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PON2-subforum improve Events - improving Austro Prussian flow

Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:03 pm

a) Italian alliance :

we have a big problem here, it is that IF Italy has too good relations with an other state, let's say France (could be Russia or Britain) you don't have utmost excellent relationships with
(which can prove difficult,
- either cause bias is against you
- or you are in good terms with another power he's in bad terms,
or you had rows in the past
- it could even be that you were former allies went to war together, and made peace separately after joint victory
[color="#FF0000"](as system does NOT allow global peace prevently - this as well as snowball effect- both will get a thread of their own - are big problems for diplomacy we'll have to correct soon or late)[/color] or the partner did (for example Britain and France went to war against Russia in Crimea, France fought valiantly (while britain annoyed Prussia in Togo with disproportionate forces starving, but this si another story) then Russia, after making hasty peace with Ottoman, asked for terms from allies, France gave, and Britain gave later after a few years of total military inaction (not a bright performance for Lord raglan, but seing France attacking in Ukraine was a welcome change, made sense)

anyway system makes very difficult for you to improve things, even with excellent relationships, Bismarckian hindsight, decent but not "good" (that is > 25) relationship with their ally and massive and patient use of support towards Italy as well as towards cherished ally (was France in my game)

so what to do !

my solution, both in absolute and in waiting that Pocus find the time to improve the code, is to force the event, but with reasonable conditions , that is :
I added a few conditions though - I consider it was common interest, and any decent German as well as Italian leader would have signed it
It is found in German Unification Events.sct

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866|1|2|evt_txt_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866|Event-img_GER_ItalianAlliance1866|$Brandenburg|NULL

[color="#FF0000"]// PRU and not GER_Italianalliance ? - I wonder if it causes a problem[/color]

EvalIsAtPeaceWith = ITA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = FRA // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = AUS // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GBR // added - do you thing Italy will sign for a war with great powers
EvalFacRelationships = ITA;>=;5 // looks a minimum to me so added it

[color="#40E0D0"]so new conditions are correct relationships, don't set the level too high, as some mechanical interactions could make it impossible else, and of course, well reasonably, if one or the other is at war with another big power, time is not proper to plan against Austria (if Italy is taken at the throat by Britain, Germany by Russia, or any of them by France, asking the other to come "against Austria" is either vain, or a bad joke and blatant trap for a gullible player[/color]

SelectFaction = $ITA

EvalIsAtPeaceWith = FRA // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = AUS // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS // added
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GBR // added - ditto Bismarck will not exchange Italian help for a war with Russia

SelectFaction = $AUS

EvalRgnOwned = $Venetia
MinDate = 1865/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 15

DescEvent = evt_desc_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;25
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;15
AddDiploItem = ITA;$diDefensiveTreaty;CURRENT [color="#FF0000"]// added - that is the main/lone object of this very event seems to me[/color]

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;-25

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdProposeUnificationGER;1

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Sat Oct 05, 2013 11:44 pm

b) Nikolsburg, we'll assume things went well for Bismarck and Moltke, either led by Athena or by you, yourself in person
so, event exists, is nice, but I think it could take improvements, logical as well as historical
I do not master the options presently, but I did a few changes, both for historical accuracy sake and for correcting the "Italian Oversight"

for the rare (here) historically unaware, Nikolsburg (preliminaries) is the place in the road to Vienna where badly beaten and demoralized Austrians asked terms from Bismarck and Friedrich Wilhem and his court, and Bismarck had to kneel in front of revengeful prussian King and threaten to resign to have him reluctantly accept a white peace, without taking a single inch Austrian land - which allowed reconcilation - BUT marked full abandonment of any Austrian interference in germany forver for prussian benefit as austrian minor german northern allies (southern ones would have drawn france in war, and Prussia was not ready) were duly swallowed AND getting Italy out of dire straits, giving her Venetia (as it was agreed between Franz Josef and napoleon III anyway, would even Austria have won - lest France enter against Austria) in the prosess - as german-italian convention stipulated, in spite of resounding italian defeats

here it is - first the conditions :

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Boehmen
StartEvent = evt_nam_AUS_Nikolsburg1867|1|2|evt_txt_AUS_Nikolsburg1867|Event-img_AUS_Nikolsburg1867|$Boehmen|NULL

EvalEvent = evt_nam_GER_AustroPrussianWar;>=;3

EvalRgnOwned = $Maehren // added as is the direct way and direct threat to Vienna, the capital, Prag would be diversion

