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Transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea?

Sat Jun 23, 2018 6:09 pm

It's my first game, playing the confederacy, and until now, according to the log messages when my ships were placed in the "shipping lanes" box, I interrupted northern supply and in the "blockade" boxes, they were giving me some extra supply. I was letting them in the blockade box.

Recently, I got those steam frigates build in the UK, that were blocked for several turns in the shipping lanes, so I moved all my other ships there because of the admiral with an evasion bonus (just noticed in fact that the bonus doesn't apply when the fleet isn't moving, but doesn't matter).

And this time, instead of being told that I had blocked federal supply, I got this new message : "transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea". What does this mean? It seems to mean that this fleet could ship supply somewhere if for some obscure reason I had ended up with units somewhere off-map, say in Cuba or wherever. Maybe on the West Coast (California, for example) if I had troops there (I don't)? Maybe in some part of the main map that would have ended up isolated?

Anyway, at the moment, I've no units anywhere that could require "oversea supply", so I assume this is useless for me. And I'm wondering why this fleet doesn't interupt federal shipments anymore instead. The only difference I can see with the beginning of the game when it did is that I now have these two "steam frigates" in the box instead of only brigs. Do different types of ships do different things in the box?

Thanks in advance for your help.

Edit because I just thought of it : my fleet fought the previous turn, so maybe that's why I didn't interrupt any shipping, and besides I just took Fort Monroe last turn, so removing the blockade in Virginia, so maybe *this*, rather than fleet and boxes, has made the "transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea" message appear?

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Re: Transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea?

Sun Jun 24, 2018 4:41 pm

Welcome to the game!

So supply can be transported overland, via rail, via river shopping, or by sea (from port to port on costal regions). Sea transport requires transport ships in the sea lanes box. By putting some transports there, you gained some capacity. Don't worry, you didn't loose any supply to an overseas power, you simply shuffled some supply between your ports.

As the CSA, you usually have overseas shipping as 0 because it makes little sense investing in transports the union navy will kill. For the USA, that shipping is hugly important for supporting large sea based invasions.

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Re: Transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea?

Mon Jun 25, 2018 2:57 pm

Hi clairobscur, what patch level are you on? The latest is 1.06.1, but AFAIK the only substantial thing that patch brought was a graphics display change, which many have rated poorly, so maybe 1.06 would be the best.

The general rule is, if you have transport capacity in the Shipping Lanes, it will be evaluated as commercial shipping giving you Naval Transport capacity, which can be used to move supplies between coastal harbors. Because the Blue Water Blockade actually prevented this, IIRC this ability was removed from the Confederates in a patch.

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Re: Transport ships transported 20 supply points oversea?

Mon Jun 25, 2018 4:19 pm

Welcome Clairobscur!

"Recently, I got those steam frigates build in the UK, that were blocked for several turns in the shipping lanes, so I moved all my other ships there because of the admiral with an evasion bonus"

If you mean that you moved the starting brig units that are actually blockade runners to the Atlantic Shipping box, then you are losing out on their ability to "run" money and War Supply (WS). Also as you noticed, if you stack these ships with an Admiral, the ships Hide number actually decreases, so I never do that. By stacking all of your navy together in the Shipping box, it may be that your Frigates are now escorting the brigs as they uselessly transport General Supply and are no longer raiders. The brigs should be in the Blockade boxes to function as Blockade Runners. I set them to Green/Green, and Evade Combat. The Frigates, if stacked alone, should once again interfere with Union shipping. Finally, if you put Ocean Transports in the Shipping box, these will transport money and WS as the Union Transports do. However, this is a glitch and is considered an exploit. Good luck!
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