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Major Generals Mod

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 8:18 am
by Teatime
Here is a small mod for the primary purpose of maxing US Generals out at Maj General (except for Grant who can still go to Lt gen) and allowing Maj Gens to lead armies

1. Backup - CW2 > GameData >Models
2. Backup - CW2 > Graphics > Armies&Fleets
3. Backup - CW2 > Graphics > NATOSymbols
4. Backup - CW2 > Settings
5. Unzip File and copy CW2 folder over your game CW2 folder replacing all files
6. Delete models.cached in the CW2 > GameData >Models folder

What has changed
Brig Gens are now leader rank 2
Maj Gens are now leader rank 3 (which allows Union Generals at least to form armies)
Lt Gens are now leader rank 4
Symbols have been adjusted to reflect the appropriate stars
Added a couple of entries in the GameLogic.opt file for leader rank 4
Adjusted command points in the GameLogic.opt file
Change leader progression down from 10 to 5 to try to maintain about the same rate for promotions

What I am not sure about
Since the game didn't really use rank 4 generals I don't know if there is anything hidden which gives them extra benefits or affects anything other than command
Unsure if the progression rate may be a touch untuned, looks OK in the testing I have done
If the Ai really reacts well but from my playtesting it seems fine but I haven't tested much on the base game as I use my own modded version.

Any feedback appreciated, it really just works with the current base general models so does not significantly change the game.

If you decide to use it I hope it works well


Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 1:26 pm
by Blood and Thunder Brigade
Nice! I'll give this a spin as soon as I can :)

Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2020 10:39 pm
by grimjaw
Teatime, from my own testing, rank 4 iwas broken, or not implemented fully. Whatever the case, I've tried a variant of what you've done and rank 4 didn't work as I intended.

I am planning to implement a version of your end result, but I did it like this for the union.

BG - rank 1
MG no corps - rank 2 + a model file flag
MG w/corps - rank 2 + a model file flag
MG w/!army - rank 3

The NATO symbol images for 3-star I just replaced w/2-star symbols. I also fiddled heavily with the seniority numbers to keep the 2-star ranks from running over each other.

Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2020 12:33 pm
by Teatime
Hey Grim, Nice to see you still around and active

Re rank 4 Generals

I did find a coupe of parameters that needed to be added to the GameLogic.opt file for Rank 4 but that's all I could see

1. Command Points (No parameter for rank 4)

2. Cohesion Recovery (Again no parameter for rank 4)

Don't know if you found those 2 or maybe found others and I haven't really tested far enough to see the impact of Rank 4 Gens

Challenge is that CSA only Lt Gens commanded armies but USA it was Maj Gens and with the game only allowing rank 3+ to command armies it is hard emulate to MG vs LG variation between the armies unless rank 4 works

Will continue my testing and if anyone tries this mod and strikes issues it would be good to know about them

Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:24 am
by grimjaw
The link below is what I ran into trying to mod in rank 4. I'm not claiming you haven't done it or that it's not possible. I'm not in a position currently to download your work and try it out. I'm just saying I went down this road before and got a negative response from the developers. I know there are things in the engine they can be unearthed with some digging. Nuclear bombers, for example (there are families with that name).


Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:21 pm
by Teatime
Cheers for that some interesting information and I will read in more detail as I only considered the Rank 4 as an option recently.

I am not looking for a Rank 4 Lt Gen to have any greater capability than a Rank 3 Maj Gen just really the flavour of the 3 stars.

I don't feel even Grant could effectively do much more than set grand strategy, review plans and replace commanders if he wasn't actually with that army.

I would also like to limit CSA to Lt Gen army commanders but don't believe I can do that.

I am still testing this out to see what effect it has and at the moment, fundamentally, to me they seem to be operating as I want but still not sure yet.

The only concern I do have is that I don't seem to be getting the Maj Gen to Maj Gen promotion I have on Sherman and Grant to trigger.

Grant is MG > MG+ > LG genius

Sherman is BG > MG > MG Genius

Not sure if the Rank 3 to Rank 3 tech upgrade is working but will keep testing

Re: Major Generals Mod

Posted: Tue Dec 15, 2020 9:25 pm
by Teatime
For those using this, I am still having trouble triggering those Rank3 to Rank3 upgrades

Rank2 to Rank3 are working fine

Now trying training upgrades, once I figure it out I will update the mod