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PON2-scripting Turning points - Pangermanism revisited

Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:34 pm


Here are the German demands in 1915, after the Marne Counterattack ended hopes of a quick victory over France maximum demands of Pangermanists included the whole of Baltic States, Bielorussia, and a considerable additional slice of France - full Mitteleuropa included also, besides annexation, a de facto protectorate on Netherlands, Scandinavia, Balkans, Switzerland, and Ottoman Empire, from Berlin to Baghdad - the "MittelAfrika planned was nice too, and, besides French and Belgians, Portuguese were supposed to pay for it" (in continuity with the Joseph Chamberlain/Germany talks)

for commodity, Pangermanism, new course (neuen kurz), and world policy (weltpolitik) and other imperial concepts like weltmacht and "place in the sun" are all regrouped into "Pangermanism", which was a popular and influential (amond decision circles) movement, but not the official doctrine of Germany

as such, it drove a VERY SUCCESSFUL germany from a cautious and reluctantly colonial (rather than really purely European in the end, as Bismarck attempted to deter colonialism, but failed to totally prevent it, as it derived from internal commercial industrial and imperialist culturally dynamism in Germany as well as in many other nations. Bismarck wanted to avoid colonialism, as overseas colonies needed a fleet to defend them, and building a warfleet would have antagoniozed Britain, and Bismarck, to isolate France (and revanche war) wanted to keep good relations with just everyother great power.)

My analysis is that the need for imperialism resulted from deep move and structure of germùan society, and his hubris from her very successes in science, industry, and wars : industrials wanted expansion, nationalists wanted expansion, army and marine wanted expansion, German structure was a unique mixture of reactionary hypernationalist and, had even the Kaiser not be keen of prestige, any government would have been DRIVEN to agressive politics and likely overplaying his hand - the society (konzerns, nobility, army, imperial family, everybody that counted, "good" society, not social democrats or even centrists and liberals - which were not adverse to such expansion for the latter) just DEMANDED it

so it was not just a one man decision, path, would it be the Emperor or the Kanzler - and as the head of state had not really this option, my guess is that the player, put in his shoes, in historic situation with historic constraints, should not have THIS choice either !

(to be or not to be ... as nationalists say, "when Gott has created you superior, dominate the inferior nations and races is a divine mission" ....) and for a game, it's really really more fun I think - If you don't try with arrogance, with the Imperial Wilhelbian Germany, to crush France one and for all, support your Austrian JUNIOR partner (drang nach Salonika), challenge the British on the seas, the Americans in western hemisphere, support the Czar against Japanese (not European people, must I remind you ;) ) and strip the Czar from Poles and Balts too (Drang nach Osten) , with what nation are you going to try ? pangermanist Imperial Germany is the only nation where you can sweep the board, attack almost everyone and his cousin, and still remain in historic plausibility lines, a godsent for a player :w00t: :thumbsup: ...

still it remains open to a welcome discussion, personally, I [color="#FF0000"]could take an additional condition as IF France has all stronger Army, Alsace and lorraine[/color], OK, germany remain cautious, shy, and "classical"

but else, let's try your luck, "you germans fear Gott and nobody else", have a try to sweep the board, "manifest destiny americans" have to be content with Spain, Russia with Turks, unless blessed with a tough japan and everybody else with natiives - you have a challenge !

here it is :

SelectFaction = $GER
SelectRegion = $Brandenburg
StartEvent = evt_nam_GER_Pangermanism1891|1|2|evt_txt_GER_Pangermanism1891|Event-img_GER_Pangermanism1891|$Brandenburg|NULL

MinDate = 1891/01/01
MaxDate = 1899/12/31
Probability = 50

DescEvent = evt_desc_GER_Pangermanism1891
ChgVPCount = 150
ChangeFacMorale = 5

[color="#40E0D0"]// I changed the objectives as Lorraine must ALREADY be German, I added the historical ones and set loyalty at 25 so making them annexable - what use is an unannexable objective in peace negociations - [color="#FF0000"]risk is of course an imbalance[/color] (to discuss) as an agressive germany will try to take them early, but I guess warscore lmimit it, AI is usually rather passive, and hell, that's what Gtreat war is for ...[/color]

ChgObjective = $Mazowsze;8
ChgObjective = $Livonia;5
ChgObjective = $Meuse;3
ChgObjective = $Wallonie;8
ChgObjective = $Luxemburg;8
ChgObjective = $Litauen;5
ChgObjective = $Comte;3
ChgObjective = $Kurland;5
ChgObjective = $Loanda;3
ChgObjective = $Mozambique;3
ChgObjective = $Kinshassa;3

