign I realize its not the most popular faction to play that could or would receive much attention, in particular with scripts; but there are exec and database errors as well. I'll try to cover as much as I've run across so far.

1- A Damiyo Event message popped up but with no resulting Image or Event Box; or whatever we normally encounter when something of this nature occurs;

2- I clicked on an area trying to get Junks to patrol and blockade Chinese ports, and not sure what I did, but this is the result:


3- I believe this is related to Junks once again:


4- This one I get all the time with various line numbers- generally I can continue, though on occasion I will need to restart:


5- Missing strings:


6- This popped up out of the blue:


7- A variation on a load bug:


8- I get numerous CSV file is in use and cannot be accessed- a restart is required when this happens:


9- A variation of the above but with a specific name/item reference:


10- During turn processing:


11- Similar:


Must be a limit on images per post

Posted: Sat Jul 30, 2016 1:01 am
by Prussia
Having run debug mode before on earlier 1.04 betas, I realize some of these are transparent and don't effect the continuation of the game when in normal mode, but hopefully some of these will help improve Pon.

12- Another bad string:


13- Another CSV error with a named item/entitiy:


14- Another inflation related error:


15- A structure related error:


And Experience Pips are missing as has already been mentioned.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: Mon Aug 01, 2016 10:42 am
by Pocus
What is the version you are running, beta from June 10th?

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 2:30 am
by Prussia
Pocus wrote:What is the version you are running, beta from June 10th?

Yes the most current version.