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Why does the AI seem to waste cards so much?

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 10:48 am
by empusas
I'm wandering why the AI wastes cards so often. You would think it would know that building a certain building has no benefit. I wish I could go in and adjust the decision making process somehow on that.

So many times I've seen a country start to build a merchant when the only benefit might be the 5 money he gets each turn from it ... and in his own land. OR, he is negotiating a treaty or ceding territory when its allready way above 35 Colonial Penetration or in the case
of a treaty he has 100% loyalty as well.

I think those adjusments would make the AI a stronger player, not wasting cards that would have a much greater effect elsewhere.

Is there some hideden benefit I'm unaware of or is the decision making process just way off for the AI. Seems it would be an easy enough adjustment to make... if I knew how.
