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Missouri Brigade

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 4:50 pm
by lightbrave
The Missouri Brigade appears early 1862 and is an elite brigade for the CSA. Its starts out with 4 or 5 elements and has one element left to be made. Now I'm not making this up but I remember seeing the brigade split up in previous games iv played against Athena. Iv seen where there was just 1 elite regiment independent from the rest of the brigade. I distinctly remember this because I thought is was kind of strange when I played Athena early on before i started PBEM. I know it does not seem like a big deal but and extra elite unit to put in a division I think is huge for CSA seeing as we get very few elite brigades compared to the Union. In my PBEM game I'm playing right now they didn't split up. Has anybody ever noticed this in playing as CSA and if so, does anybody know how to ensure the extra independent elite regiment? Iv seen this happen twice so there has to be something to it.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 5:34 pm
by Gray Fox
In the CW2 DB, a CSA Missouri Brigade exists with Unit ID #226 that is Elite. However, I could not find a single elite MO regiment unit. I am not aware of a method to "split up" a brigade. It would be possible to have the elite infantry regiment survive when the MO Brigade got gutted in battle. However, I believe that the other components remain in red in the brigade. That's all I know.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2017 8:41 pm
by richfed
I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but the Missouri Brigade usually [always?] appears in the game not yet fully formed. Shortly thereafter, another brigade or two will appear separately. Together, they form the full Missouri Brigade.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 12:51 am
by ArmChairGeneral
I recall this happening to me once, I think it had something to do with the brigade being locked or somehow being ineligble to receive the new elements, so they (it?) appeared elsewhere.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:30 am
by lightbrave
ArmChairGeneral wrote:I recall this happening to me once, I think it had something to do with the brigade being locked or somehow being ineligble to receive the new elements, so they (it?) appeared elsewhere.

Yes, I'm pretty sure I remember an extra regiment or 2 appear separately. I think it was just 1 regiment though. But still, one regiment will enhance a whole division. What would you guys suggest I do to find out if this is something that can be controlled or not? Every little bit helps.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 11:32 am
by lightbrave
richfed wrote:I'm not sure I understand what you mean, but the Missouri Brigade usually [always?] appears in the game not yet fully formed. Shortly thereafter, another brigade or two will appear separately. Together, they form the full Missouri Brigade.

You must mean regiment. I don't see how 1 or 2 more brigades form up with the Missouri Brigade to form the Missouri Brigade.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2017 10:12 pm
by richfed
Yes ... I did mean regiments. Ooops!

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 12:31 am
by lightbrave
I guess ill wait to see if another regiment appears in my current game. I don't think it will since my Brigade is already fully formed this time. If not then I think collectively we should figure out what the deal is.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 1:24 am
by ArmChairGeneral
One question is whether or not the extra element arrives via script or whether it is filled from the Elite replacements pool because the unit has an empty slot in its TOE.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2017 4:54 pm
by Captain_Orso
The Missouri Bde spawns per script missing an element (an elite infantry regiment). The missing regiment spawns per event a turn or so later, possibly in the same location, but not necessarily.

You could combine these two units to satisfy any OCD tendencies, OR since the 'Strong Morale' ability only requires one single element to have the ability for an entire division to enjoy the perks of the ability, you could simply leave the two units separated and add each of them to a different division, thus providing two divisions with the 'Strong Morale' ability perk instead of just one.

And if your OCD won't lest you rest, you can still have the missing element in the Missouri Brigade replaced normally, and still leave the elite single element unit in a division.

But if your OCD is really that bad... :blink: ... go ahead and combine them :(

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 12:59 am
by lightbrave
I would like to ensure that they spit in different places as I would like the buff for a whole other division. But from what I gather its all by chance. Is there any known way to ensure the split?

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Sun Nov 19, 2017 11:20 am
by Captain_Orso
There is no "split". Read what I wrote in my previous post. The Missouri Bde unit is spawned missing an element. A few turns later a second unit containing a single elite element spawns.

I just checked the events. The second event looks for the Missouri Bde unit and spawns the second unit with the "missing" element in the Missouri Bde's location, so I was wrong about that in my previous post.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 4:34 am
by lightbrave
ok I'm a little confused then. In my current game the Missouri brigade formed missing and element (like you and I have said). A turn or 2 later the element appeared in the brigade so now my brigade is full and not split. What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the last element appear separately from the brigade (so I can have 2 divisions with the strong morale buff). I'm not seeing another element (of the Missouri brigade show up anywhere else). I know its done somehow. Is it random or do I have to do a certain thing to ensure it?

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2017 6:02 pm
by Captain_Orso
lightbrave wrote:ok I'm a little confused then. In my current game the Missouri brigade formed missing and element (like you and I have said). A turn or 2 later the element appeared in the brigade so now my brigade is full and not split.

I imagine the missing element was replace through a replacement chit. The events creating the 'Missouri Bde' unit and the '5th & 6th Missouri' unit cannot combine them automatically.

If you look at the Missouri Bde in the Unit Detail Panel you will see that there is no element named '5th & 6th Missouri' unless you combined those two units.

If you look in the message box you will also see a message that the Missouri Bde received 'some-element-name' at some point, and one when the '5th & 6th Missouri' unit is created you will get a message stating "5th MO Sharpshooters created in Ozarks. Can be merged with the Missouri Brigade."

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = CSA
StartEvent = evt_nam_CSA_MissouriBde|1|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

  MinDate = 1862/01/16
  MaxDate = 1862/03/16
  EvalUnqUnit = Missouri Bde;NOT

  DescEvent = evt_desc_CSA_MissouriBde
  SelectRegInArea = $Recruit_Ozarks;Squared;OwnedVPCities

SelectFaction = CSA
  Posture = $Defensive
  SetKind = $Land
  Entranch = 0
  InCS = 0
  FixType = 0
  SetName = Missouri Brigade
  SetType = $uni_CSA_BdeN13
  NumCreate = 6
  FlavorName = Brg.Gen. L.H.Little
  SUFlavorName = Wade's Art Bty|Clarke's Art Bty|1st Missouri Cav|1st Missouri|2nd Missouri|3rd Missouri|NULL
  SetName = Missouri Bde


SelectFaction = CSA
StartEvent = evt_nam_CSA_MissouriBdeReinforcement|1|1|NULL|NULL|NULL|NULL

  FixedDate = 1862/05/02
  EvalUnqUnit = Missouri Bde

  SelUnqUnit = Missouri Bde

  DescEvent = evt_desc_CSA_MissouriBdeReinforcement

SelectFaction = CSA
  Posture = $Defensive
  SetKind = $Land
  Entranch = 0
  InCS = 0
  FixType = 0
  SetName = Mo Bde Reinforcement
  SetType = $uni_CSA_Inf9
  FlavorName = Brg.Gen. L.H.Little
  SUFlavorName = 5th & 6th MO
  SetName = 5th & 6th Missouri


lightbrave wrote:What I'm trying to figure out is how to have the last element appear separately from the brigade

See above.

lightbrave wrote:(so I can have 2 divisions with the strong morale buff).


lightbrave wrote:I'm not seeing another element (of the Missouri brigade show up anywhere else). I know its done somehow. Is it random or do I have to do a certain thing to ensure it?

It happens per event, see above.

Re: Missouri Brigade

Posted: Sun Nov 26, 2017 1:09 am
by lightbrave
The extra regiments just appeared for me. Sorry for all the confusion but thanks for the helps anyways.