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PON2-reviewing Crimean crisis

Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:01 pm

Principalties crisis, it has a tremendous impact for :

- historically it marked the end of possibilities of Russia to win Crimean war by an attack through Balkans (and for logistical reasons and Anglo-French naval superiority, an approach through sea or Anatolia to Constantinople was out of question - and is still very hard in game)

- it marked the end of Austro-Russian alliance lasting from 1815 through 1848 and massive Russian help to crush Hungarian insurgents, with huge consequences on :
- Risorgimento (Russia was too far away to intervene, but it isolated Austria further)
- German unity (paved way for Russian Prussian understanding, and Russian benevolence for German unity by Prussian absorption, something Russian support of Austria at Olmutz had avoided)
- future strong Austrian-Russian increased rivalry in Balkans, and , endly the Great War

Austria had little choice anyhow, lest becoming encircled by Russia and owing her survival to Russian tolerance ...

[color="#FF0000"]still it seems event does not fire [/color]- I suggest everybody to check - examination gives that (I took an old Russian game and copied the event, then moved ) here it is :

Line 52419: ------------------------------
Line 52421: SelectFaction, selected: Russie
Line 52424: SelectFaction, selected: Russie
Line 52426: Started processing event: evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis
Line 52426: Event already referenced, current occurences 0 Max allowed: 1 <<Active>>
Line 52430: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 52431: SelectSubUnits finished Regions Selected: 0 SubUnits Selected: 0
[color="#FF0000"]Line 52432: EvalSubUnitCount: France Selected SUs: 0 against 12 - Operator: >= Result: False[/color]
Line 52440: SelectFaction, selected: Empire Ottoman
Line 52444: SelectFaction, selected: Prusse
Line 52448: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 52451: SelectFaction, selected: Grande-Bretagne
Line 52454: SelectFaction, selected: France
Line 52457: SelectFaction, selected: Grande-Bretagne
Line 52460: SelectFaction, selected: Autriche
Line 52465: Finished processing event: evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis
Line 52465: ------------------------------

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Wallachia
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisisRUS|1|2|evt_txt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis|Event-



[color="#FF0000"]// SelectFaction = $FRA
// I wonder if it is not the problem, perhaps we should replace by RUS[/color]
//[color="#40E0D0"]Alert: If you use a SelectSubUnits command that is selecting SU from another faction, then
//the faction selector will change. This means that you should add the for next line an explicit
// Selectfaction <your original faction> or weird things might ensue.[/color]

[color="#40E0D0"]// or did Russians not cross the Danube ?
// for my Russian game it didn't fire either[/color]

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectSubUnits = Area $Area_Rumania;FactionTags RUS
EvalSubUnitCount = >=;12
MinDate = 1850/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
Probability = 25

// I think the probability = 25 could be a killer here if Russian move is swift

// Dobrudja is still part of Area_Rumania so crossing Dobrudja should do the trick

DescEvent = evt_desc_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis1850

SelectFaction = $TUR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-35
AddDiploItem = RUS;$diCBTemp;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-10
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-20

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-25

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-30
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
AddDiploItem = RUS;$diCBTemp;CURRENT

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Principalties as a russian choice

Sat Dec 28, 2013 11:59 am

I'm absolutely persuaded that for game purposes, both for historicity, chrome, and sense of fullfillment (no frustratiion) of players most if not all crisis are to be treated in an interactive way, player reacting and choosing the outcome (among a limited , and ever limiting- range of possibilities, sometimes all very unpalatable, but choosing)

PhilippeS and Generalissimo have already scripted many crisis that way, and those - like Crimean war are the basic tools on which build treatment of crisis, awaiting the AI insert in an interactive module taking objectives, intents, alliances, support, national morale, as well as relations and military ratio of strength in account

Here is first try, which paralleled kensai post (almost done when i red it - precious still) , thanks kensai having an eye and telling me what is wrong (will try to test, if you can too)

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Wallachia
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_ON|1|0|evt_txt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_ON|Event-img_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis1856|$Wallachia|NULL

MinDate = 1852/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectSubUnits = Area [color="#40E0D0"]$Area_Rumania[/color];FactionTags RUS
[color="#40E0D0"]// good as it covers Dobrudja too[/color]
EvalSubUnitCount = >=;12
MinDate = 1850/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
Probability = 25
[color="#40E0D0"]//conditions to change to reflect Russia is entering principalties
// check if applicable to principalties crisis[/color]

