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Armies and Brigades

Wed Nov 27, 2013 6:44 am


First of all congratulations to the Game Designer.
SCW is definitely a point of interest in military history, with very few good games available, and it seems he did a wonderful job.

I have started playing the game that looks quite nice and realistic.

I have however a couple of questions, especially when comparing with the gameplay in AACW which I played a lot :

- Is there a way to know how many armies and brigades can be built, and when. This is very painful not knowing this while trying to organize the army.
I also note there is some confusion/mix between division and brigades in some tutorial/game manual document. It seems there are actually only brigades, while in AACW there were both, but sometimes in España one refers to Brigade and sometimes to Division.

- Is there a way to have some information about planned reinforcements...this is also quite missing !

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Thu Nov 28, 2013 9:27 am

Hi, thanks steph25.

- Only the Reps can build brigades, as much as you need (there is a limit but is really high)
- Divisions, beginning december Nationalists can create five and Reps a number around five, cant remember now.
In Spring 37' both can make more, i'm currently playing a pbem and in June i can create 20 divs as Nationalist.
Sorry but there is no info about reinforcements.
Headquarter game designer of Battles For Spain, Ageod English Civil War, España:1936 and Thirty Years War
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Fri Nov 29, 2013 12:19 am

steph25 wrote:Hello,

First of all congratulations to the Game Designer.
SCW is definitely a point of interest in military history, with very few good games available, and it seems he did a wonderful job.

I have started playing the game that looks quite nice and realistic.

I have however a couple of questions, especially when comparing with the gameplay in AACW which I played a lot :

- Is there a way to know how many armies and brigades can be built, and when. This is very painful not knowing this while trying to organize the army.
I also note there is some confusion/mix between division and brigades in some tutorial/game manual document. It seems there are actually only brigades, while in AACW there were both, but sometimes in España one refers to Brigade and sometimes to Division.

- Is there a way to have some information about planned reinforcements...this is also quite missing !

There is no printed information about reinforcements, but I can offer a bit from what I remember.

As nationalists, you will immediately get several Army of Africa options to play, which each gives an elite African regiment. Shortly before the option of creating divisions arrive, you should get the condor legion (German planes and 2 tank units). The Italians will arrive 1937 iirc, and consists of a very large amount of competent troops, and most importantly lots and lots of artillery. Nationalists gets very few (1 or 2) purchase italian/german artillery events. Towards the end when the fun is mostly over (like in real life too), you will get some Irish catholics, and 1 unit of Portuguese Viriatos. These 2 have the same stats (not sure why). Towards the end of the war you get some naval reinforcements of varying types as well. Your Germans and Italians stay for the entire war, so don't forget to reinforce them. This is different from Revolution under Siege, where most white players use foreigners as cannon fodder and never reinforce. IIRC, I never reinforced the Czechs or Japanese if I am Kolchak, and I never reinforce the Americans/ Greeks/ Latvians as Southern Whites. I never played reds, but I believe it is similar to situation with the Ukrainian Anarchists, as Red players have an incentive to use the Blacks as cannon fodder. Losing foreign units was nothing to worry about, but losing Main Russians was bad (lots of units were bad at fighting outside of their home and could never take Moscow).

Currently in a republican game, and one major source of reinforcements would be the Foreign Brigades, and Soviets give you toys as well. However, the Foreigners LEAVE you near the end of 1938 I think, so don't reinforce them too much at the end, and feel free to use them as assault cannon fodder (as long as the NM loss from losing them is smaller than the benefits).

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