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Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:34 pm

Hello Civil War 2 Community,
Naturmix and I are fighting again in our 10th, if freedom succeed or the slavery.
And I am sure, that this time freedom will win over the slavery and I will get my first victory.

Naturmix and I writing simultaneously our AAr, if you want to see Naturmix view, you can read his AAr below.

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Round 2.
The first battle is an historical Fort Sumter, no casualties.

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Round 3.

This is good, Sam Houston’s event with two cavalry units spawned. I try defend the town Dalles to the last man! Because it is now an objective town, to the end of 1961.

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Round 5.
Yes, as the Union I will build out my industry. But why? Because of the money and war supply.
With this four decision, it starts to build 22 Armory and 5 Iron works.
This means 40 new war supply and 27 money every round!
And also when I testing some stuff in this game, I found out, that when the industry starts to build you get immediately the money and war supplies and don’t need to wait that the building will be finished. I don’t know if this a bug or not.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:02 pm

4.png (4.8 MiB) Viewed 6445 times

Round 5.
I decided that the two star general R. Milroy and the other one star generals Lewis L Wallace and G. Morell will take Harper’s Ferry, for two objective.
1. To take the armory that gives Naturmix 1 money!
2. To have a foothold in this region for further operations!
I know that Joseph E. Johnsten and P. G. T. Beauregard will be active next round, and this gives me time to take the city!
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Round 5.
My cavalry first victory and my cavalry binds to this region 3. cavalry one arterially and one militia. This is helpful, because Naturmix will likely use these troops to attack Saint Louis.
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Round 5.
Naturmix started to build troops in Rolla and arterially in Springfield. ( I know it, because the red circle stands for arterially and green for troops or militia)
I think he wants to have this region to have good postion to starts attacks on Saint Louis. But I will not let him do this!
That’s why I will move Nathaniel Lyon to Rolla and then to Springfield and hopefully take Springfield, before Price shows up.
From the north 2. militia and one cavalry are on the way to take Jefferson City and then to reinforce Nathaniel Lyon and from the east two generals.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Sun Aug 18, 2019 5:36 pm

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Round 7
My two cavalry are victory! Again, I think I can hold the City Dallas.
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Round 7
Not good but also not bad, Naturmix fleet have catch my ships, when I was sending them to my main fleet. At least he only destroyed four elements. When I finally can build my Iron clads, I will dominate the Mississippi!
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Round 8
I don’t think, I can take Manassas, I will eat the -10 national moral and try to avoid the other -10 national moral. (The moving from Irvin Mcdowell was a click mistake and Naturmix was so nice not to attack when I was moving Irvin Mcdowell back to Alexandira)
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Round 8
Shelby attacked Nathaniel Lyon, when I was trying to take Rolla.
I can now take Rolla, without worry about Shelby.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:36 pm

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Round 6
My plan failed, I have not taken Harper’s Ferry and Joseph E. Johnston pushed me over the river. And also he destroyed 3 Elements from me.
My plan is now to defend Fredericktown with the river bonus.
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Round 6
The third battle of Rolla and yet I have not taken Rolla.
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Round 7
Finally, after four battle over Rolla I conquer the city, but in an accident I destroyed the city. Ups
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Round 9
Naturmix Army pushed over the river and now Joseh E Johnston is in the north. In every game Naturmix is really aggressive. And because of the continuously attacks I cannot get a army for Butler ready to take new Orleans. I will try to push him back over the river after this I will prepare my nave invasions.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Mon Aug 26, 2019 7:27 pm

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Round 10
James Longstreet army chased the Army from R. Milroy to north and successfully destroyed 6 Elements from me.
4xsupply wagons
This loses are acceptable.
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Round 10
This are my bravest cavalry, they hold seven round the city.
I will now move my cavalry to Rolla to reinforce my cavalry General C.P.Stone.

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Round 11
The Garrison from Dellas hold to the last man to defend the city from the rebel scum!
They are heroes of the Union!

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Round 11
I was trying to attack John B. Magruder with Joseph B. Hooker to take Fredericksburg, to archive that Naturmix must react to this and move his army’s in the north to the south.
My chances was good to win this battle. But unfortunately Naturmix anticipate my move and moved from Manassas to Falmouth.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Mon Aug 26, 2019 8:20 pm

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Round 12
My operation “Reverse” will start in Early November!
This operation will have two goals!

The first goal is the encirclement of the army’s from Joseh E. Johnston and James Longstreet.
To archive the encirclement, I will move three Forces to the south with the strength of 600.
R. Milroy’s Detachment will be in the area Montgomery, F.J Porter’s Force in Caroll and the G. Macall’ Force will be in York.
And the army from Irven McDowell will defend my smaller forces from Beauregard.
When I successful encircled his forces, then I will try to starve them out.
After this, I will destroy or weaken his forces.
I think Naturmix will try two things to rescue his army.

The first possibility is, that he tries to attack both cities, to ensure he have enough supply, BUT both cities have a strength of 170, and the entrenchment bonus of level 3 and I also send two generals to the cities!
This attack will be costly and I can defeat his weakened army.
The second think is that Naturmix will try to break out of my encirclement, I will try to stop this.
My second goal is to invade the south, when I have successfully destroyed or weakened his forces.

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Round 13
Ulysses S. Grant is heading south with a strong army!

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Sun Sep 01, 2019 6:41 pm

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Round 14
Like I expected, Joseph E. Johnston takes Baltimore. Unfortunately, the casualties are not really high what I expected. But this gave me one more round to move my forces.

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Round 14
I pushed John. B Magruder over the River to secure the city Falmouth and Washington.

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Round 15
In the far west, Naturmix have taken one of my outpost from me.
The far west is for the war not imported. That’s why I will only use the forces that are in the area without reinforcement.

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Round 15
James Longstreet was trying to go west, but fortunately, I expected this move and won with John C. Fremont.

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Re: Murtagks(USA) vs Naturamix(CSA) Freedom!

Wed Sep 04, 2019 7:06 pm

25.png (4.36 MiB) Viewed 6278 times

Round 15
My 2000 strong army with Butler in command have now the task to take New Orleans! I hope this operation will work, because I will get then 27 money and 16 war supplies!
And finally, this will be my revenge because of his navel invasion as the Union!

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Round 15
Naturmix, have now most likely found out what my plan is, that’s why I must holt the area Caroll!
I am sure he will attack me in the next round!

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Round 16
Naturmix have attacked Irvin McDowell with Beauregard, unfortunately I lost the battle of Alexandria, what I am not really understand.
Now he have full control of the area Alexandria and he has the river bonus!
I will try to move with Irvin McDowell to Leesburg to flank his army and my fleet will stop the possibility that Beauregard will cross over the river!

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Round 17
That is not good, Joseph J. Johnston won the battle against John C. Fremont.
I will put my both army’s at “Hold at all Cost!” to try to defend this area.
In addition, I will use a strong force from the north to reinforce my army.

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