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Technical problem with regional decisions

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 9:10 pm
by Anomander Rake
I played pbem game and performed a lot of regional decisiona last turn. Most of them were oddly changed to "Submarine attack is not valid: it must be a water region". I of course used another deccision (revolution or something like this). Also Air attack was not valid although I used it in a "green" provincewith good air reccon and enemy presence. Any ideas? Thanks.

Re: Technical problem with regional decisions

Posted: Fri Feb 05, 2021 11:38 pm
by Durk
Are you and your opponent in the same build with the same settings?
And, are you sending files either compressed, zip or rar, or via dropbox?

Any of the above could be the problem.
If yes to all of the above, please repost.
If no to any of the above, you will need to start a fresh game.

Re: Technical problem with regional decisions

Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2021 1:09 am
by Anomander Rake
Hi Durk and thank you for your answer. We used dropbox and also WINRAR for convenience.
I didn't change my setting but I'm not sure about my opponent (probably also not). It was checked.
What do you mean when you wrote "repost"? I have loaded game with turn had sent by an opponent and saw these errors. He should just send me game again or execute turn again?

Re: Technical problem with regional decisions

Posted: Sun Feb 07, 2021 1:40 am
by Durk
Sorry, by repost I meant if one of my suggestions did not make the game work again to submit a new message in this forum.
This game is usually clean in how its events run. So if you are both running in administrative mode and in the same version, then the problem might be a bit more of an issue to trouble shoot.
I have only seen the problem you two have experienced when different versions of the game are being used.

Re: Technical problem with regional decisions

Posted: Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:33 pm
by Anomander Rake
Everything is clear now. Auto update didn't work, so we had different game versions.