DescEvent = evt_desc_CMN_NewDipOption
GenTextMsg = opt_notify_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisisisAvailable;1;NULL;NULL;NULL
[color="#40E0D0"]// write string of text so player knows if he has to evacuate principalties or not[/color]
ChangeActorPool = $gmaOptionGov;MaxUse;1;MaxChoices;2;ImageID;Breakthrough_ON.png;Title;opt_title_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;MsgString;opt_desc_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;ToolString;opt_hint_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;SubType;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;SParam1;RUS;TextChoice1;opt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_desc_Choice1;ToolChoice1;opt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_hint_Choice1;TextChoice2;opt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_desc_Choice2;ToolChoice2;opt_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_hint_Choice2;SParam2;[color="#40E0D0"]Event-img_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis.png[/color]
[color="#40E0D0"]// change Constantinople53.png
// Maxchoices;2 gives 2 or 3 choices ? I need only two
// texts to write - will do in the chrome-diplomatic language - just need to figure out where
//imageid to change among png - try to find something more geographic or military
// title msgstring toolstring to write[/color]

[color="#40E0D0"]// this one is in case there is a Russian AI - in which case I make for her the reasonable choice - with Britain, france, and ottoman after you, you don't need an Austrian war ![/color]

SelectFaction = $RUS
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_[color="#40E0D0"]AIActivate[/color]|999|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

ActorEnabled = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis

[color="#40E0D0"]CheckAILevel = 1[/color]

DescEvent = evt_desc_CMN_NewDipOption
ChangeOption = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;[color="#40E0D0"]1[/color]


[color="#40E0D0"]// around 1870, it's old story, Austria has other concerns (German or Italian unity or not), may become indirectly allied with Russia or even directly, through Germany influence
// and so forced to play down rivalry - like Italy in Triplice, rivalry don't prevent to have a common ally R-A/G B-R/F I-A/G but commands playing them down temporarily at least
// and anyway rivalry is going to become way more indirect, by proxy balakn states, so is matter of control allaince and irredentism , not military presence - except direct threat to ottoman life of course
// see : Reichstadt agreement and Budapest convention[/color][color="#FF0000"] hint - BOTH are allied with germany and even amo,ngst each other - Bismarckian system to defuse tensions and not have Germany
// implied into a Balakn war ..[/color]

SelectFaction = $RUS
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_Deprecate|1|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

MinDate = 1871/01/01
ActorEnabled = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis

DescEvent = evt_desc_CMN_DipOptionCancelled
ChangeActorPool = $gmaOptionGov;MaxUse;0;SubType;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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choice one - "your majesty, Russia can't afford to challenge Europe"

Sat Dec 28, 2013 12:26 pm

[color="#FF0000"]"The Russian Government is informed that her recent move in the Danube area is an unbearable threat for her Imperial majesty hereditary states, as well as for the quietness of Europe. would your government persist in such intentions, we inform you that Her Imperial Majesty will feel forced to take immediate steps to correct this state of affairs and will feel free to take most extreme measures this situation, created by your own moves, command. In such situation, Our cousin the Czar will understand our alliance pact cannot, by her own actions, be regarded as valid any longer"[/color]

[color="#006400"]"Your imperial Highness, our Soldiers and Sailors will gladly die for the Czar and our Motherland, but our Nation cannot stand with success a fight against the whole of Europe, I insistantly beg your Majesty the authorisation to recall Menchikov armies heading towards Varna and immediately inform the Austrian Embassador of our choice" [/color]

SelectFaction = $RUS
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_Choice1|1|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

MinDate = 1852/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
ActorEnabled = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis
CheckOption = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;=;1

[color="#40E0D0"]// choice one is Russians backing down[/color]


SelectFaction = $CMN
GenTextMsg = opt_notify_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_Choice1;1;NULL;NULL;NULL

DescEvent = evt_desc_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis1850

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgVPCount = 50
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-15
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $AUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;100;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $RUS
ChangeActorPool = $gmaOptionGov;MaxUse;0;SubType;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis

SelectFaction = $RUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;50;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectSubUnits = Area $Area_Rumania;FactionTags RUS
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Move $Bissarabya
SelectFaction = $RUS
ChgVPCount = -50

