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PON2-scripting Turning points - Italian Diplomacy

Sun Dec 15, 2013 10:32 am

[color="#40E0D0"]I'll begin by one I'll not change - the Italian - Prussian 1866 alliance - perfect to me
it shouldn't change a lot from an Italian point of view as it is an interesting case of heads you win, tails you still win
- by their alliance Prussia got Italy Venetia - which is a condition I added in german unification scripts
- the interesting part is that had Austria won, Franz-Josef had a (secret but now public to historians) agreement with Napoleon III where Austria was supposed to get Silesia but give in compensation Venetia - to France who would retrocede it immediately to Italy (not directly to Italy for presige grounds)

the remaining clauses were supposed to depend on French/Austrian (+remaining Prussian) ratio of strength, as France (who expected an Austrian victory, but slower and costly) favoured bigger compensations (likely Saarland, Rhenania, possibly but hardly obtainable Palatinate) and keeping German balance by giving Hannover to Prussia (Franco-Prussian war had not happened, remember), while of course Austria did not share such revisionist schemes and kept her traditional views of Emperor protecting German States - BUT transfer of Venetia was the minimum minimorum - so, except perhaps in case Italy would NOT have sided with Prussia AND Prussia won, PERHAPS Italy would NOT have got Venetia, perhaps

we could perhaps increase dramatically the possibility of a German Italian alliance - theoretically the AI.DiploBias takes care of it, and 1860-1890 likeliness of such an alliance has been made very strong : here it is (the war, CB and military are the values we are interested in):

here are the 1850 values :[/color]
SelectFaction = $ITA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;200;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;50;*Supply*;50;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;100;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $GER
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;10;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;20;*Supply*;30;*Passage*;30
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;20;*Supply*;30;*Passage*;30
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;100;*CB*;10;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

[color="#40E0D0"]as you can check, at beginning of game, Prussia is allied with Austria, Italy quickly aligns with France (and Britain), and Prussia will even send an ultimatum to tell France not to go too far - chances of a Prussian-Italian allaince are nil

now 1860-1870[/color]

SelectFaction = $ITA

AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;200;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;50;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;250;*Supply*;50;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;100;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $GER

AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;200;*CB*;200;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;200;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;50;*CB*;20;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;20;*Supply*;30;*Passage*;30
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;200;*CB*;200;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;200;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
with Bismarck chancellor, and ambition to oust Austria from Germany, things change dramatically - plus there is some distanciation (with Rome) in French Italian relations
- something you may not see in game, as present effect of (permanent) alliance is such that, IF French-Italian alliance happens at all and is not broken for any reason (separate peace), their relation should soar to 100, making extremely difficult for Italuy to accept Prussian alliance.

still, this one happens automatically, and design of bias already took care of historical trends, so I don't see HERE NEED TO INCREASE THAT BIAS so ....

Here's the present event, as designed by Pocus and Philthib, just as remainder, we'll still examine further events, both 1870-1890 ones, driving Italy towards Triplice, conditionally, and post 1890 ones, driving to a closer relation with France (and Britain, but Britain never was too far) -[color="#FF0000"]Italian unification events will be examined in a separate thread, initiated by Loki[/color]
this one is just for reminder, taken from Italian events :
SelectFaction = $ITA
SelectRegion = $Piemonte
StartEvent = evt_nam_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|[color="#FF0000"]0[/color]|2|evt_txt_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|Event-img_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|$Piemonte|NULL


CheckAILevel = 1
[color="#40E0D0"]//meaning is for italian AI[/color]
MinDate = 1866/01/01
MaxDate = 1876/01/01
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GER
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = FRA

EvalRgnOwned = $Venetia;NOT
[color="#FF0000"] Probability = 15[/color]

DescEvent = evt_desc_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866
AddDiploItem = GER;$diDefensiveTreaty;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = GER;$diShowSupport;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = AUS;$diCBLong;CURRENT

note the event is dormant, provoked by another event, not in Italy's listed events

the german unification event does not provoke it

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866|1|2|evt_txt_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866|Event-img_GER_ItalianAlliance1866|$Brandenburg|NULL

EvalIsAtPeaceWith = ITA

SelectFaction = $AUS

EvalRgnOwned = $Venetia
MinDate = 1865/01/01
MaxDate = 1875/03/10
Probability = 15

DescEvent = evt_desc_PRU_ItalianAlliance1866

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;25
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;15

SelectFaction = $AUS
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;-25

SelectFaction = $GER
ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdProposeUnificationGER;1