// EvalRgnOwned = $Erzgebirge
// not necessary and not on the way

EvalRgnOwned = $Koeniggraetz

// EvalRgnOwned = $Pilsen
// not necessary and not on the way

// EvalRgnOwned = $Boehmen
// not necessary and not on the way

SelectFaction = $GER
RegInit = 1
SelectSubUnits = Area $Continents_Europe;FactionTags GER;Domains $Land

SelectFaction = $AUS
RegInit = 2
SelectSubUnits = Area $Continents_Europe;FactionTags FRA;Domains $Land

RegEval = 1;>;2
RegDeactivate = NULL

// all this part is added as we consider Austria will not surrender without being weaker than Prussia,
// usually resulting from major battle lost
SelectFaction = $GER
EvalMorale = >;AUS // could not find warscore check but obviously Austria will surrender if demoralized and prussia is not

EvalIsAtWarWith = AUS
MinDate = 1866/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 75

DescEvent = evt_desc_AUS_Nikolsburg1867
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdProposeUnificationGER;8
SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_GER_Nikolsburg1867_ON;MaxOccurs;1


[color="#FF0000"]Event is sound and handy, I just tuned the conditions :
- no need to invade Bohemia (does not harm, does not helps) but going to Vienna, which is usually done this way - taking the Riesengebirge and Koenigraetz covers the Silesia from invasion, and taking Maehren means you are on direct way to Vienna - of course it is possible to imagine a crop like move through Bohemia and Vienna taken from south or west, but I guess at some point it will be necessary to cover from a side counter attack from galicia, and that means Moravia (maehren)
- the other conditions are self speaking, I assume in a duel Austria will fight if her morale and army strength is superior to prussia, and lay arms if morale and army were shaken (which is likely to happen after a big battle loss, like .. sadowa /Koenigraetz
I chose NOT to complexify test and add more conditions and difficulties so I did not take in consideration the possible Russian and French intervention - not only to duplicate historical outcome more easily and often, but because I figure out crushed Austrians could have been disgusted "by vultures coming to help ONLY AFTER they were crushed " as well as relieved to get some help - especially with astonishing generous terms from Bismarck

so I did NOT add conditions like
SelectFaction = $GER
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = FRA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS (no conditions for Britain, you don't expect her majesty's frigates get to the sources of Elbe to bombard the one of the other, no ?)
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Sun Oct 06, 2013 12:10 am

This one is modifications made to choice 1/A of Nikolsburg, I don't master this chain of events and option system well well, so PhilippeS, have a look :love: :wacko:

my guess is first event (where I changed conditionality), either creates a AI situation where Prussia/Germany make the historical choice or gives a choice (I like the system very much, I believe crisis should be driven by a set of limited choices/options to the player, all of them, you chose, and you pay, seometimes unexpected) either to make historical 1/A choice, or to go on fight to the bitter end (which Friedrcih Wilhelm wannted and the sandbox agressive pkayer could certainly want)

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Boehmen

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Boehmen
StartEvent = evt_nam_GER_Nikolsburg1867_A|1|2|evt_txt_GER_Nikolsburg1867_Peace|Event-img_AUS_Nikolsburg1867|$Boehmen|NULL

MinDate = 1866/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
EvalEvent = evt_nam_CMN_Nikolsburg1867_Choice1;=;1

DescEvent = evt_desc_GER_Nikolsburg1867

SelectFaction = $GER
ChangeFacMorale = 5

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChangeFacMorale = -20

SelectFaction = $GER
SettleWhitePeace = AUS
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY

SelectFaction = $AUS
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY
[color="#FF0000"] [color="#40E0D0"] SettleWhitePeace = ITA [/color]// added
// necessary if we want a joint peace with Italy , presently not allowed by available diplomatic orders[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]// added Italian conditions as germany helps beaten ally and Napoleon III support solution
// - with ARMED mediation if needed so no need to put it conditionally

[color="#40E0D0"]SelectFaction = $ITA
ChangeFacMorale = 10
ChgFacRelationships = GER;10

SelectRegion = $Lombardia
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS
ChangeRgnOwner = REB

SelectRegion = $Venetia
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS
ChangeRgnOwner = REB[/color][/color]

