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Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:08 pm

I am a new player of Civil War II, only about 16 hours logged, and I am playing the Shiloh scenario as both the USA and CSA to get a feel for it. I have noticed that only the CSA gets Regional Decisions, and the USA gets none. Also, the CSA gets both the "Copperhead" and "Unionist" Regional Decisions, which seems strange, and I often see the CSA AI actually playing the Unionist on its own territories, which makes no sense. Is this a bug?

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Sat Jan 11, 2020 2:25 am

Not a bug, just a limit for a smaller scenario.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:56 pm

I never play anything but the full campaign so I haven't seen this. The CSA should not got Unionist cards regardless of the scenario. I'll look into it, but if it's broken I doubt an official fix will ever be issued.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:25 am

Let me say 1st that I don't work for AGEOD and am not associated with them in any way.

Ok, I had a look at it and it's messed up. The problem is in the script that generates the scenario. The regional decisions are created after the last include file is loaded for the scenario. The last faction selection for that include file is CSA. Then the command to set up the regional decisions runs but it never changes the faction selection before the command runs again. The end result is that the CSA gets decisions it shouldn't have and the USA gets no decisions at all. I dont know when this problem was introduced into the game. I find it hard to believe this is the first time it's been pointed out.

The fix for it is very easy. It only requires adding the appropriate faction selection before each command is run in the Shiloh script. The script would need to be recompiled after that. All this can be done with a text editor.

Thanks for pointing this issue out. It lets me know that AI is not very intelligent at all when comes selecting these decisions and may help me program decisions in a mod in the future.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:30 pm

Grimjaw, thanks for your help! I thought that it was strange. :blink:

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Tue Jan 14, 2020 10:28 pm

Edit: Never mind. I see that you pointed out the exact same thing in another subforum. :hat:

I think I found the bit that is the problem:

Code: Select all

SelectFaction = USA
  SetFacRelationships = CSA;-100
  ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdPlunder;2;$rgdDefensiveWorks;1;$rgdScorchedEarth;1;$rgdLandMine;1;$rgdPartisansRaid;2;$rgdPartisansAmbush;2;$rgdUSPartisansCreate;2;$rgdUnionists;1;$rgdSeaMine;2
  ChgRgnDecisionFP = $rgdPlunder;2;$rgdDefensiveWorks;1;$rgdScorchedEarth;2;$rgdLandMine;3;$rgdPartisansRaid;2;$rgdPartisansAmbush;2;$rgdCSPartisansCreate;2;$rgdCopperheads;1;$rgdSeaMine;1

The included file has SelectFaction = $CSA, so both definitions for regional decisions are for the CSA. The first line is meant for USA because it has $rgdUnionists, and the second is CSA because it has $rgdCopperheads.

Is there a guide to scripting? I would love to tinker with the scenarios to fix a few things.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Wed Jan 15, 2020 6:21 pm

There's no comprehensive guide that I'm aware of. The wiki was online the last I checked. I don't have the link in front of me (I'm on a phone) but it's posted on the forum somewhere. The developer recommended method of editing the various files is by using the spreadsheets and then generating the scripts. However, if you're only going to change one or two things, that's a lot of hassle. Easier to back up the file the game actually uses, and then edit it.

To correct the issue we're talking about here would only take one line added to the scenario script, but you'd still need to rebuild the scenario. Rebuilding, while somewhat arcane in method, only takes a few minutes.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Thu Jan 16, 2020 1:12 am

Well, I went through the process of generating a fix for this using the recommended method, but for some reason I can't add attachments to this post. Maybe I'm at a limit.

But I did post a fix in the help improve forum, including the attachments.

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Re: Regional Decisions in Shiloh Campaign

Thu Jan 16, 2020 4:54 pm

grimjaw wrote:There's no comprehensive guide that I'm aware of. The wiki was online the last I checked. I don't have the link in front of me (I'm on a phone) but it's posted on the forum somewhere.

I was able to find it. Thanks for your help!

AGEWiki: Modding Campaigns and Scenarios

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