[color="#40E0D0"]couldn't find the triggering event into Italian unification events, nor in German events[/color]

[color="#40E0D0"]so I just propose to make it active and , unique but tested as long as does not happen, give it a way bigger probability to happen quickly, let's say 80% so it can take effect before the big clash happens between Prussia and Austria - IF it ever does, as in my game, NGF happened peacefully and I proceeded with Austria aknowledging my Prussian supremacy of good grace - why making an enemy - I still saved game and will be able to test an Austro prussian war, which is a bigger challenge than the French (ounumbered one to two) -Prussian one )[/color]

StartEvent = evt_nam_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|[color="#FF0000"]1[/color]|2|evt_txt_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|Event-img_CMN_AlliancePrussia1866|$Piemonte|NULL
Probability = [color="#FF0000"]80[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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The 1902 entente Italo Francaise (French-Italian understanding)

Sun Dec 15, 2013 12:48 pm

[color="#40E0D0"]// it reinforced the French position regarding Morocco, and Italian one in her coveted attack towards Cyrenaica
// Italy needed to have her back safe in her future war against Ottoman, and had no interest in Morroco - conversely France needed support in Morrocean takeover
//and had no real interest in Cyrenaica (nor in Ottoman, who were a Russian-ally target, and slowly went from British protection to arch enemy german protection
// this entente had also the implicit blessing of Britain, who saw with disquiet the growing trade, naval and military power (European balance) of germany
// seeds of Entente Cordiale was already there

[color="#40E0D0"]Significantly, France gave Italy a free hand in the Ottoman territory, but only as part of the secret arrangement that neutralized Italy as an anti-French force within the Triple Alliance. After much diplomatic maneuvering in Rome and Paris, this endorsement was accomplished in July 1902....

There is little doubt that Italy's raison d’être for membership within the Triple Alliance had changed radically by the beginning of the twentieth century. [color="#FF0000"][color="#FF0000"]Originally, the Italians needed Germany and Austria as counterbalance to their perceived threat from restive French[/color] republicanism, ultramontanism, and imperialism[/color]. Further, [color="#FF0000"]the Central Powers at the time saw Italy, a longtime friend of Great Britain, as an effective link between their own continental strength and the naval and imperial predominance they lacked.[/color]

By 1901, however, many Italian political leaders clearly recognized that the new rapprochement with France, as well as the lessening of Italy's dependence on British naval strength, had altered the meaning of the Alliance. Moreover, with a strong and successful[color="#FF0000"] anti-clerical movement now in France[/color],[color="#FF0000"] it was generally agreed in Rome that ultramontainism, the threat to restore the territory and political authority of the Papacy, was no longer an issue.[/color]

Although the Italian government did not wish to leave the Triple Alliance, a new interpretation of the arrangement was evidenced in the renewal negotiations which commenced in 1901. Politically, an important advantage of Italy's membership in the Triplice was that it provided leverage to use against Austrian expansionist designs in the Balkans. With a reflourishing of irredentismo after 1900,28 and with reawakened Italian interest in expansion into Albania and other Balkan areas, dormant Austro-Italian mistrust was rekindled. Although a myopic statesman such as Bülow could continue to warn Rome of the dangers of radical French potentialities, clearer-sighted leaders in Italy realized that only within an alliance with Vienna could the weaker Italian state check the possibility of Austrian aggression in southeastern Europe—and, perhaps, in Italy itself.

The military role of Italy within the Triple Alliance by 1901 was practically invalid...

By 1902 the German ambassador in Rome could discount the military capacity of Italy, [color="#FF0000"]concluding that Germany and Austria should expect nothing from their ally except that the Italians not attack Austria’s rear during a war with France[/color], and that Italian troops would preoccupy a sizable part of the French army along the Alpine border....

In another year, however, General Count Alfred von Schlieffen, the head of the German General Staff, informed the Wilhelmstrasse that in case of a German war with France, he felt Italy would remain neutral....