[color="#40E0D0"]// I expand relationships change as other nations reacted usually, not by outright hostility and provocation, but my patching up other conflicts and getting closer to other competitors - it isolates germany - this is absolutely STRUCTURALLY historical[/color]

ChgFacRelationships = FRA;-10
ChgFacRelationships = RUS;-10
ChgFacRelationships = BEL;-10
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;-5
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;-5
ChgFacRelationships = POR;-5
ChgFacRelationships = AUS;10

SelectFaction = $RUS
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;10
ChgFacRelationships = GBR;10

SelectFaction = $GBR
ChgFacRelationships = FRA;10
ChgFacRelationships = BEL;10
ChgFacRelationships = POR;10
ChgFacRelationships = USA;10
ChgFacRelationships = JAP;10
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;10
ChgFacRelationships = TUR;-5

SelectFaction = $FRA
ChgFacRelationships = BEL;10
ChgFacRelationships = USA;10
ChgFacRelationships = ITA;10

SelectFaction = $GER

SelectRegion = $Letuva
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Kurland
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Memelland
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Litauen
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Livonia
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Modlin
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Wielkopolska
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Mazowsze
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Wallonie
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Luxemburg
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Vlandeern
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Comte
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Meuse
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

SelectRegion = $Vosges
ChangeLoyaltyFac = 25

/[color="#40E0D0"]/ then I change relationships - there is vey little change (except the tendancy to lend support) compared to 1890 situation (which incorporated a pangermanist germany and his relationshsips) - I took often identical values - though, there are SOME differences, slight, but usually making Germany less popular (if You play germany, better trying getting along (especially with Britain and Russia) before Pangermanism event fires, after this si SLIGHTLY more difficult[/color]

SelectFaction = $GBR

AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;80;*CB*;40;*Military*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;80;*CB*;10;*Military*;200;*DipSupport*;300
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;120;*CB*;100;*Military*;80
AI.SetDiploItemBias = JAP;*War*;50;*CB*;10;*Military*;300;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BEL;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;300;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;100;*DipSupport*;500
AI.SetDiploItemBias = POR;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;200;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = USA;*War*;50;*CB*;10;*Military*;50;*Supply*;50;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;200

SelectFaction = $GER
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;400;*Supply*;50;*Passage*;50;*DipSupport*;500
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;200;*CB*;100;*Military*;60;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Military*;100;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;300;*CB*;150;*Commerce*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;150;*CB*;50;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;150;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = JAP;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = CHI;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = USA;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;300;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BEL;*War*;200;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = POR;*War*;200;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BUL;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;200;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TRV;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;150;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;500
AI.SetDiploItemBias = OFS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;150;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;500

SelectFaction = $AUS

AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;100;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;200;*Supply*;100;*Passage*;100
AI.SetDiploItemBias = SER;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = MON;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUM;*War*;300;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;50
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BUL;*War*;10;*CB*;10;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;150
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;300;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;30;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;200;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;300

SelectFaction = $RUS
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;80;*CB*;40;*Military*;100;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = FRA;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;300;*Military*;400;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;70;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;300;*CB*;150;*Military*;40;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;100;*CB*;0;*Military*;60;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Military*;80;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = SER;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;300;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = MON;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;300;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUM;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;300;*Supply*;200;*Passage*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BUL;*War*;100;*CB*;50;*Commerce*;100;*Military*;100;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0

SelectFaction = $FRA
AI.SetDiploItemBias = TUR;*War*;150;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = RUS;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Military*;500;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;500
AI.SetDiploItemBias = AUS;*War*;150;*CB*;0;*Military*;50;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GBR;*War*;50;*CB*;50;*Military*;300;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;200
AI.SetDiploItemBias = ITA;*War*;100;*CB*;100;*Commerce*;50;*Military*;100;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = GER;*War*;300;*CB*;200;*Military*;0;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = USA;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;200;*Military*;200;*Supply*;0;*Passage*;0
AI.SetDiploItemBias = BEL;*War*;50;*CB*;0;*Commerce*;150;*Military*;200;*Passage*;0;*DipSupport*;300

[color="#FF0000"]- (ordnance) Your Lordship, sorry to awake you, but The french are at our door !

- Alarm, alarm, how did you let this happen and not awake me ! repel them, counterattack at once !

- err, your Lordship, ahem... French are our allies, Marshal de St Arnaud is expected to attend to a conference with you !

- ahem, well, .... very well ..let them in !

(charge of the light brigade movie)

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