SelectFaction = $GER
ChangeLoyaltyFac = $Area_Western_Germany;50
ChangeLoyaltyFac = $Area_Southern_Germany;50
ChangeLoyaltyFac = $Area_Central_Germany;50
ChangeLoyaltyFac = $Area_Eastern_Germany;60
SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_PRU_DuchiesCrisis1864;MaxOccurs;0
SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_PRU_Gastein1865;MaxOccurs;0
SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_PRU_GermanStateCrisis1866;MaxOccurs;0
SetEvtOccurs = evt_nam_AUS_LeadershipGermany1866;MaxOccurs;0
ChgFacRelationships = SAX;25;HAN;25;HEK;25;HED;25;BAD;15;WUR;15;BAY;10;

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = SAX;-25;HAN;-25;HEK;-25;HED;-25;BAD;-15;WUR;-15;BAY;-10;

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdProposeUnificationGER;8


[color="#FF0000"]this is not "my last territorial demand", but the only change i did there
and it has repercussions too (of course, like german minors, Italy will "get a white peace" even if not at war, but it has no consequences)
the other point is that Italy will get Venetia (and lombardia which she is supposed to have got) [color="#40E0D0"]would they win, lose, be at war or even not - historical and logical[/color]
as both Bismarck and napoleon III d wanted her to get it, for different reasons :
Napoleon IIId as Italian (moderately) sympathizer and as part of his big revision Europa map schemes
Bismarck to reward an ally (and first draw him as diversionary force, or perhaps better, in alliance), to weaken moderately Austria, and, knowing the guy, no doubt to keep Austrian resentment turned south ;) :neener:

and if both Prussia and France tell Austrians to give venetia to Italy, what can Austria do and tell [/color](besides calling the Russians IF allied, but, since Suvorov and Npoleon Ist times, no huge Russian Army crossed the continent that far, not in 19th century logistics conditions, not even Paskievitch in 1848, he went to Hungary - Bohemia, Hungary, Austria, northern germany, Ottoman were in Russian range, not (no longer) Italy, France and low countries - another point to check and change into code ASAP, at least for countries (like Russia Japan Italy, some time US) with limited projection - a system similar to trade by land limitations (same areas) - with LIMITED contingents by sea -l ooks good to me, subject will have a thread of his own, problem is it will require Philippe (Pocus/Malacher) coding time, which is in short supply :neener:
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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turning the diplomatic inertia system difficulty

Sun Oct 06, 2013 1:41 am

you probably noticed the chain effects of snowball on alliances :

Austria and Russia begin allies therefore their relations will always go up to the maximum possible (up to 100, no level set, whatever they do, their interests diverging tendantially it will be 100, whatever temporary setback) - once there, you don't drop such a good ally, so you don't offend an ally, which could cause relations worsening, and as you have good relations you keep allied with him ..perfect tautologia (it should go up, but not to 100, and should be subject to setback with circumstance - why improve relations with an enemy, (or even make peace), he's loathsome therefore he doesn't deserve you to try to improve relations or even accept he tries - if he deserved an improvement, his relations with you should be ALREADY good, whartever the interests, circumsances and moves of others .... ditto virtuous or vicious circles in economy, once your population is satisfied, no strikes, once strike shake your economy enough, you'll never recover ...

well, so consequences in "principalties" - usually austria and russia won't break, whatever Russia does there (and honest, usually they do nothinb)
therefore no risorgimento (suvorov factor and even "blucher" one, as austria begins allied with not only russia, but prussia too
and austrian side, AI evaluate alliances, and don't go ...
usually no unification either, whatever good relations Prussia may have with petersburg, there is still a DEFENSIVE Russian alliance with Austria usually, and best prussia can achieve is get one too, but not break it (whatever help, support, trade, anti Pole solidarity (Poles would surely call it differently !) german player may have shown or succeeded) - hardly helping, as they're the ones who'll declare war (Austria won't oblige, ditto) so a CB s not enough

so, AI system being what it is presently, how to break the deadlock :
my answer is this : force war and set them at war directly ! if they ARE at war but don't declare war, no third party has CB to intervene, no agressor
it leaves aside Italy, but system may be refines - as it is ...

still, given the automaticity, a few conditions are necessary : - we assume, rather accurately, that prussia wants war ("how can one avoid a war when the other side wants it whatever" - Franz Josef in 1866) - else no german unification, no fun no victory
so war will happen at prussian chosing, that is if and when circumlstances are favourable