In a later communique the French ambassador explained that an[color="#FF0000"] Italian war against France "would be the signal for revolution" in Italy[/color]. He argued that if the Italian army served beyond its own borders, "the monarchy would crumble behind its back....[/color]

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Lazzio
StartEvent = Event_nam_CMN_Entente Italo Française|1|2|NULL|NULL|$Lazzio|NULL

MinDate = 1902/01/04
MaxDate = 1920/12/31
Probability = 50

[color="#40E0D0"]//if fails, will fire another time til it succeeds and conditions are there, but should happen quickly[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]SelectFaction = $GER
EvalRgnOwned = $Meknes;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GBR;diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
//added it as Italian attitude depends a lot of British one

// EvalColStatusArea = $Colony_Morroco;<;$colProtectorate
// EvalColStatusArea = $Colony_Lybia;<;$colProtectorate
// a bit too hard a condition after more thinking - Turks already there,
// France or Spain may have to push things a bit because of competition - so I dropped it

[color="#FF0000"]SelectFaction = $FRA
EvalDiploItem = GBR;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = ITA;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GER;$diWar;NOT

SelectFaction = $ITA
EvalDiploItem = GBR;$diWar;NOT[/color]
EvalRgnOwned = $Tripolitania;NOT[/color]

//will have write a text and help/-hints to set images - but can find adequate for this one[/color]

SelectFaction = $ITA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*Military*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;50;*CB*;10;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;80;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;80
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*Commerce*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0

SelectFaction = $GBR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;200;*CB*;100;*Military*;100;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
// will even be worsened if 1907 russian agreement happens
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*DipSupport*;200

SelectFaction = $FRA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;150;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;150;*DipSupport*;200

SelectFaction = $TUR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;300;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;100;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;200;*DipSupport*;0

SelectFaction = $FRA
AddDiploItem = ITA;$diShowSupport;CURRENT
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;10
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;5
ChangeFacMorale = 10

SelectRegion = $Meknes
ChgColonialPen = 10
AddRgnDecisionAct = $rgdCustoms;CURRENT

SelectRegion = $Rabat
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Safi
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Marrakesh
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Agadir
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Zagora
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectFaction = $ITA
AddDiploItem = FRA;$diShowSupport;CURRENT
ChangeFacMorale = 10
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;5
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;-5
ChgFacRelationships = GER;-5
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;-10

SelectRegion = $Tripolitania
ChgColonialPen = 10
AddRgnDecisionAct = $rgdCustoms;CURRENT

SelectRegion = $Misurata
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Sirt
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Benghazi
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Cyrenaica
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Salloum
ChgColonialPen = 10

SelectRegion = $Amal
ChgColonialPen = 10

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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The Triplice - full effect

Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:44 pm

[color="#40E0D0"]triplice is a third party alliance, made to make Italy avoid isolation, from an Italian point of view
was possible because most emergent claims were satisfied (venice), remained some Italian irredentism towards Tirol, Istria, and Dalmatian coast, but nut
as pressing as Lombardy-Venetia
because Italy was isolated and in bad terms with France
and alliance included a treaty with Austria as well
so i revisit event to have stricter conditions and full effect

I'll present a more limited event, with less strict condition for a simple alliance with Germany ONLY

taken from German events

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_GER_TripleAlliance1882|1|2|evt_txt_GER_TripleAlliance1882|Event-img_GER_TripleAlliance1882|$Brandenburg|NULL


CheckAILevel = 0
// is a placeholder ? as it checks if AI only at 1
// I add a condition and actions as it is a triple alliance and not a dual one
// I'll add conditions for a simple alliance with Germany
// triple alliance was completed by an alliance with Austria - by consistancy
// Italy didn't want to have a war with

SelectFaction = $FRA
EvalRgnOwned = $Tunisia

SelectFaction = $AUS
EvalRgnOwned = $Lombardia;NOT
EvalRgnOwned = $venezia;NOT
EvalRgnOwned = $Udine;NOT

SelectFaction = $ITA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GER
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = AUS
EvalDiploItem = FRA;$diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
[color="#40E0D0"]// added[/color]
[color="#FF8C00"] EvalDiploItem = GER;$diDefensiveTreaty;NOT[/color]
[color="#40E0D0"]// to avoid duplicating alliances and avoid getting both ITA-GER and ITA-GER-AUS allaince (triplice)[/color]

SelectFaction = $GER
EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
MinDate = 1882/01/01
MaxDate = 1899/12/31
Probability = 50

DescEvent = evt_desc_GER_TripleAlliance1882
ChangeFacMorale = 1
ChgVPCount = 100
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;-5
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;-10
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;20

//added consequences on Italy
SelectFaction = $ITA
ChangeFacMorale = 1
ChgVPCount = 50
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;-10
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;10
AddDiploItem = GER;CURRENT
AddDiploItem = AUS;CURRENT

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Sun Dec 15, 2013 3:51 pm

Hi Christophe

as ever following this with interest (and some guilt as I've not done much with the Risorgimento chain), but you'll need some means to end the French defensive alliance or this won't happen. Not only are those things immortal (as you've covered elsewhere) but they even survive if one party refuses to go to war to protect the other. In my game, France didn't back me against Germany but much to my surprise even that didn't lead them to revoke the defensive alliance.