SelectFaction = $RUM
SelectRegion = $Dobrudja
ChangeRgnOwner = TUR
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeRgnOwner = RUS
SetLoyaltyFac = 75
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = $RUM
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diPassageRightGiven
AddDiploItem = AUS;$diPassageRightGiven;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $BUL
SelectRegion = $Dobrudja
SetLoyaltyFac = 25


[color="#40E0D0"]// Russia comply, Forces are removed north, and to seal passage, I transfer Dobrudja to future Rumania by advance - Austrian decision
// backed by French and British wishes (malaria strikes their forces in varna), Sultan is just too glad to comply (has he choice, and, REALLY, dobrudja is just marshes withpout interest for him)[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Location: Paris (France)

Choice two - no threat, no betrayal will deflect us from our holy duty

Sat Dec 28, 2013 1:09 pm

[color="#008000"]"Her Autocratic Highness is much grieved by the ungrateful and unwise attitude of your country, who, instead of supporting our action to protect Christians from chaos and opression from the decaying Ottoman Empire, whose crumbling is imminent, support the common enemies of our thrones, the liberal powers, bound to overthrow Monarch benevolent authority and natural order which is plain God's will. He still warns your Emperor that, with or against Austria, nobody will deflect a Russian Czar from our holy duty to protect Christians, Europeans, from disorder and Barbarous Ottoman yoke. Beware, as your treachery would be long remembered and dearly paid."


"Voini (soldiers), the treacherous heretic swine have thought to stab us in the back ! Those sabaka (she-dogs) bite the very hand who saved them in 1848. But they will not even hit us in the flank, for Gortchakov and Paskievitch armies will face them and throw back those cowardly ($@# - an unpleasant allusion to alleged sexual mores of Austrians as seen from Prince) swine back in their seedy country, or better in hell with their Turkish lovers ! We resume our advance. vperiod ! za Tsaria i Rodinou - na Konstantinopel ! (forward, for the Czar and our holy orthodox motherland - to Constantinople)[/B] - Kniaz Menchikov

hurrah Hurrah Hurrah !"[/color]


SelectFaction = $RUS
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_Choice2|1|0|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

[color="#40E0D0"]// choice 2 Russia risks the war with Austria[/color]

MinDate = 1852/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
ActorEnabled = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis
CheckOption = $gmaOptionGov;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis;=;2


SelectFaction = $TUR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-35
AddDiploItem = RUS;$diCBTemp;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-10
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-20

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-25

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-30
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
AddDiploItem = RUS;$diCBTemp;CURRENT

SelectFaction = $AUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;100;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $RUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;50;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $CMN
GenTextMsg = opt_notify_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis_Choice2;1;NULL;NULL;NULL

DescEvent = evt_desc_RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis1850

SelectFaction = $RUS
ChangeActorPool = $gmaOptionGov;MaxUse;0;SubType;RUS_PrincipaltiesCrisis

SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856;MaxOccurs;1

nicholas I.jpeg
(574.44 KiB) Downloaded 136 times
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Revised treaty of Paris - situation 1 - Russia lost heavily

Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:12 pm

Also I revised traty of Paris, as Crimean war can drag an indecent time span without result , which is illogical and ahistorical, for after some time :

- either warring parties would have come to some form of peace - or action (when staying at Varna after Austria closed the principalties way led nowhere, French and British settled for action in Crimea and Sevastopol)

- or general pressure would have LED to peace, while here, the event just happens when there is peace

so I propose to give 6 full years to GBR+FRA+TUR+RUS to come to a result, THEN we close shop (authoritarian, I guess in 6 years, a determined Czar may have gotten a victorious peace with Ottoman, or lost, whatever)

here is the losing Russian situation

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Sebastopol
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_bitterCrimeanPeace|1|2|evt_txt_RUS_bitterCrimeanPeace|Event-img_RUS_bitterCrimeanPeace|$Sebastopol|NULL
EvalEvent = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanWar;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856;=;0
EvalDiploItem = TUR;$diWar;[color="#FF0000"]Since 144[/color]
[color="#40E0D0"]// 6 years war is enough to get a peace[/color]
EvalMorale = <=;80
[color="#40E0D0"]// I'd like to be able to test the warscore[/color]


SelectFaction = $RUS
[color="#40E0D0"]//scuttling of Black sea fleet[/color]