- I test relative strength of armies, a superior prussian army means the war - Prussia won't provoke a war to be crushed - I kept it simple

- I test state of peace, Prussia won't go if already at war - and of course, Austria at war obviously won't deter Prussia from "jumping in the bandwagon"

- I test absence of Austro-French alliance - would be an absolute deterrent for a cautious Bismarck, and a recipe to disaster for a gung ho Prussian player - Prusso French is both historically unlikely and unneeded in game what Prussia wants is just France not interfering - french prussian allaince would be overkill

- I test presence of a prussian-russian alliance - his mere existence is a sign of "not optimal" austro-russian relationship (balkan rivalry, historically materializing by "a betrayal of his benefactor" by Austria - it's the Russian point of view, Austrians are unlikely to share it, and Hungarians (who "benefitted" in 1848) even less. But the only point of view which interests us here is Bismarck's. and Russia is not asked to intervene against Austria, just NOT to intervene against Prussia, which the alliance between Berlin and Petersburg guarentees.

besides CB I considered DOW has a positive effect on Prussian morale and russian relationships (serves well those competitors, if not traitors), negative on French ones (threat rising, whatever appreciated the Austrian defeat


// another event to turn difficulty of snowball effects on alliances
SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Oesterreich
StartEvent = evt_nam_AUS_7weekswarforce-INCIDENT|1|2|NULL|NULL|$Oesterreich|NULL


SelectFaction = $GER
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = AUS
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = RUS
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = FRA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GBR
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = ITA
EvalDiploItem = RUS;$diDefensiveTreaty

SelectFaction = $AUS
EvalDiploItem = FRA;$diDefensiveTreaty;NOT

MinDate = 1866/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 15

SelectFaction = $GER
RegInit = 1
SelectSubUnits = Area $Continents_Europe;FactionTags GER;Domains $Land

SelectFaction = $AUS
RegInit = 2
SelectSubUnits = Area $Continents_Europe;FactionTags FRA;Domains $Land

RegEval = 1;>;2
RegDeactivate = NULL


SelectFaction = $GER
ChangeFacMorale = 5
ChgFacRelationships = RUS|10; FRA|-5
AddDiploItem = AUS;$diWar;CURRENT

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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1940 movie about Otto von Bismarck

Mon Dec 16, 2013 11:35 am

if you have followed me till there, you deserve a little reward, here it is, found it on youtube, of course propaganda view, look the nation, and the time of the film (and regime implied :( )

till, 19th century game is about nationalism - you don't expect nationalism without nationalist propaganda - you wouldn't expect a french panygeric of Bismarck, did you ? ! you want to play a nationalistic game - lots of fights, lots of challenge, friction, wars ! more gaming fun ! and with any of the "8 majors", be ensured you'll get plenty

playing Germany puts you into shoes of "German nationalism" (else play France, Britain, USA, Russia....), König-Kaiser, or Kanzler, oder desincarnate "VolksGeist", here's a beautiful specimen - enjoy ! watch this, and begin a German game (perhaps you'd like to watch the fall of eagles too ..)

giving other links if this one disappear

Spanish presentation, English subtitles
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Alternative outcome - Habsburg victory

Sat Dec 28, 2013 10:57 am

thanks Kensai for all our talks, which clarified for me what a "classical habsburg" victory may have looked like


Here is my proposal - such a victory is in itself a turning point, as is german Unification - for the flow of game, more interesting imho if germany becomes a graet power
(germany was "THE protagonist" around whom all turned in second half of 19th century (especially after 1870), Like Louis XIV or Napoleonic France, Frederickian Prussia, WWI or WWII games, Britain in naval scenarios, Habsburg in renaissance ones (while they're closely counterbalanced by Franbce alone, usually), or Brezhnev USSR or Neoconservative USA eras - difficult to make without, and sometimes, taking her in a duel is just duck shooting)

so I did not discard further unification events, still, with present loss rate and war weakening for loser, it's hardly possible Germany - especially AI - would survive such a resounding defeat and recover enough to unite later