In general understanding the shifts in Italian diplomacy post Risorgimento up to its entry in WW1 is not easy. I mean we know what they did and when, but the whys (even in Italian history books) is opaque. I think it was a combination of panic (we need one big protector and either France or Germany will do) and a somewhat attention grabbing. As a new state, with no shortage of internal dissent, I think they often wanted to matter in terms of European diplomacy (the idiocy of David Cameron is a good contemporary example of this). So crudely, they kept on trying to make sure there were not invisible in international terms.

AJE The Hero, The Traitor and The Barbarian
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as promised the dual alliance with Germany only

Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:48 pm

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_GER_ItalianAlliance1882|1|2|evt_txt_GER_ItalianAlliance1882|Event-img_GER_TripleAlliance1882|$Brandenburg|NULL


SelectFaction = $FRA
EvalRgnOwned = $Tunisia

[color="#FF8C00"]SelectFaction = $AUS
EvalRgnOwned = $Venetia[/color]

SelectFaction = $ITA
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = GER
EvalIsAtPeaceWith = AUS
EvalDiploItem = FRA;$diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
[color="#40E0D0"] EvalDiploItem = GER;$diDefensiveTreaty;NOT[/color]
// added

SelectFaction = $GER
EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diDefensiveTreaty
MinDate = 1882/01/01
MaxDate = 1899/12/31
Probability = 50

DescEvent = evt_desc_GER_ItalianAlliance1882
[color="#40E0D0"]// to write[/color]
ChangeFacMorale = 1
ChgVPCount = 100
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;-5
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;-10
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;20

[color="#40E0D0"]//added consequences on Italy - rationale is they still need- more than ever- protection from Germany
// but will not accept to ally with a nation who holds venetia, still, they have no choice as no french alliance[/color]
SelectFaction = $ITA
ChangeFacMorale = 1
ChgVPCount = 50
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;-10
AddDiploItem = GER;[color="#FF0000"]$diDefensiveTreaty;[/color]CURRENT
[color="#FF0000"]// edited, missed the diplomatic alias[/color]

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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remark taken , Loki and thanks

Sun Dec 15, 2013 8:57 pm

loki100 wrote:Hi Christophe

as ever following this with interest (and some guilt as I've not done much with the Risorgimento chain), but [color="#FF0000"]you'll need some means to end the French defensive alliance or this won't happen[/color]. Not only are those things immortal (as you've covered elsewhere) but they even survive if one party refuses to go to war to protect the other. In my game, France didn't back me against Germany but much to my surprise even that didn't lead them to revoke the defensive alliance.

In general understanding the shifts in Italian diplomacy post Risorgimento up to its entry in WW1 is not easy. I mean we know what they did and when, but the whys (even in Italian history books) is opaque. I think it was a combination of panic (we need one big protector and either France or Germany will do) and a somewhat attention grabbing. As a new state, with no shortage of internal dissent, I think they often wanted to matter in terms of European diplomacy (the idiocy of David Cameron is a good contemporary example of this). So crudely, they kept on trying to make sure there were not invisible in international terms.


answering in a hurry (was writing the other events, the Racongini treaty is on the fire, then lot of russian diplomacy, especially russian german), trying to make it conditional, several levels of conditionnality in turning points possible, we've really a lot to do, guess this is the first step, duplicating mechanisms, but still rather automatic, step two will be adding flexibility

agree about ending french alliance (don't forget we are supposed to have them last 10 years and not forever now) - I should write periodical modifiers taking objectives and ratio of strength into account
Italian politics seems understandable through my very mechanistic analysis - very opportunistic, but, surprisingly, not in 1870, not at all

- placeholder - more of it later
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Russian-Italian Racconigi Bargain

Mon Dec 16, 2013 1:59 am

this one is a follow up of Italy distanciating from Triplice and moving towards entente - bac sically, Russian and Italian recognized reciprocal interests in Bosphorus (Russia) and Tripolitania-Cyrenaica (Italy), both discussed the future of Balkans, in terms little favourable to Austria, and Russia tried to patch friction between Serbia and Italy, who had views on same lands, Albania (Ottoman) and Illyria (Austrian)

while not followed by concrete steps, it marked a closer association of Italy to triple rentente (as Italian relations with Britain and France were already very good)

SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $Lazzio
StartEvent = Event_nam_ITA_Racconigi_Agreement1909|1|2|NULL|NULL|$Lazzio|NULL

MinDate = 1909/10/01
MaxDate = 1920/12/31
Probability = 50

SelectFaction = $RUS
EvalRgnOwned = $constantinople;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GER;diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
EvalDiploItem = AUS;diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
EvalDiploItem = TUR;diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GBR;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = ITA;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GER;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = FRA;$diWar;NOT

SelectFaction = $ITA
EvalDiploItem = TUR;diDefensiveTreaty;NOT
EvalDiploItem = SER;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = AUS;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = GER;$diWar;NOT
EvalDiploItem = FRA;$diWar;NOT


SelectFaction = $ITA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;40;*Military*;100;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;250;*Military*;70
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;50;*Military*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*Military*;70
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ALB;*War*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = SER;*War*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;400

SelectFaction = $GBR
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;250;*Military*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*Military*;20
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;80;*CB*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;80;*CB*;0

SelectFaction = $AUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*Military*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BUL;*Military*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;250
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;250

SelectFaction = $RUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;250;*Military*;20
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;40;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;400;*Military*;20
AI.SetDiploItemBias = SER;*War*;40;*Military*;400
AI.SetDiploItemBias = MON;*War*;40;*Military*;400

SelectFaction = $FRA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;250
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;50;*Military*;200

SelectFaction = $ITA
AddDiploItem = RUS;$diShowSupport;CURRENT
ChangeFacMorale = 10
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;10
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;5
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;-5
ChgFacRelationships = GER;-5
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;-10
ChgVPCount = 50
ChgObjective = $Albania;8

DescEvent = evt_desc_ITA_Racconigi_Agreement1909
// to describe

SelectFaction = $RUS
AddDiploItem = ITA;$diShowSupport;CURRENT
ChangeFacMorale = 10
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;5
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;-5
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;-10
ChgVPCount = 50

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:18 am

Christophe.Barot wrote:SelectFaction = $CMN
SelectRegion = $[color="#FF0000"]Lazzio[/color]
StartEvent = Event_nam_ITA_Racconigi_Agreement1909|1|2|NULL|NULL|$Lazzio|NULL

Hi all, just a little thing: the correct Region name is Lazio (not Lazzio). Regards.

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Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:38 am

cohimbra wrote:Hi all, just a little thing: the correct Region name is Lazio (not Lazzio). Regards.

in game terms, I'm afraid, not a bug - its the province name in the core database (agree it is not the right spelling in Italian but there are a number of these issues)
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Thu Jan 02, 2014 9:51 am

loki100 wrote:in game terms, I'm afraid, not a bug - its the province name in the core database (agree it is not the right spelling in Italian but there are a number of these issues)

Oh well, in this case Lazzio is ok.

PS. I also want to thank you for your response in the Suez Canal thread.

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:06 pm

actually, in game terms I guess both spellings are ok, some provinces have been renamed, and[color="#40E0D0"] I think test works on any of both names[/color] -while initial events have obviously been written with older ones

UID Name [color="#FF0000"]§NEWName[/color]
81 Liguria Liguria
82 Piemonte Piemonte
83 Alessandria Alessandria
84 Lombardia Lombardia
85 Venetia [color="#FF0000"]Venezia[/color]
86 Friuli Friuli
87 Parma [color="#FF0000"]Po[/color]
88 Romagna Romagna
89 Toscana Toscana
90 Lazzio [color="#FF0000"]Lazio[/color]
91 Marche [color="#FF0000"]Abruzzo[/color]
92 Napoli [color="#FF0000"]Campania[/color]
93 Puglia Puglia
94 Calabria Calabria
95 Sicilia Sicilia
96 Sardinia Sardinia
2867 La Spezia La Spezia

[color="#FF0000"]could Philthib, Pocus or Generalissimo confirm this point ?[/color]
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 6:25 pm

Absolutely not, the tests will work only with the names that you find inside the DB, i.e. in the RGN files...the names you see on map are purely "chrome", i.e. they exist only in the game's strings database and were entered as flavor names when some players complained about naming of regions.... for instance, if your are searching/testing for region 91, the data $Marche will work...the data $Abruzzo does not exist and will, at best do nothing, at worst make an error...

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Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:01 pm

:coeurs: noted, thanks a lot Philippe, so will double check my scripts to take care not having used the new names (guess i used Vene[color="#FF0000"]z[/color]ia for instance ..)

thanks for your answer
[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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