SelectSubUnits = $Area_Crimea;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_Ukraine;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_Rumania;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_Anatolia;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_North_Caucasus;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_Thracia;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_Bulgaria;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Area_North_Caucasus;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill
SelectSubUnits = $Theater_South_European_Seas;Families $famHeavyWarship $famLightWarship $famRaiderShip $famTransportShip $famHvyCoastalShip $famLitCoastalShip
AlterCuSubUnit = ApplytoList;Probability 100;Attempts 1;Kill

SettleWhitePeace = TUR
SettleWhitePeace = GBR
SettleWhitePeace = FRA
SettleWhitePeace = ITA
SettleWhitePeace = AUS
SettleWhitePeace = GER
SettleWhitePeace = RUM

SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856;MaxOccurs;1

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Revised treaty of Paris - situation 2 - Russia did not lose

Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:14 pm

but she still did not win with signifiant gains, else it would be peace and Congress of Paris would have fired

here it is - the same BUT the scuttling

SelectFaction = $RUS
SelectRegion = $Petersburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanPeace|1|2|evt_txt_RUS_CrimeanPeace|Event-img_RUS_CrimeanPeace|$Petersburg|NULL
EvalEvent = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanWar;=;1
EvalEvent = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856;=;0
EvalDiploItem = TUR;$diWar;Since 144
[color="#FF0000"]// 6 years war is enough to get a peace[/color]
EvalMorale = >;80
[color="#40E0D0"]// I'd like to be able to test the warscore[/color]

SettleWhitePeace = TUR
SettleWhitePeace = GBR
SettleWhitePeace = FRA
SettleWhitePeace = ITA
SettleWhitePeace = AUS
SettleWhitePeace = GER
SettleWhitePeace = RUM

SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856;MaxOccurs;1

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Location: Paris (France)

and now the revised paris congress, in any case - with recovery of warring parties

Sat Dec 28, 2013 2:42 pm

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Ile de France
StartEvent = evt_nam_RUS_ParisCongress1856|1|2|evt_txt_RUS_Pari sCongress1856|Event-img_RUS_ParisCongress1856|$Ile de France|NULL


MinDate = 1854/01/01
MaxDate = 1871/01/01
EvalEvent = evt_nam_RUS_CrimeanWar;=;1

SelectFaction = $TUR
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS

SelectFaction = $FRA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS

SelectFaction = $GBR
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS

DescEvent = evt_desc_RUS_ParisCongress1856

SelectFaction = $CMN
GenTextMsg = opt_notify_CMN_ParisCongress1856;1;NULL;NULL;NULL

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgVPCount = 50
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;5

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;5

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;15

SelectFaction = $TUR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;25

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;20

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;25

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;5

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;10

SelectFaction = $TUR
RemDiploItem = ITA;$diSupplyRightGiven
RemDiploItem = GBR;$diSupplyRightGiven
RemDiploItem = FRA;$diSupplyRightGiven

SelectFaction = $GBR
RemDiploItem = FRA;$diMutualSupply

SelectFaction = $GER
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $AUS
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $RUM
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
RemDiploItem = RUS;$diPassageRightGiven
RemDiploItem = AUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
RemDiploItem = AUS;$diPassageRightGiven

[color="#40E0D0"]// Rumanian neutralization added[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]// I tried to adress problem of war losses recovery for France and Russia - TO TUNE UP[/color]

[color="#40E0D0"]// French Elan[/color]

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChangeFacMorale = 50
ChangeResStock = $merGoods;200
ChangeResStock = $merSteel;50
ChangeResStock = $merConscript;1000
ChangeResStock = $merMoney;1000
ChangeResStock = $merOfficer;200

AI.SetLandBuild = 180
AI.SetNavBuild = 20

[color="#008000"]// Russian stolidity[/color]

SelectFaction = $RUS
ChangeFacMorale = 30
ChangeResStock = $merGoods;100
ChangeResStock = $merSteel;30
ChangeResStock = $merConscript;500
ChangeResStock = $merMoney;600
ChangeResStock = $merOfficer;150

AI.SetLandBuild = 180
AI.SetNavBuild = 20

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChangeFacMorale = 30

SelectFaction = $ITA
ChangeFacMorale = 30

AI.SetLandBuild = 180
AI.SetNavBuild = 20

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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