so, here it is, the "classic Habsburg" victory sceanario

[color="#40E0D0"]// variant 1867 Habsburg victory
// is peace "a minima" so no transfer from Prussian western provinces (to hannover or france) besides Silesia and minimum Saarland
// as is considered preserving the balance of Europe - an hypothesis among others but historically acceptable and gampelay wise preserving
// balance of game as much as possible (industrial potential of Silesia overcomes by far and large Venetia)
// Saarland is a boon for France, but not that huge as with a Rheinland transfer - Prussia is weakened, but would have been except
// if compensated with Hannover - an option I chose not to take to portray a large AUSTRIAN victory, not a diplomatic French triumph
// as wars and alliance situation may be diverse, I cover all by set a general peace with everybody - I hardly see Britain taking part, any side
// In exceptional case a British PLAYER did, his problem, and I assume he did that after ensuring Royal Navy is up to the task of guaranteeing his security
// (else he'll learn ...) - Italy is not supposed to be on Austrian side, with Austrian venetia, else, the original Italian PLAYER will propose a peace himself[/color]

SelectFaction = $AUS
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_AUS_HochHabsburg1867|1|2|evt_txt_AUS_HochHabsburg1867|Event-img_AUS_HochHabsburg1867|$Brandenburg|NULL

EvalEvent = evt_nam_GER_AustroPrussianWar;>=;3

SelectFaction = $AUS
EvalRgnOwned = $Brandenburg
EvalRgnOwned = $Niederschlesien
EvalRgnOwned = $Oberschlesien

EvalIsAtWarWith = GER
MinDate = 1866/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 75

DescEvent = evt_desc_AUS_HochHabsburg1867

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = GER;-10
ChangeFacMorale = 5

SelectRegion = $Niederschlesien
ChangeRgnOwner = GER
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
SetLoyaltyFac = 50
SetControl = 100

SelectRegion = $Oberschlesien
ChangeRgnOwner = GER
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
SetLoyaltyFac = 50
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = $ITA

SelectRegion = $Lombardia
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectRegion = $venezia
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectRegion = $Friuli
ChangeRgnOwner = AUS
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = $FRA

SelectRegion = $Alpes-Maritimes
ChangeRgnOwner = ITA
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectRegion = $Savoie
ChangeRgnOwner = ITA
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 100
SetControl = 100

SelectRegion = $Saarland
ChangeRgnOwner = GER
ChangeRgnOwner = REB
SetLoyaltyFac = 25
SetControl = 100

SelectFaction = $GER
ChangeFacMorale = -20

SelectRegion = $Niederschlesien
SetLoyaltyFac = 50

SelectRegion = $Oberschlesien
SetLoyaltyFac = 50

SelectRegion = $Saarland
SetLoyaltyFac = 75

[color="#40E0D0"]// Prussia can TRY to get them back, perhaps ...[/color]

SelectFaction = $GER
SettleWhitePeace = AUS
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY
SettleWhitePeace = FRA
SettleWhitePeace = RUS

SelectFaction = $AUS
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY
SettleWhitePeace = ITA
SettleWhitePeace = FRA
SettleWhitePeace = RUS

SelectFaction = $FRA
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY
SettleWhitePeace = ITA
SettleWhitePeace = RUS

SelectFaction = $RUS
SettleWhitePeace = HAN
SettleWhitePeace = SAX
SettleWhitePeace = HEK
SettleWhitePeace = HED
SettleWhitePeace = BAD
SettleWhitePeace = WUR
SettleWhitePeace = BAY
SettleWhitePeace = ITA

SelectFaction = $ITA

AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;100;*CB*;50;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;100;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;100
[color="#40E0D0"]// due to Austrian victory, Italy will be more cautious about Austria, and rely more on France and less on Germany[/color]

SelectFaction = $GBR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BEL;*DipSupport*;500
[color="#40E0D0"]// Britain more wary to further weaken germany, more tolerant - but huge concern about Belgium and possible French action
// there is also some revision (compared to usual 1870 values) of othger states attitudes - kept to minimum of obvious ones[/color]

SelectFaction = $GER
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Military*;100

SelectFaction = $AUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;100;*CB*;50;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;150;*CB*;50;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;100;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*Military*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;150
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;200

SelectFaction = $RUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*Military*;100

SelectFaction = $FRA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Military*;150
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*Military*;150
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;200;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BEL;*War*;150;*CB*;100

SelectFaction = $TUR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*Military*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50

[color="#40E0D0"]//massive alignment of german states on Austria - heck, what was stake of the war[/color]

SelectFaction = $BAY
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $BAD
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $HAN
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $HED
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $HEK
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $SAX
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $WUR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Commerce*;500;*Supply*;300;*Passage*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;0;*Military*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

fjosf volke.jpeg
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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